Angels Of Omnipotence

So, I did get the book too, and did not hesitate to dive in.

What I did was indicating spheres in my life that needs improvement (at the moment it’s prosperity, productivity, personality), created weekly schedule of 7 sigil rituals for each, and started to do the work.

While doing the rituals I noticed the energy, and it was strong. Mostly I feel pressure in my head, arms and mostly nose bridge, pressure so strong that I feel like a blood vessel gonna pop or something, my teeth feel like vibrating. I do 3 daily rituals, simple as they are, and feel thet it’s almost too much. It’s not that I drained of energy in the end. It’s like I so full of it that it’s enough. I don’t feel presence, however, only energy. Like I tap into the power of angels and direct it with my will, intent and emotional transmutation. When I evoke archangel or goetic spirit, it feels like standing near the powerhouse of magick. When working with omnipotence sigils, I am the powerhouse, filled with their might.

Well. It was a week and a day ago. I expected it to work slowly, expected to see tangible results in a month.

Now I’m on the second round of weekly scheduled things, and I caught myself thinking, when performing emotional transmutation and contemplating current situation with desireable one, that most of my wishes I either got fully or partially. I will proceed as planned, however, to further cement the results.

I became more organised, more concentrated, procrastinate much less, do more work more easily. Got rid of fear of poverty to not block my money magick, both business I am working with (one give me freelance jobs, one is full-time remote job) started to see some action on part of a new clients after a period of stillness, which is exactly what I wanted. Last night I finally fell asleep easily, and woke up well rested. As a bonus I healed my friend from either severe cold or flu in 2 days, with the first results showing up immediately.

I’ve seen magick working so fast before - with archangels especially, and also Beleth and Bune, but it was much harder to perform. So now I am looking at the book contents, feeling like a halfling in a pie shop. So many powers to choose from. So many things to fix. So many work to do.

So much life to shape.

And this book will help me a great deal, I feel it.


Are you still conducting the book club? I’ve seen results from this book already and I’d love to have people to share with

I bought this book a month ago, because of being mentioned here. Got started right away, wanted to make a project of mine go viral. It didn’t work, I procrastinated too much and put the project on indefinite hold. Something kept nudging me to try other aspects of the book so I decided to try something that would be more easily discerned. I used the “go unnoticed and unseen” under Ublisi and it worked amazingly fast and is still working two weeks later.
For context, I just started a new driving job, not familiar with our logging system and have made many mistakes and violations on hours of service. Up pops the national safety blitz for truckers last week focusing on logging systems and lights. I asked Ublisi to help me go unnoticed by the D.O.T. and not be pulled into any scale houses for random inspection… Haven’t been pulled into a single one in two weeks, although every single one of our company trucks besides me have been given inspections and harassed. I definitely want to explore this book more…just a matter of deciding what course of action to apply next.


Just my 2 cents. I got the book some days ago, and have been deciding exactly what I wanted, what course of action to take and a schedule with all the rituals etc. I was supposed to start yesterday night, and as I have made myself familiar with the way of working with the book for some days and the rituals are very short, I said I would do 3 of them at night.

The first one was “soften your reality”, I thought it was a good idea to start with that one. After performing it, tho, I got lazy (as always) and decided I wouldn’t do the other 2, leaving them for today morning, and continued procrastinating during the night.

I had been having a great mental diet lately and been on a great mood regarding my issue. Tonight tho, I’ve barely been able to distinguish between my reality (woke up several times) and my nightmares (first time this happens, I almost never remember my dreams). Woke up with a horrible feeling, a bottomless pit on my stomach. I had not been thinking about the negative consequences of this book, so is not that I was expecting them and brought them to myself, I think.

And then I remembered what the book said: You’ll feel bad if you don’t work towards attaining what you ask the angels for. On the ritual I performed it says clearly to “be quick and do the rituals to cause the change you want before the situation hardens back up”. So I asked an angel to soften my reality to make changes on it, just to decide I didn’t feel like doing changes at that moment but preferred to watch a movie and eat nachos. It took me a while to realize what happened and the reason why I probably feel this way, so I’ll not blame my imagination and expectations for it. I do hope this feeling goes away as soon as I do my part of the job, because it sucks.

@anon97554939, are you still doing that book club? Is it necessary to be very advanced to participate on it?


To answer that question Elubatel may have given off those negative feelings because he is not an Angel! He is a Demon!!! He doesn’t like being called an Angel.

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Do you have a source or is it your own personal experience?

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@Dralukmun took it over, and the experience level in the group ranges from first working despite studying for years to advanced :slight_smile:

I’m doing the work, but in my own, I’m not hitting the forum up much here lately other than to check in.

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How do you know?


