Amon ALWAYS deliver fast! Ex-return /reconciliation

No, not yet. I was testing this ritual out to see if it works better than what i’d do.

I’m giving another week to see if it works out, then i’m going to modify it using what i know and test the difference in results.

I’m not new to magick, nor love magick. I just want to try something new. You never know when someone else’ magick is more effective until you try it out.

Think of this as a split test.


Previously I thanked amon as my ex contacted me after one week plus of silence. Suddenly he stopped talking to me again and it been about a week. What should I do? I’m lost…

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did you have a conversation going on or just talking about simple things? what do you think that he was feeling for you when he came back?

again remember you wanted Amon to make hime come back, not to stay - did you mention that you wanted him to stay bal bla bla

i’d be you i’ll send him a message since you guys are not cold anymore

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We had ongoing conversation but I am not sure what made it happen. He just decided not to text anymore. We are not close when he last talked to me. Is it okay to ask Amon to bring him back again and ask him to stay?

I offered 3 Roses, isn’t that enough?

Whatever you promised to offer is enough. But sometimes people dont make the offerings and things go sour

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A stupid question, but should you make offerings more often or just once? I believe to keep a love, you probably should get in relationship with Amon and make regular offerings. Isn’t that the reason some partners disappear again?

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And yeah, things went really sour

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I have established great relationships with my spirits and I make offerings whenever its convenient and feels right. So I dont have to feel pressured in doing so, but I do it out of love for them. Of course if I do workings I add something they like into the working so it represents my want to work with them on this specific spell.

For example, if I work with Aphrodite I add strawberries, wine, chocolate or pomegranate into it <3 I also recommend to build an altar for your spirit where you can pay your respect to them.


Ahh, I’m completely with you. The altar is just difficult wen you’re traveling. I worked with an African Spirit once and did a 43 Day Ritual. In the beginning all went well. Then I had to travel abroad after the first 4 weeks and forgot the offerings for a few days. I also moved his picture and food around a lot. Man, I think he got angry because something really awful happened and I couldn’t finish the Ritual. I was seriously depressed after that and felt as if he attacked me.
Be careful with the LOA, they really mess with you if you don’t respect them.

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When I travel, I only buy a candle and have their image with me. And try to keep their altars pretty much in the same place whenever I build it up somewhere new.
I haven’t worked with LOA yet, maybe one day.

Also longlasting rituals can be put on a break if you have to travel, unless its 2-3 weeks travel that is. Its just the longer you perform it the more emotion its going to have. But if you felt if failed because of these things, it probably did.


Please be patient and believe dear friends. It does take time and don’t let what’s happening in the physical world affect how you react. I speak from experience. The man in dealing with now, he’s still with the person he left me for (only because thinking that doing so would be better for their son, but it’s a toxic relationship. Not something that’s true and lasting) what we have is real but you must always stay cool, calm and collected. I know it’s hard. I used to get the twisted feelings in my stomach seeing her posting pics of them all over her FB though on his end, he posted nothing of them but she really tried to put it out there. I learned to not react. In fact I just stay off her page entirely and even his now and just let it be. I message him and he messages me and he has gotten very sweet over the course of the past few months. I never mention anything of our disconnect, always stay friendly and I share things in doing in the home, my garden, etc. Playing it cool. You have to make them know that you’re doing great, you’re happy and strong. It seems to attract them back like a magnet. Though the movement is slow, it is movement and forward is forward my dears. Please hang in there, be strong and be in your highest vibration. It’s a game we have to play to obtain the one we desire but it does work over time. Be friendly, be kind and be your best self but let them make the first move when it comes to romantic things. Once they are back, nurture it and work on it from there and most importantly, trust and believe that the one you want is coming. :blush:


Ok will do.

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Yeah, but wat if you are not ok right now and would need their help, and they block you on all Social media Accounts…
I freaked out yesterday. I would have never thought, the person I loved for 2 years would care so little about a very important situation in my life. I insulted him like crazy - I felt almost possessed because all my pain and agony poured out. I do feel much better now, but I don’t think the damage is reversible.

