Any help with the Kundalini

So, since we don’t know when the polar shift will happen, we better be prepared, right?

I would like to know as much as possible about the Kundalini, how to activate it and how to make it stronger. I would appreciate your help :slight_smile: .


Mastering Kundalini and Energy Work


Unfortunately, that’s expensive XD


You can do 5 monthly payments of $65. Just put it on the credit card!


Oh I see. Is it a book that will help me?


It’s a video course, you buy it and it sends you an e-mail with a link to the course. Then, you have lifetime access to the course. You should go and listen to the video on the page where Robert Bruce describes what it is in fine detail.


I see, that’s interesting


So, the bad news is that I don’t have a credit card (nor a paypal) so I can’t do anything about it. My parents do but, I can’t possibly use their credit card for that (for obvious reasons)


Here start with this meditation, but if you really want to force it, clench your sphincter rhythmically while listening to a meditation or mantra video.

The serpent power Shakti lies dormant in the muldahara, wrapped around a phallus three and half times.

The serpents bite is poison, it can cause you much pain and suffering as much as it can enlighten, if one has not prepared themself mentally, like dealt with their shadow, those deep dark desires that we keep hidden because of societal norms and taboos, it can turn one into a monster, you need to balance your emotional state.


Are you under 18?

If you’re over 18 you can go to your bank and get your debit card upgraded to a visa-debit that for all intents and purposes acts like a credit card. And you can use your money online.


So, if I got that correctly, I need to be prepared before I can awaken my Kundalini. How can I balance my emotional state?


You need to resolve any inner conflicts you have, wether sexually, physically like body hang ups, too big to small , literally any hang ups you have, emotional issues repressed, stuff like “did such and such happen to me” , or violence committed to others, Kundalini will amplify everything about you inside, good and bad. Its literally something which will set you on a whole different life path, you may lose interest in everything you currently enjoy, passions, hobbies’, sexual partners, spouse’s. It Shakti will swallow your whole life, dissecting every life choice you have made so far and say I dont like that, that’s got to go, as she burns her way up your chakras’, through everything you hold dear as she search’s for Shiva in your crown chakra.

Its not to be taken lightly.


I have a really stupid question but it has to be asked. How do you KNOW if you have worked through everything enough and have done (is it also called shadow work") enough to have cleared away all your crap and it is ok to do this kundalini work? Thanks.


cough Mastering Kundalini and Energy Work cough

It goes into getting yourself ready for raising Kundalini.


Well firstly is there thoughts and memories’ that you currently run from and hate to think about, is there subjects from your past that you cant bare to feel or even share with those close to you. . Is there a pattern of negative and destructive behavior patterns you keep repeating even though you know you shouldn’t be doing, wether its , dating the wrong people, eating the wrong foods because they make you feel good, its literally an overhauling of a healthy body and mind which needs to take place or those behaviours and patterns will be amplified and worsened.

When one has an awakening like I did , I realised just how much I didn’t know about myself and the work I needed to do to better myself.

One needs to reconcile all the baggage collected over our life time or the Kundalini energy will get stuck in emotional knots as it works its way through the body, the body holds emotions in knots, like getting massage’s, they say “oh you carry alot of stress in your shoulders” , you need to work out all you emotional rubbish or the awakening will take longer and burn harder.

Hope that helps


It does. Thank you. It is hard though to assess how far you have come and if you are done or are repressing or holding things still. This has been very helpful to me. Thank you.


We can be our own worst enemies, constantly beating ourselves down over past mistakes or putting up with abuse from others because we think we deserve it, we have to learn to love ourselves again, I found a good book about how we should try remember the first time we felt negatively about ourselves, like the moment something harsh was said to us as a kid and we held onto into adult hood, alot of these things are the basis for our irrational self deprecating beliefs which have lead into negative behaviours, dealing with those hurtful events at the moment they happened, feeling and dealing with those emotions we spent running from, its never as bad as the fear of dealing with them then actually dealing with them. Namaste


Oooohhhh. So the negative self talk and stuff like that? I thought it was just coming to terms with all the hurt and forgiving those who hurt you… So I DO have work to do. Thanks.

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Yep quieting that monkey chatter, that’s what being still when meditating, learning to quiet the mind, even stuff like saying “oh you idiot” to yourself , when one becomes aware of the crap we say to ourselves, starting off when your telling yourself something negative say straight after “I reject that notion”, I do run down in my mind where that feeling came from, after a while you will start to realise there’s a shadow in the back of your mind that feeds off the consequences off those negative things we say to ourselves, the shadow is the one who makes you impulsive, seriously its like a negative thought form living in the back of our minds that’s become massive, part of our personality that we feed every day off negative emotions, I only found mine after my awakening because it was amplified so much I could easily identify,


Becoming aware of the negative inner dialogue which is detrimental to ones emotional well being. Stop feeding your demons. so to speak.