Ancestry and Meddling Ancestors

One topic that I don’t see discussed much is ancestry and performing magick especially baneful magick on relatives that share the same blood when a lot of rituals suggest having a biological link from your target. So I just use my blood, a picture, and the person’s personal nickname. I’m also careful because we have the same legal name.

I’ve used blood sorcery on a relative since I directly am descended from him, and have not had much results yet, while I can manipulate another relative just by petitioning spirits with pathworking. I’ve used the “Destroy Defenses” ritual from Gordon Winterfield’s Angels of Wrath book, but a few times I directly had weird dreams from a spirit who I assumed was an earlier ancestor, although that’s it’s not confirmed yet. Please excuse my run-on sentences.

I am mixed race and have been apart of a Palo Mayombe and Vodun House. The Tata was initiated in several traditions. Some practitioners explained to me that just because you’re descended from a particular people it does not mean you’ll have success with a certain system or that those ancestors will particularly like you and help you. I’m okay with that, at least I learned from experience, I just thought they would care about me more since I’m the child, but I suppose there are more forces at play, and personal destinies or whatever. I just want to push the person over onto the other side since in my eyes, he’s at the end of his life, is wasting my elders’ hard earned money, has harmed children and women, and ended the lives of innocent people. I thought that would be enough to justify it. I suppose I need to just relax and not obsess over results.

So you assume, your ancestor picky favorite to guy you want curse although that guy do many malevolent act and sabotage your working?

If i remember correctly not long time ago theres is a pathworking guide to punish demon in this forum, you can use that to punish the ancestor who sabotage your magick. It will cage them too, idk if it will make them cant sabotage you thou

I know the title say its for punish demon but actually it can Punish other spirit too, i have try it for myself. They seems knew i use that to punish one of their friend and not harrast me again in dream.


I have bound blood relatives and it was no different to any other person, but I never expected it to be and maybe that’s key.

If your target is a practitioner or has one of the “dark triad” mental disorders (narcissism, psycopathy, machiavellianism) then generally we notice those types are harder to affect. Someone who remorselessly hurts others has probably got some combo of dark triad disorders.


“I would have got away with it too if not for those meddling ancestors!”

Younger people probably won’t get that reference.

I’ve absolutely found this too. The collection of people I’m at war with all have at least on of these, some have all three. Very hard to land result


Everyone recognizes Scooby-doo, my friend.


Very interesting about the dark triad disorders. I spent a few years trying to assist a family member in his healing, but he’s a psychopath. Connor did a private ritual when my efforts failed, and it had a bit of an impact, but not as much as I’d hoped. Reading this thread, I wonder if net positive workings would also be difficult for dark triads.