Angels Of Omnipotence

Most likely, yes. I think maybe I didn’t actually connect at all and I only imagined it.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Coping with a Negative Mindset, Intrusive thoughts and Obsessive Desires

I think the term “omnipotence” shouldn’t be taken in its literal meaning here. My guess it probably came about either from a translation issue centuries ago or maybe a flamboyant overstatement in some source text.
I think it would be more realistic to think of it as something like powerful rather than omnipotent in the literal sense.

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Hi all. I bought this book and have done 4 workings with Uiazel to Soften My Reality because i feel stuck. I’ve been dieting and working out but can’t seem to rid myself of these last few pounds, one of the things I’m asking for help with… well last night at 9p.m. i was going to eat some cookies and milk then smoke but first needed to pee. Directly after peeing i got a pain in my belly on the left side that brought me to my knees lol it lasted about 10 minutes. Needless to say i did not eat cookies and smoke! I went to bed. This is tough love and the kind i need to keep me on track. This is how they operate lol. Thank you Uiazel.


Been exploring this book more recently and it’s some serious stuff. I had initially underestimated it but Jareth’s tech is damn good

Be careful with the Alchemy stuff. A student of mine did the evocations for a while and everyone in our mutual circles had a moment where they genuinely wanted to punch him within the same week. It’s up there with Azazel’s style if you’re familiar with his approach.

I don’t set schedules personally but rather keep doing the rites until I feel something “click” and let it go. If it’s something ongoing I can see the benefit of a schedule but it feels different that way. I see multi act rituals as a sort of prying to get your consciousness over the old state of flow. It’s okay if you feel like it’s not quite done yet after the first instance so long as it’s moved. After a point there’s a tipping point where you’re just adding the afterburners if that makes sense. It’s all internal

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repeat it and see if it happens again, may just been a pain or potentially be careful if it carries on as you have vital organs on that side of your body.

Curious to know if you have drawn any conclusions as yet (if its something you plan to share ofcourse) especially with Elubatel.

I’ve seen one practitioner say that “he” is actually female.

And found this wealth magick book written by Ashley Otori which claims Elubatel to be a Demon - the side
effects that most people seem to be experiencing are a byproduct of working with Elubatel as an Angel and does not exist when evoked as a Demon.


Thanks. No pain anymore. The things I’ve asked for came to pass with great results.

In my mind, it is as i think it to be. I Am That I Am.
No doubt it was them assisting me, so no other options could possibly be present.

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But you can smoke again etc like normal without issue now?

Yes i can. No issues with anything.
I could be wrong but it seems like you have worries about using this book or calling on these spirits?
If so, I’d like to say something on that.
We are no different from any spirit…what i mean is, all things are linked, all comes from one. Any spirit we call on is also us. Any worries or doubts follow our intent straight into our workings. So have no fear, know that you are calling on yourself to assist yourself. Everyone of my workings has worked, i believe… no, i know it’s because of my knowing of this fact: we are all one.


Lots of good reviews here. Ok, I’m sold. Will buy this now. I need it to empower my amazing servitors, plus I love Jareth Tempest’s work. Very simple yet effective.

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