For those who are unaware a hypersigil is a piece of created work that allows the Or called worker to create a manifestation that happens in their life.
This can be both a wonderful result or an incredibly tragic result as in the case of this particular story that I am going to relate to you in the link below.
Note the part at the end of the article.
Please be very careful, my friends.
Indeed. The article itself isn’t about the hypersigil, but it is a very interesting story to read. I simply noticed the hypersigil at the end of the article.
Thank you for your patience, I was taking care of business at my home. Now, on to the tutorial.
Creating a Hypersigil is simple.
What it is: Hypersigils are any creative work, sculpting, painting, writing, singing, etc. that is done with YOU in mind.
If you are writing a story for instance, you can layer on different desires into different chapters, and really get into writing it. Begin with having yourself in mind for the situation.
If it’s a painting, the same thing. Depict that desire on the painting, with yourself in mind when you do it.
Make a song, and do the same.
Give it your heart, make it real.
And then just forget about it.
Interesting, I was reading a book on this subject not too long ago.
Did you know that Snoop Dogg and another comic book author (Grant Morrison) also use hypersigils?
@iAMmagick As I recall, a Hypersigil does not require an audience. You are the operator and the audience.
I once wrote a story about a succubus, who, “Could not trap a man to save her life” and when I wrote it, I inadvertently thought, “WOW, I think I’ve written the qualities of my ideal woman in to this character,” In all my stories, I am the main character.
So, I forgot about it. But kept working on the story.
I later met a woman who approached me in a subtly sexual manner, and she had the qualities of the girl I wrote up. We almost made out after meeting, but I freaked out when I realized I conjured this woman into my existence, and I had Just turned 17, lol.
We became friends for a while. But lost contact. Writing about Hypersigils actually reminded me of her. I’ll work on something to summon her again to see how she’s progressing.
@Bizarre Would you be able to refer me to the book you were reading?
I knew of Grant Morrison’s work with it. But I did not know that Snoop Doggy Dogg did that as well. But then, it does make sense. He’s the most well known of his affiliates and does not give anyone any trouble.
This is what I needed to hear. That “no audience” was my excuse not to start working on it.
I’m rather new to magick in general (started in late 2020). I started in September with practical magick from GoM, PoM, and similar books. And results have been mixed to amazing. Now I’m working to up my magick game—instead of individual rituals. Hypersigil seemed like an ideal tool to a comprehensive working. Of course, individual rituals will remain part of my journey.
Edit: I knew about Grant Morrison, not Snoop Dog. It makes sense, especially with artists when they use their talents to create a life they want. And their work (knowingly or unknowingly) becomes a hypersigil of sorts.
Your life is too short to waste time worrying about whether it will work. Just do.
I spent almost 35 years worrying about whether I should, or if it was RIGHT or if it WORKED.
I should’ve just DONE.
Don’t be like me playing catch up.
I have led a strange life (relative to my background). A mix of bad, amazing, and everything in between.
It’s middle of year 2017, when I realized I needed a complete break from my life as I knew it until then. I already had a collection of books on magick but never read it let alone use it.
In 2020, I finally opened one: Magickal Protection by Damon Brand, as I realized that something beyond my own actions were impeding my life: curses and/or psychic attacks. Most importantly, I used it. There was a clear before and after life experience once I finished the Master Protection Ritual.
That was all I needed to get working with magick. A proof that it works.