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Hello Dear =) sorry to bother you but whenever you have a moment, I was just wondering is Amon had any special message for me? I aspire to have your gift of hearing him and having such a close relationship with him. I feel like his signs are everywhere and I’ve been meditating, thanking him in the morning and in the evening and since working with him especially, I’ve felt so much more self confidence, self love and things have been moving forward nicely. Slowly, but nicely. I’m patient, appreciative and I know deep down my loved one who is back in my life on speaking terms will be back in my love in romantic terms as well someday soon. He’s still with his ex, but I don’t pay attention to the physical anymore because deep down I know what we have is real. I made sure to ask that of Amon that he not only come back, but that he also stay. I’ve learned to be very specific in my petitions haha. But just wondering if there was any message for me, something I can do for Amon that maybe I’m missing or whatnot. I’m so very grateful for the progress that’s been made. Thanks so much! =)

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Hello there, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through a hard time. I know how you feel and I’ve been there. It’s not in any way easy, but unfortunately, it’s at these times that we have to be the strongest. By being strong, I mean finding another outlet, whatever it is that you are going through, for now, turn to someone such as a trusted friend, or family member if possible so you can vent. That helped me a lot and for now, I’d say, do not contact him. Look at it this way, right now, he is EXPECTING you to contact him. Do the opposite. Let it breathe for a while and wait for him to come back and contact you. I promise you he will. He needs to miss you while you need to heal. Sometimes, people do and say things that are terrible and we often question how they could have ever claimed they loved us. And when they do, what do we do? We react, which is exactly what they’re expecting. Not to worry, damage is reversible. I truly believe that. When I tell you how mad I was before I found this beautiful path and the things I said and reacted the way I did, texting him, his family, his friends. But he never ever responded to my angry messages. After a month of tears, sleepless nights, crying, etc, I said you know what, his loss and I sent him a goodbye message, in a very nice manner. I apologized for the harsh things I said in anger and told him, I only said them cuz I was hurt, but even so, I apologize and I hope you find the happiness you seek. He never answered that either. For a whole month, I focused on myself, meditation, was very grateful for everything I DO have and tried to release my negative feelings. Mind you, all this time, we haven’t spoken at all. The one day, I got the courage to send him a photo of a home project I was working on. He always loved the fact that I enjoy working on the house and he actually responded. “Wow, that looks beautiful”. That was the first step and that’s the only step you need to get moving in the right direction. From there, I sent him a message once a week, then twice a week and he would message me and there are days when we have conversations, but I keep it strictly platonic. No insults, no jabs, nothing about anything negative. Only positive things. Now he sends me a message once in a while and I get from the messages that he definitely has feelings there., they didn’t go anywhere at all. Now granted, he still with his ex, but I don’t let that physical realm affect me anymore and because of my new self, I know it’s attracting him like a magnet. Slowly of course but remember, slow and steady wins the race. So basically, just give him a time out, don’t contact him for a while. Wait for him to contact you, at least wait a month. Since he had blocked you, it’s going to be hard to contact him but at the end of a full month, check and see if you are still blocked. Chances are, he’ll be wondering what happened, why you haven’t tried to reach out, etc., once that curiosity kicks back in, you’re on the right spot. I know you must’ve heard this a thousand times, and I know you’re hurting and I know how bad you must be feeling, but please stay calm, know that the best reaction is no reaction and love the heck out of yourself. Activate that LOA and watch how things change in your life and I’m not just talking about relationships. Try to meditate as well and clear your mind. Speak to a spirit and ask for help but once you do, know that your help is on the way and trust it with your whole heart. I pray you feel better and that whatever you are going through comes to pass quickly. Please heal dear friend. <3 sorry for the long post, just wanna share and even if I could make a person feel a SLIVER bit better, I 'd feel better because I KNOW how hard this is and what it feels like to feel this way.


Thank you so much for your very heart-felt and long message. It really did something for me. Much love to you and I am confident it will work out for you.

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You are so welcome :blush: and thank you so much as well! That’s so sweet. I’m so glad it was able to bring you some comfort, these are difficult feelings to sort through and I’m sending so much love and good vibes right back at ya. :blush:

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Exactly, my ex (who’s now not really my ex anymore thanks to Amon) said the exact same thing a few days ago. He loves how things are going because he loves seeing that I’m happy. He’s more in love with me than he ever was. Or at least it looks like it.


That’s great news. How long were you two apart?