Another big reason why you may all want to push your godlike powers to the ultimate

I’ll start with the good news.
As a practioner of magick, you learn to harmonize with the forces that constitute the fabric of reality itself, and that means all therein as well. The idea of entering your own godhood is so that you can not only survive and thrive in this cosmos, but also would not be affraid of anything, even in the back of your mind.

Anything you bend down to in existence, because you fear it might otherwise terminate your existence, anything external that ultimately keeps you in a form of dependency, based on whether or not you will survive and thrive, keeps you away from the freedom of being yourself.

You have the power through magick to break all that enslaves you in this cosmos, here and now.

After all the movies you probably watched, documentaires, series, television ‘‘news’’, and personal world examples of yourself and others,

You should probably have enough examples to fill in the why.

I would like to ask you to sum up for yourself why you would want to go to the ultimate of your own godhood, in regard with every single area of your life- in the knowingness that you actually can levitate, teleport, shapeshift, be indestructible, shape the content of reality in any way you wish in an instant, can move from one dimension to another taking all of you with you (physically) in no time, and back. You can create anything you need, food, a home, a natural environment even…;
You do have all these abilities and much much much more. You most literally are a god/dess.

In a dream where I specifically asked what I am capable of in my infinite potential, I even instantly shapeshifted into a cyborg. (Like in terminator-) fully functional, self-conscious as being myself, still. The reason being that consciousness and your divine spark, even when walking the lhp, precede all physicality and you can choose what projection you want to input.

I also occasionally could withness what conscioisness can do on technology in simple ways, but remember that from within yourself, you can have access to conscious infinite intelligence. Lucifer as well as Archangel Michael for example both know very well how to make techology go your way, because you see all that is within reality indeed, is still fully ruled by the fundaments of reality, which they also co-represent.

Now…some of you may have already typed in ‘skynet+china in youtube’ which pretty much shows what enslavement can look like.

This is another potential example -
You see- most people, as long as they are in a position of potential vulnerability will bend to the will of those that have any form of power in this world. Entire nations will bend down to the will of others because they have the food, money, political power, military power. And even if they say they have the best intentions, because they have all that external power, their word can potentially be final, even if it is to your detriment, and you would still find yourself in a position where you can fully be yourself without being affraid that anything that adds to the quality of your life and personal fulfilment may be taken away, making you walk into directions that others set out for you, because you feel you have no other choice. Who recognizes that, and how it still takes away some degree of sovereignty and independence?

Doing what you want to do in every single moment without any external leashes or anything that keeps you stuck in a particular spot, and not having to fear for your life, even subconsciously, and thus not having the fear of potentially being subdued in any way shape or form by anything in existence; including knowing that you are, actively more powerful than anything in cosmic creation, from your own godlike power, now that, is a minimum you can expect from magick- no more enslavement in any way shape or form- ypu deciding how your life will be, the way you feel it and want it, and not having to bargain for nor compromize what ypu feel you want to live your existence, in any way shape or form.
What you see here is just one form of potential enslavement. Even if people try to make it look all cool, etc, you know how it goes on this world, moral political and military choices…; And having technology serve their purpose first and not per se your purpose as being a human being.

There is even technology to scan your thoughts that exists or to tap your audio without your consent (like in a lot of smart tv’s etc), that is also used by people that do not have the value of your life or wellbeing at hand. Imagine that when wanting to do your rituals, and being spoken to about it by people whom it is not their business. (Also what you think about and why…)

Fortunaly, magick is the solution for that as well,
for incapacitating unwanted influences to any degree necessary, compromizing your own sovereignty. Just ask the spirits you work with to help you with all that.

To your Sovereignty, always!

Always aim to make sure that the success to your survival ans thriving in this cosmos is primarily generated from your godly power, (through ritual m, invocation, evocation
…) so your good fortune NEVER depends on ‘luck’
What I do with some spirits is to talk to them about all the things mentioned here and make sure to mention how I want things to go for myself, want to go my way for me and not any other way around. An important existential lesson is that, you should defend , enforce your Sovereignty, always, because if you don’t, it means you will compromize yourself, your wholeness, your personal fulfilment and even the quality of your life, and you being yourself truly and freely, godly sovereingty is about you being you. Figuratively in ritual, you already are the king or Queen fighting striving to establish one self as such into one’s world.

All power relating to your Sovereignty:
As long as it lays not back in your own hands, you are still not fully free, and still limited.
Remember all the transcendence you do here serves you to thrive in the bigger cosmos.
The best and the worse can also be found in the cosmos, in all degrees, this is why it is so important to take in account the examples we have here on earth.


Kundalini is the best way to reach your infinite potential. Though at higher levels you may lose ego. I think you can possibly retain it though.


The GD videos they state you retain your ego in the astral realms. I haven’t yet AP’d to know through experience but I don’t think ego is a bad thing always.

I would love to step into that goddesshood and just live a lifetime of fun while I’m in this meat body in this realm… and I totally intend to. So if anyone has the keys - hand them over :joy:


Though with the highest tiers of kundalini many state that you can’t retain ego.

I think some people raise it too early and they end up with psychosis but if done safely and when the body is ready to handle that energy it’s possible to either retain or lose depending on what you desire

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Still kundalini is the fastest way many people develop psychic powers. Hindu gurus transmit energy into their students’ kundalinis. Then the students usually start developing psychic abilities soon after. Basically getting in a few days or weeks what people would get in a few years with just visualization.

And it has been going on for many years and is a tried and tested method of gaining psychic abilities. It is called shaktipat.


Yeah I’ve heard of it - wish I knew someone to do it for me

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It’s an eastern tradition- pretty sure that our western traditions do the same thing but their psyche and culture is set up for receiving that way

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You can get someone to do it for cheap. Just get a kundalini reiki attunement. That awakens kundalini.


Yeah but do you trust them? See I would… and I’ve considered it but I don’t want to mess with energy transfer unless it’s someone who I can be sure is genuinely transmitting kundalini and not a whole lot of other crap that I don’t need to untangle from

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Reiki I’ve paid for and had positive experiences with.

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Yeah you are right. Just look for someone who has very good reviews. Reiki is supposedly sentient energy itself.

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Or get initiated into kundalini yoga

I just want a nice house with a nice view of the lava sea, where my incubus and succubi wait for me with delicious dinner and my 196 cats sharpen their claws with the souls of my enemies. That’s why I study and practice.

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I have a dvd on kundalini yoga… ive dabbled in various methods and I can definitely direct energy around my body and out to others… but a full on kundalini raising and awakening- not yet

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Whatever floats your boat :grin:

From what I heard kundalini reiki attunement actually raises it for you.

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I wouldn’t go into kundalini anything with the idea of it being the easiest or fastest way to do it. That’s honestly the worst advice in my opinion. “Kundalini reiki” is not the easiest nor fastest way. Getting someone else to do your work won’t get you anywhere and they don’t know your energy body like you should so it’s not the best advice to follow.

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It has been done by hindu gurus for thousands of years. And that is traditionally what has been done by gurus to initially unlock psychic abilities.