So, I have a money problem, but an unusual money problem. I have lots of coins of different currencies and denominations brought home from different places around the world over the course of time. As it happens, recently I’ve decided to clean up my place and get rid of anything that I don’t need and I’ve decided to get rid of the said coins. The coins are utterly worthless as per their face value and they have no sentimental value to me as well. But it somehow feels wrong to me to throw the money away, it almost feels like sending a message to the universe that I don’t want the wealth. How to best dispose of the coins, so it won’t get to haunt me in the long haul? Is there a way to bury them or bid them farewell with a mantra, so by getting rid of the “ old money” I don’t need I can attract the “new money” that I do need?
Even if the coins are worthless, you’d might be able to sell them (even if its only for ten bucks or so) to a collector in a bundle? If you have kids in your closer proximity you could also offer the coins as a part of a fun treasure hunt.
Its also a custom in some places that people are leaving coins on military graves, so if you happen to visit a military cemetery you might want to leave some coins at the graveside as a sign of respect
If you’d like to attract new money you could use your coins for a wishing well or money jar
If you really want to bid farewell to them I would go for a burial in earth, as earth attracts wealth. I would see it as some kind of “giving wealth strong foundations”; you don’t give your wealth away, you are securing it
Back where I live there is nobody that would be interested in buying them, also there is no custom in my country of placing money on the graves, but a money jar definitely sounds like an idea. I don’t live alone and my flatmates don’t believe in magick, so simply putting them in a jar and not letting them know the real purpose of it sounds like a potential solution to my problem. Thank you.
In that case I would leave the money jar “dry” My favourite money jar consists of sticky and liquid stuff (water, sugar, honey) added to coins and money bills and herbs and it looks a bit “noticable”
So my second favourite money jar that I am using consists of a green container (I connect the colour green with wealth) and really all of the coins that I come across in my household. I added a mojo bag with pieces of seashells into the jar (as seashells have been used as a currency in certain parts of this world) along with a Pyrite stone and a little piece of paper with my intention scribbled on it I introduced it to its purpose with a little candle and incense session but that was purely for my mood and I don’t think that this step was necessary
My intention follows along the line of “For every coin given two will be returned” and I use this jar for small amounts of money coming to me. Every time I drop a coin into the container I state for myself that two of them will come back to me. As your money jar consists of old coins and is no ongoing project I would simply skip that part
Just put your money into something with a colour that represents wealth to you. For me its green, for other people it might be gold, etc. Place a little mojo bag with things that are associated with wealth inside, as well (herbs or stones or even little trinkets like a lucky charm) and connect the jar to an intention.
Yeah put them in a jar and sell that on ebay or similar, or give it to a charity shop or local school… It’s educational, so someone will want it to show the kids.
Coins make excellent vessels to store thoughtforms, servitors, spells, constructs, and a lot of other stuff. I regularly use coins to attach stuff to for convenient access without taking up a stronger vessel such as a crystal.