Angels of the 42-Letter Name, a Pathworking

Week 7, Day 1. Shelgiel.

This is the first invocation of the final week of invocations, and it went well.

At this point, I’m not feeling particularly much, just a tingle up my back and shoulders. Oh, and that detached feeling is back, but much weaker than before. I feel like I’m more connected to my physical being, but still the same spacey wizard that I normally am. I can feel my muscles stretch and squeeze as I move my limbs. I can feel the weight of my bones. I can feel the strands of my hair on my scalp as I move my head. I can feel the undulations of my digestive tract. I can feel the blood flowing through my veins. This is super weird, but also pretty cool. I can feel the part of my lower spine that is a bit stressed in need of a good cracking. I can even feel my fingernails on the ends of my fingers.

This is weird.

So the sensations are still there, but they aren’t as obvious now. It’s gonna be weird to get used to this, but I’ve already started. This morning when I was working out I could feel the strain of my muscle and bone, but it didn’t feel uncomfortable. In fact I think it helped me to better maximize my gains a bit. I could feel how much farther I could push my exercises, like how I added a few more degrees of travel doing bicep curls and a few other optimizations.

Week 7, Day 2. Karviel.

This invocation went about as well as expected.

I’m not really feeling any different right now, besides my brow buzzing like crazy. I just looked away from my screen at something in my room, and it completely rotted/decayed in my minds eye, before flashing back to normal. I think I’m seeing the future of the things I look at, like, way future. This is interesting, although I just had the horrible thought of looking at myself in a mirror. And now I don’t even need to do that because I saw my hands age probably 100 years and flash back as I type this. The keyboard isn’t decaying nearly as quickly in my mind’s eye, probably because of all the plastics. Oh, there it goes, putrefaction of plastic polymers breaking down. I just imagined my car and saw it in 30 years or so, without even looking at it. This is cool and freaky.

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Week 7, Day 3. Vaviel.

Another solid invocation.

My brow is lightly buzzing. I feel a slight heat within my muscles. My limbs feel heavy. I feel like my body is transforming. I have an urge to flex my arms in the mirror. I want to run my fingers through my hair even more than usual. I feel an almost primal sort of urge to eat steak and get laid. I feel like lifting weights until my arms go numb, then chugging a lot of protein drinks. I feel like I want to get swole. This makes me want to take my exercising and kick it up to eleven. This is the desire for physical prowess and the strength of a predator.

Week 7, Day 4. Tzuriel.

This invocation went smoothly, although I did end up doing it a lot later than normal.

Right away I feel like my heart is pounding, even though my pulse is actually pretty slow right now. I feel really warm, almost hot. I feel a searing hot wave pulsing through my core, rippling into my lower region, as well as up my spine through my throat and mouth. I feel electric tingles across my limbs. I feel super horny, without the mental urges to do something about it. I feel like I could Mike Tyson a grizzly bear. I feel like I have Charlie Sheen’s tiger blood running through my veins. I feel raw and horny and potent, as goofy and cringe as that sounds. I’m not sure how this will affect me overall, I can’t say I’m used to feeling like this.

Week 7, Day 5. Ialpiel.

This invocation went very well.

My brow is lightly buzzing. My shoulders feel stiff. But I feel light. I feel like I am almost floating. Just enough weight to keep me grounded. I feel slightly energized. I’m still tired, but it doesn’t feel nearly as urgent as before I did the invocation. And I feel less tired still. It’s easy for me to smile, I don’t have to put on a face or force it. I feel like I could lay back on a cloud and drift through the sky on the wind. The base of my spine tingles a bit, not quite buzzing. This feels like the day after I went and dealt with deep personal stresses. Like there’s no weight on my shoulders for the first time in a while. I feel great.

Week 7, Day 6. Tavriel.

The final invocation of this operation.

I was so excited I had a hard time staying in a focused trance, but besides that it went well.

I feel relief. I feel exhausted, but the good kind of exhaustion from hard work being finished. My brow is lightly buzzing. My limbs feel heavy. I feel like I could fall asleep. I also feel energetic, but that might just be the excitement of only having the final unification and closing rites left to do.

I’ve noticed this last week the invocations had a lot more physical reaction than the ones before. I’m not a kabbalist, but I know the last ones I invoked are associated with Malkuth, which is the kabbalistic sphere for the mundane or physical world, and means Kingdom when translated literally.

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Just finished the seventh unification rite.

All that remains is the closing rite, which will do what the unification rites did each week, but for all of the angels together. Instead of unifying 6 angel’s spheres, I’ll be unifying 7 unified spheres, if that makes sense. There are other aspects to it that I will explain in my post when I do it, but that’s the gist of it.

I also gave this last six their task too.

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Tonight was the closing rite.

I dressed in my full ritual garb. I laid out my circle. I donned my crown. I entered my usual mindspace trance where I am myself-as-All.

I called the 42 angels one by one, by name. Then I addressed them as a group to appear before me.

They appeared and organized within rows of six, seven rows deep, before kneeling before me. I thanked them for appearing, spoke of how I had ordered the 7 unification rites at the end of each week, declared that today would be a unification of those seven unified groups. Then I drew my sword.

I held my sword before me and declared to rectify imbalances between the groups as they unify, and to enhance and empower any synergies between them. I declared that their will was unified with my will, within me and my kingdom and my sword. Declared that there is no boundary between them and myself, between myself and my kingdom, between them and my kingdom. All three are one in the same.

It was at this point I felt a massive force rushing through me and them-as-me into my sword, the sword of my kingdom. The force rushing from the sword into me, from them into me, from me into them, and from them into my sword. I felt like I was physically floating off the ground during this.

After the flow stabilized, I sheathed my sword, and thanked them, before dismissing them to return to their given tasks.

I feel odd. I don’t feel any different, but I also feel like something that was out of place is no longer out of place. I feel completed, or at least more completed than before. I’ll have to post a follow up on this once I get a good idea of how things will manifest from this…


Is this like integrating the aspects of your mind that correlate to these entities? Like the goetia and Shem challenge