Amphetamine effects on spirituality

Just wondering what the effects an amphetamine are on spirituality. Would it hinder or help spirituality? I feel like when it comes to research 110% would benefit. What about spiritual communication?


Guess it depends on the person and which type of Amphetamin you’re talking about. Stuff used for ADHD and the sort, who knows. Meth, only thing those people will be searching for is the next high


Meth sucks IMO


Doubtful, but who knows. Like Reaper 182 said, depends on what form. ADD meds? Probably not. MDMA? Maybe, but who wants to roll the dice that you get a dirty batch. If you are looking for a “speedy” entheogen I am not sure what I would recommend.


And yes, meth is no good.


Adrafinil makes you psychic as all fuck. It’s almost too much. Modafinil is safer and more efficient, but they make it hard to get a prescription in the US. Anyway, that’s the tree to bark up. You don’t want anything that disorients you or blurs your mind.

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Why not just stick with good ol’ psychedelics?


Trying to compile a list of drugs that can aid in spirituality

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Ah! Cool idea!
Amphetamines help with conecentration, so that could be a plus. I’ve heard Terence McKenna talk about natural stimulants shamans would take to move into deeper trances, so there may be use there. Try them yourself and see the effects!

On ritalin, I found I was more creative and able to sit down and draw a beautiful, natural mandala. On adderall, I got a highscore on Fruit Ninja!


Ahahaha thank you!

I found they are great but over do it and it weakens ones auric field and leaves you open to attack.


Why use drugs when nothing of it compares to the actual rush of sensing spirit energies and energies in general?

The best thing is that it doesn’t cost you anything more than your own time, efforts and dedication, but each to their own.


There’s a shamanic approach to drugs and chemicals that leaves you wanting little else. I mean, these substances have been used for thousands of years to increase the connection to the spiritual, so why not?


And shamans are known to have spirit spouses, like some of us other black magicians have today. Does that makes me a shaman? Maybe in some ways. And because some shamans use drugs and chemicals to enhance their abilities to interact with spirits, doesn’t mean others must follow.

Like I said: Each to their own, but with all kind of drugs, some of these magicians might end up in an addiction. Not only because of the fantastic interaction with spirits, but for the simple means of getting there again, and again and again. Their tolerance for the drugs might grow, so they take a higher dosage each time, until the inevitable overdose smack them in their pineal glands. For me, it’s not worth it, and I wouldn’t learn a thing by depending on drugs to interact with spirits.

What others do to interact with spirits is their businesses, but I would never teach someone else to use these methods.


I simply see it as an option, but I’m also a practiced psychonaut that researched drugs exponentially before I use them. Maybe you wouldn’t suggest someone to use certain enhancers, but the average person wouldn’t suggest one search for spiritual contact using ritual or having a sexual relationship with the spiritual in the first place.

We walk a thin line of stability. Honestly, summoning spirits seems more risky than using a psychedelic or amphetamine to achieve deeper concentration. Using them in combination isn’t necessarily suggested unless one has experience with both processes and has taken the necessary precautions(I suggest keeping a couple of benzos around incase if shit gets weird).

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Like I said: What others do to interact with spirits are their businesses. There’s nothing to promote of your views, because I disagree with you about it. Some people even use nutmeg to experience the astral plane, but is it worth a 5-7 days of coma-like sleep to get there? I love nutmeg. On food.

I have no problem getting to the astral plane on my own, without using enhancement like drugs or herbs. And, no, I don’t have any experience of drugs and herbs. Should I have that, to share my opinion about it? If I can sense spirit energies and other energies without enhancement, why should I promote something I don’t support?


I’m prescribed addy so what I can say from experience, is when it is at its peak strength its not good to spiritual workings. But when it is at its “last drop” so to speak, it helps. If you try to drop mind on it while its peaking, good luck, but if you’re coming off of it, that little bit helps you drop mind by letting you focus on nothing, if that makes any sense. At least thats how it works for me.

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We shouldn’t rely on psychedelics for magic. Maybe a complement, but you gotta learn to see auras, have lucid dreams every day, and be able to soul travel on your own first, IMO

Drugs mess up your natural biorhythms and normal dream cycles, so use sparingly.


I agree with her, If I didn’t need the Adderall for work I would not take it. Actually its annoying because I have to wait for it to go away before I can begin whichever working I want to do.

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