Anubis invocation

I found this sigil, but i can’t find any historical origin of that. It seems one of anubis name is “IPOS”.

anubis sigil

I highly recommend his name in hieroglyphs. It works the same way as a sigil. Calling his names will help too: Anpu, Khent Sehet and Sekhem Em Pet.

If you absolutely need a sigil, though it really isn’t needed, you can use this as I have checked it connects with him.


That’s not Anubis’s sigil that’s a goetia sigil that was linked to Anubis. Ipos is a goetia that is claimed to be Anpu but many have met them both and they’re not the same.


Awesome :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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So Ptah is the demiurge… Fuck

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He left the forum

Guys wat inciense should be good,? A guy told me any simple herb be good such cloves,any kind,frits incense,and candles,and a statue,any size not, picture or plastic

I know he really enjoy egyptian musk, really nice smell. If you can get yourself a nice statue sure, but a black candle will do perfectly.

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