Ohhh I may speak with him (her?) then! I think you started about a month ago so I would understand if it’s not possible, is just I’m trying to get info on it and as is quite new looks like there’s not much on it.

Tbh I tried to take the experiences of others with a grain of salt, I mean all of us are different and what may work for you may not work for me, right? But get to know other’s experiences while working on it myself would be great :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m having less and less doubts in my magick as I see more confirmations of it, and this forum is great for it! Hope you’re having a great experience with AoO


It’s a him lol. I’ll tag you into the Bookclub if you would like. We have a structure of working with an angel for two weeks, but it is optional. It is mainly geared to sharing experiences as they come, at your own pace. It’s open to anyone wanting to participate, regardless of prior experience. Some of us have practice for years, some have not.


Hahaha because I read your posts I had the feeling was a him but is better to be politically correct, you know? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks a lot, I’m sure it will be super helpful. As I really want to work with this book in deep (no one to change but self, right?) going through all the angels was my idea anyway, so thanks again, can’t wait to check it out!


Please add me too.

Yeah I figured it would be neat to compare notes. With all the different backgrounds and styles when you have similar stuff happen, you can feel pretty confident in your workings lol.

Mines going well, and I’ve experienced similar to you- if I skip and fail to do my part, I pretty well feel like shit. As long as I’m keeping up my end of the deal, things are great.

I did the initiation however and a somewhat deeper commitment, than if I were just using sigils for scenarios. I think my posts got moved over when Wilson took it over though, and if not I copied them to my journal. I’m doing other stuff as well though, so I only write about the significant stuff, not the daily sigils use :slight_smile:


It is! Reading through it right now.

No doubt. I started reading this forum thinking you all could be bat shit crazy… and now I think I may be bat shit crazy… :rofl: That I am, but what I’m seeing is too much to be only coincidence.

We were warned anyway, and I guess is fair.[quote=“Keteriya, post:73, topic:148803”]
I did the initiation however

Not sure if you refer to the pathworkings for each angel at the end of the book. I’ll check out the posts on the group because probably I can answer myself. I know you guys were speaking about a ritual that is not in the book and that may be the one that provoked the biggest problems for Jareth T? I’m all in for this workings, but I think I may dive in with caution anyway, as I’m fairly new to this.

On one of your posts, as a reply to @DarkestKnight about starting with Uiazel, you told him to pay attention to his dreams. May I know why?

The point is I started with one ritual with Uiazel, and I got a very specific dream. Now, you will never hear me speaking about dreams in general because I don’t care much and because I rarely remember them. But I almost didn’t sleep and had this very short nightmare of someone telling me exactly what I fear to hear from them (some of my planned workings on this book are related to them). It was kind of hard to distinguish reality from nightmare as I woke up several times, and then the feeling during the day was horrible. So I thought your comment to Darkestnight was very curious and could apply to me…

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Oh now I realize he was going to do the ritual “uncover the source of inner suffering” so maybe you mentioned the dreams as a way to discover that, not because Uiazel would be particularly prone to communicate through dreams… maybe my nightmare was just a nightmare, uncovering my inner fears (no need, I know them already)

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Yes this. The rest I’ll reread and answer if me was when I get home, I’m out to dinner atm :laughing::relieved:

Yes, I did that. I divined it but I was going to do it either way, because that’s what I do when I make up my mind. It’s been pretty positive honestly, as long as i am working at life, everything is great, take more than a day off and I feel depressed and shit so. All good, Tempest seems to have figured out the thing about the negative comes from not doing what you need to and so far I agree with him.

generally speaking, if it stands out to you when they don’t normally, there could be something to it. No one can answer that but you and the spirits that may have been involved. I have lots of encounters and get messages through dreams but I usually know when it’s important and when it’s a bull shit dream, because I have for pretty much always had both kinds of dreams. I miss it once in a while, or don’t put it all together until later- sometimes too tho.

I wouldn’t worry about missing something tho, if it’s urgent- it’ll probably come up again, so I wouldn’t beat yourself up over if it is or isn’t something. If you feel it is, it probably is. If you’re not sure- don’t worry about it.

I have no dog in this fight but quite honestly, that’s a bit of a red flag to me. :thinking:

I mean, heroin, crack or just a bottle of wine at every mealtime, they also all have that effect. Magick should strengthen, not create withdrawal. And working at life yay, but rest time is necessary as well, so is some random derping around to allow unscheduled ideas and interests to pop into your life.

JMO and I don’t really know what I’m looking at here, nor read ANY of the books, just going off that statement, and with all respect etc. :smiley:


Can you add me to the book club just got the book

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I’m personally okay with it. I would rather pay now and accomplish what would take me 10-15 years in 6 months. That’s basically the trend with most billionaires, they sacrificed for a short time to get where they are.