Angel(?) Orphaniel

hello, i was reading bible and suddenly keep falling asleep but then my mind was thinking about “Orphaniel” and I keep repeating saying it in my mind and suddenly there was a voice that said “you are still not ready ready for this” and saw like a black wing hugging me while I’m lying on my bed and I couldn’t move maybe 3 mins because of it.

What does it mean about what he told me that I’m not ready? And why is the wings black? Shouldn’t it be white?

Sounds intense!

The wings are metaphorical and so is the color, they represent the ability to travel between dimensions and vast distances instantly via thought. Black is more about what that color means to you. Different cultures label it differently so I won’t assume, but for me black means yin, protective and nurturing, and you were being protected and nurtured. :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I’ve tried to research alot about it after experiencing that yesterday :face_holding_back_tears: It was really intense but confusing also!

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