Another big reason why you may all want to push your godlike powers to the ultimate

Don’t care, if you are looking for the easiest or fastest way to get someone else to raise your own kundalini then you don’t need it raised. Better to take the advice of someone who can help you raise it yourself then someone who is just telling you to pay for someone else to raise it. The former teaches you and the latter makes you ill efficient and not worth it.


They initially awaken it and teach you to awaken it more.

Do you believe everyone has a kundalini?

You won’t find a hindu guru to raise your ‘kundalini’ so your advice is a dead end, you’ll find people online claiming to be able to do it. People need to learn to raise their own kundalini not follow the advice to buy a kundalini awakening from some obscure individual on a whim. :man_shrugging: on some idea that it’s easier and faster. Because in a likely case it won’t work.

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Why do you think that? Some people have contacts.

And like I said it has been done for a very long time and people have had great experiences with it. You can’t just discount their experiences without any reason other than you don’t believe in it.
Let us not mess this thread up any more.

Hindu gurus seclude themselves from most things, you won’t find one online. I think some newbies just can’t seem to let go of their gullible mentality, you won’t get anywhere asking people online to raise your kundalini for you, simple as that mate. It’s best to not spread that kind of ill advice. If someone wants to raise their kundalini they should get to know their energy system and put the work into it simple.

I think you don’t know what you’re talking about, no one stated they don’t believe in anything. I stated they shouldnt take your advice to be lazy and ask for handouts from obscure people online, and instead work on their kundalini themselves.

In short I’m saying your advice is horrible because it teaches them nothing but to seek handouts instead of putting the work in.

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Not all hindu gurus do that. You can’t assume every single hindu guru is secluded. That is a huge generalization. They have students.

It’s not a huge generalization at all, you’re just gullible and will believe anything someone says online with little to no experience yourself. A person who does not know your system trying to raise your kundalini is like asking someone like you to do surgery on them and expecting them to know how and what to do.

A random person who doesn’t take the time to examine and get to very workings of their energy system won’t know how to raise that individual’s kundalini.

What does kundalini do? it empowers your energy body and it raises your vibrations a lot

If they have a kundalini, why would kundalini energy not be compatible. You make it seem like every single type of foreign energy is bad. You got reiki, you were fine. Many people get reiki they are fine. Not every foreign energy is bad.

Do you know what your energy system looks like?
Do you know how the flow of energy in your energy system goes?
Do you know anything about your energy system anything at all?

How can you raise something through your energy system without even knowing the workings of your energy system? I’d like to know experiences not baseless jibberish.

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I don’t think you’re actually understanding what I’m saying, but honestly I’m not surprised.

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I know it has a kundalini and kundalini energy should be compatible with it.

Kundalini isn’t a foreign energy.

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If you believe it enough probably Mickey Mouse could raise kundalini… the power is in your faith.

However, there are definitely reasons why there are systems in place - even a guru is unlikely to simply say ok yeah sure - a true guru would make sure you’re ready first. There’s no fast food option or we’d all have done it and spread the word - it’s probably possible for someone to raise it in you NOW but if you’ve not prepared correctly - you won’t be controlling it. It will be controlling you - and you’ll be powerless and in a scary place.


Would you rather have free purified drinking water or dirty water that you have to clean yourself and pay for?


YES THAT IS TRUE. A true guru will make sure you are ready. They will decline if you are not.

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this. Why?