I apologize in advance for asking something that has been asked 10000x on this forum, but I do not know where to turn for help on getting more clarity on the issue.
I have been interacting with a being that I was under the impression was a “succubus” or similar entity, and that these beings are quite capable of emotion and do not shorten your life span necessarily by interaction.
I have made other threads in the past regarding the issue, including one in which I explained the story up to that point, and was very kindly given readings by some well-respected community members that pointed to positive conceptions of the spirit and its intentions.
This is where things get a bit dicey. After those readings I felt very secure in my interactions, and have been having a generally good time with “her.” The problem was, and is, that I also started tapering off working on my senses and doing meditation work outside of with her. Now that I write this out, it seems to be a red flag, but I also had some other issues going on (taking kratom and smoking weed daily… which, the weed especially, killed my ability to dream and astral project).
So fast forward to about three months ago, I had a very intense attack in my sleep. I do not remember anything from the night, but my roommates had heard me speaking loudly in tongues, in a very angry tone. When I woke up the next day, I could not walk or extend my right leg, and I felt as if I had been beaten in my sleep with a bat all over the rest of my body. I have had some more minor attacks prior to and after this, mostly nightmares and beings in my room upon awakening. It no longer scares me, more of a nuisance, and every time a quick banishing has rid of the issues.
Fast forward to about two months ago, I decide to get off the kratom and the weed. It was a rough detox but she was there with me, which made it easier for sure. However, now that I have regained my dreams and astral projection ability, I have had a few weird occurrences.
I have had a dream of being attacked by dogs that would just spawn in front of me ala Call of Duty Zombies. I was lucid, and was feeling the bites and pain they inflicted clear as day. Again, banishing seemed to ward this off for a few weeks. I at this point am getting suspicious of my “lover.”
Then I would be noticing she was sexually stimulating me all night, which I quickly asked her to stop doing when I was unconscious and she did, other than nights when I ask her otherwise. The drain I felt stopped.
However, recently I had a particularly draining dream of being repeatedly stabbed and being unable to escape it. I awoke, banished, and got water multiple times, always to fall back into the same dream. I was even performing the banishing in my dreams, which is good that I remembered to do that but it had apparently no effect. I would expect the beings I call on for this banishing to materialize much more in a dream than in person, but nothing. Toward the end of the night my succubus was trying to initiate sex with me in the form of a large scary dude, which is not my sexual orientation.
I was dead tired the next day, needless to say. I wrote a letter to her expressing my anger for the whole situation, saying I dont know if you are involved in this but that I am not going to stand for this shit, and if she wanted to remain with me she had better get with the program, so to speak or I would have her removed. That night I had beautiful, emotionally excellent and moving dreams.
She has since seemingly followed, being that I havent had any more dreams about being raped by a scary dude (lol).
Preface to the next part, when I call her name out in dreams lately she manifests from behind me, like shes hugging me from behind.
Last night, I was able to project, and I realized that she was attached to my back! I felt around with my hands and felt what seemed to be a bear like body with a lamprey’s head (circular teeth and all, not exactly sexy lol). This doesnt really concern me too much; what does concern me is that she would not get off me for the life of her. I tried banishing, and nothing. I think when I was finally able to get her off, it might have been from asking Archangel Michael, but my memory is not too clear on the matter of timing. What I do remember clearly, is that once she detatched, I tried to fly away and saw a platypus looking thing with a lamprey head flying straight at me as fast as I could fly away! She ended up catching me and latching back on.
I am now concerned as to just what I am dealing with. I do not want to get rid of her if she is who I believed her to be. So I figured I would post here and hopefully get some more insight before doing anything drastic. Thank you all in advance.
My motivation for posting this now is to get some outside opinions.
Edit: I talked today with a “shamanic practitioner” about this, and her response was that anything that takes energy from you is feeding, there is no emotional ability in these “dark” beings and that it is only shortening my lifespan and potentially causing further problems down the line. This scares me, if true, but does not align with my current knowledge. And of course, me having a removal done is money in her pocket, so there is that.