Ankhing, recycling orgasm for near immortality

I happened upon Ankhing just recently, its the ancient Egyptian method of recycling ones orgasm to prolong life plus giving oneself a multiple orgasm, this method here I believe is for a female as it says to shoot the orgasm up and then 90 degrees to keep it flowing in a circle, trapping it, but women should shoot it up and men down, I shot it up and hurt myself a bit, id love to hear others experience of this method.



You owe me a new keyboard.


This is also referanced in Taoist alchemy

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Ive been doing this for years its hard to say exactly what its effects have been. Definitely prefer it to a normal orgasm, it feels more “complete” if that makes sense. I actually still have a lot of questions about it.

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The ankhing I learned back in the day was from a Drunvalo Melchizedek book.

That one composed of concentrating on the heart chakra at the start of the orgasm and then following it around in the ankh shape.

Is that the same one you are asking about?

I experienced a different feeling in my orgasms that way as well as not as much energy loss afterwards.

If you do concentrate exclusively on an energy center during orgasm, you will supercharge that center, and that is one way of keeping a lot more of the sexual energy within during orgasm.

This also raises the kundalini energy in your body as well, and therefore your overall magical power.

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