Anubis invocation

Yes, the hieroglyphics of his name, usually transliterated as Anpu. But that is my personal opinion, since I do not lump the Netjeru with demons and demonic sigils. I feel like this is the most “valid” since you are approaching him in a manner befitting his original culture.
Statues and other figural representations of him (even stuffed animals) are really prevalent, and there are tons of images that can be printed off the internet, in addition to lots of free information about him.
Now, don’t put his hieroglyphs in a cartouche, as that is only reserved for pharaohs. It is not necessary to encircle his name or symbol like you would a demonic sigil.


I don’t think egypt had crossroads but the Duat had many layers, I believe Anubis led them towards the final gate? as it was said that the solar barque had to go through all the prior layers before reaching Anpu and his judgement.

Anpu weighs the heart at the soul judgement, then leads the soul on to the Duat I think. Various “demons” are at each gate. The solar barque just travels through the Duat each night, with Ra and Set fighting off evilness, they don’t have anything to do with judgement.

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Ra no but Set is possibly as Father of Anpu and his his insertion as “friend of the dead”

Set was a friend of the dead, helping them to ascend to heaven on his ladder

Thank you, this so helpful :pray:

His father is usually said to be Osiris.
I don’t recall the association of Set with the dead, but I don’t remember everything.

Set and Nephthys were parents of Anpu but later with Osiris cult taking over and Set being moved from the beneficial God who stood side by side with Horus he lost all association with his children due to the story of him being castrated. So it was believed he could not father any children, but a few deities are said to be his children. Anpu, Sobek, Anpu’s sister as well as his brother Wepwawet. Sobek was considered a child of Set and Neith, but Set also with that change the father of Sobek to Khnum.

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So I actually had a Dream of them last night, my mother and Father I painted it this morning the symbols I need help understanding pm me if your interested bruh

Forgive my childish rendition it doesn’t truly encompass them by far.
Also this tree


@Anassa any insights on a possible Anubis sigil??

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What’s wrong with using the hieroglyphs? Remember these gods don’t appear in the grimoires. Any “sigil” is going to be modern.


Well I actually was searching him up on the forums And I ran into this one by V.K. Jehannum


I actually tried to Evoke him and used his hymn today I offerd fruit and water, I felt it worked.

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I found this sigil, but i can’t find any historical origin of that. It seems one of anubis name is “IPOS”.

anubis sigil

I highly recommend his name in hieroglyphs. It works the same way as a sigil. Calling his names will help too: Anpu, Khent Sehet and Sekhem Em Pet.

If you absolutely need a sigil, though it really isn’t needed, you can use this as I have checked it connects with him.


That’s not Anubis’s sigil that’s a goetia sigil that was linked to Anubis. Ipos is a goetia that is claimed to be Anpu but many have met them both and they’re not the same.


Awesome :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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So Ptah is the demiurge… Fuck

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He left the forum

Guys wat inciense should be good,? A guy told me any simple herb be good such cloves,any kind,frits incense,and candles,and a statue,any size not, picture or plastic

I know he really enjoy egyptian musk, really nice smell. If you can get yourself a nice statue sure, but a black candle will do perfectly.

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