Angels of Wrath not working at all

You really can’t get instant results with enochian angels. I asked about a month ago how people’s results were after a year. No one has reported anything drastic.

I don’t care how a book is structured i care about results.


no one said instant results. that’s movie talk.

there’s this thing called feedback loop we humans have. it lets one know of progress. results isn’t black or white. there are greys.

it don’t matter what other’s experience is. their success is not your success. you want results. you do the work. what other report don’t matter cuz it’s their results not yours.

you want black or white answer? your not gonna get it. magick is often ongoing. especially with success magick that use enochian method. if you have the book , you know it’s not 1 plus 1 equal 2 kind of spells.


I talked about day 1 reviews.

You said “ but you can get results with the first magick”

That’s the definition of instant results.

Do you just like to argue? Become a lawyer, but you better get better at interpreting black and white :rofl:

Go read the day 1 reviews instead of arguing.


no. “you can get results with the first magick” statement do not suggest instant results. there’s not time indicator with that statement. you added yourself.
that’s you making that conclusion. some of the people have advance reading of the book.

granted many write reviews as 5 star no matter what due to previous satisfaction of author’s older books.

i’ve seen review of people cast the spells and they see changes within the week. some even see change within a day.

you said the book takes a yr to complete which suggest they can’t give it good review cuz they didn’t do the full book.



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I am on week 18 of working with it and so far, it’s hard to pinpoint the exact results but I can feel it is working…

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Yeah it’s something that takes effect over many years of your life. If you click on the day 1 reviews you’ll find the people are just fanatics usually since you can see their other reviews. They’re more excited about a new book than the content or results. there’s also a belief in the GOM community that they won’t release a new book until the previous one has a certain amount of reviews due to algorithms.


But they probably pre-released to everyone who tested the book, and Brand always talks about how their magic is tested for years behind the scenes. You can filter by verified purchase as well, and see who bought the book after it was released and just posted that because and so forth and so on.

I haven’t, just a thing to take into consideration.

I did however see results related to the rituals in Success Magick, very early in and I wasn’t expecting them yet. I noticed a trend of seeing minor results related to the rituals I was working through about a week after doing them and it’s continued.

I didn’t work at the pace he recommended- at all, either though. :woman_shrugging:


This is a great point and I’d also like to point out that the emotions shift in Angels of Wrath is essential. I love this book :revolving_hearts: the first time I used it I had a dream of an angel wrapping it’s wings around me and telling me that I did the right thing (used the book on a rapist).


Wow!!! And you think it worked?

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Every time magick doesn’t work it is the magicians fault not the systems. The Sefer ha raziem and brit menucha are powerful books and the egregore behind them is powerful as well, don’t be fooled.


It has worked for me. There was a person who thought it was a good idea to take heroin & assault people. I performed a ritual, and they no longer are a problem. Not sure what the issue is. Use a fuckton of emotion when you perform the ritual, and you should be golden.


you suggest exaggerating with emotions?

how do you mean the magician’s fault?

Well its your fault, if it doesn’t work.


your a tactful person. lol

especially with the gom books as they have been tested often before release.

you might want to go to galleryofmagick site and read their faqs and comments and articles as they have info on how to increase success of the spells. problem is usually user’s mindset.

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There is no need to sugarcoat things, especially when the work is based on highly regarded and effective sources.


true. yet that still don’t help the person if they aren’t resourceful enough to figure it out. that’s why learning magick require self journey that is beyond follow the steps that is given. lol. too many variable that can’t be taught in books but actual life experience.

For example emotion transmutation. they teach you in NLP course to manipulate energy and how it affects body and moods. yet the average folks think emotions can’t be controlled. they think emotions just happen to them. many don’t realize that the meaning one makes of an event influence emotions. One can also bring up emotions by visualization or imagination or make believe events, but many don’t know that.

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