Almost everything I evoke is outright hostile

Sounds horrible, yet at the same time rather exciting haha. Don’t be too put off by harsh lessons, I’ve had a dream after a recent evocation in which a certain spirit grabbed my by the balls, squeezing to the extent that I thought they would explode in a not at all sexual way, all the while keeping me in paralysis and staring me deeply in the eyes. When I woke up I received a very clear message and I understood perfectly the nature of the assault (and the fact that dreams can cause mini-trauma without us feeling truly molested on a physical level). After that she agreed below the waist was off limits henceforth and we had a good laugh over it while I drank some wine :wink:

My advice to you would be two-fold. First, don’t quit. There’s a reason to the madness you’re experiencing, if there wasn’t everyone wouldn’t be in on it. Once you figure it out you’ll be happy that you stuck with it (which will be very empowering).

Second, choose one spirit and work with that spirit intimately for at least a few sessions (five comes to mind), regardless of how negative you perceive the experience. My advice would be Hecate, if you call on her after she made it clear you were not to her liking it will grant you respect and some leeway. Any of the spirits that rejected you will do though. Waste no time and inquire in great detail why all spirits reject you. As I think you are channeling more than performing a classical evocation watch your mind when you receive answers. Watch where it resists or tries to push anwers into a certain direction, and more importantly, take care that it does not twist the message entirely. If you truly wish to connect to a spirit for personal growth, I can confirm that from your list Mepistahl, Hecate and Michael will help you out 100%. The others I have no experience with. Good luck, and do share the result of your next attempt :wink:

Also if you would like a hint… “Baron Samedi behaved well and cooperatively for a time”. You’re summoning spirits that expect you to behave properly for it is you that need their help. Just an idea.

Well of course! After all, they are Loa (and in some other spirit cases, they were worshiped as gods and surely expect some deferential treatment). The problem is I did nothing wrong, maybe perhaps skip an offering day, but nothing to warrant that much abuse.

The original purpose of working with him was because I had seen him in certain dreams, and received visions of him smiling with an inviting face, asking basically for an offering to bridge the worlds. I didn’t ask anything in return, just felt that something important was at hand and that I should comply.

The strangest of parts was that, well, what the heck could he want from me? Never specified, and besides, I am a man. I would have understood his “genuine” interest if I had boobs.

I’ve never offered anything other than my own energy, vampirized energy from others, and smoking tobacco in the entities name and I’ve never had any of these problems…

Lucifer told me he’s been waiting for me, same with Zagan, Bael likes me, Purson continues to work wonders in my life, Beleth as well

I just can’t imagine them being so adverse to somebody - maybe you were a priest who had a lot of animosity towards them in another life or something - to spirits in general?

i think you need help from any experienced members here.don’t hesitate to ask for.i’m not one of them so i can’t help you.i did a reading about you and it wasn’t showed me that you’re in the edge of getting seriously if archangel michael wanted to attack you then either you have a major problem or you dealing only with parasites and not the spirits you’re calling.

[quote=“dron, post:13, topic:3720”]@333
you’re in the edge of getting seriously damaged[/quote]

Thank you so much dron, and you’re totally right. To serve as a proof that your predictions are good:

  1. Had my astrology chart done for this year and between my upcoming birthday and the next one I have a serious risk of death/injury by: (Uranus tearing shit up) explosion, sudden violence or esoteric failure.

That is why this year I am keeping the big things out of the question. Just training scrying and healing, raising wards and sigils around the home and such.

On a side note, the chart more or less said that the imminent risk could start from myself. Considering that I live in a place that has gotten pretty wild lately I am trying to keep a cool and humble head not to incite any fights and such. I feel that injury isn’t the closest thing I should worry, but the consequences of roughing the wrong person up (either prison time or revenge).

  1. About three months ago some people began systematically robbing money exchange offices, no matter how big or small, by simply shooting the place up with no further explanation. Not even a word of “this is a robbery”, just walk in there and shoot everyone up before bothering with the money.

At first we thought that their violence was somewhat justified, that maybe they had hit a place out of some past grievance with the owner, but then it began spreading around.

And it is quite counterproductive don’t you think? What use is there in killing the owner if you can’t get him to open the safe first and have to console with the money in the till? Well they are simply retarded as that.

One dude, who is the money courier of his boss, was shot in the legs with no exchange of words. Other man? Robber came in the office and emptied a whole magazine in his direction as he approached (thankfully enough he caught only one bullet, which grazed his shoulder). Both times the robbers wore no mask, exited the place like it was no one’s business, and on one occasion, he got away by TAKING A TAXI and giving his HOME ADRESS.

Our local police? Dumbfounded as always. Completely useless. Their incompetence is such that one time it took them 4 hours to retrieve a drunk dumbfuck who had jumped off his balcony into the ground floor’s gardens. Four hours to understand that they could have knocked on the owner’s door and that he ought to let them pick up the fool.

So yeah, you are totally right dron. I am tempted in making a home-made flamethrower, but Uranus’ explosive influence could warrant a malfunction in the future. In the end I might just buy a gun from a gypsy, dunno, for now I sigilize every day.

I was wondering that myself to be honest.

I’ve posted stuff on here before about how Joe Ordinary can sometimes have spirit guardians from pacts or whatever dating back several lives ago, or ancestral inheritances that go way beyond what they would imagine is even possible, and yours seems like a reverse case 333. I don’t want to muddy the waters or send you off on a wild goose chase, so try the cleansing stuff first, but then if there’s still a problem it might be worth thinking about this possibility.

Question: did you evoke or contact Raphael? Was he hostile?

As Illustrious and Lady Eva put it, evidence shows that. Perhaps I was some zealous religious figure, but come on, like spirits would care that much. Yet, on the other hand, from what I gathered through past-life regressions, in one life I lived in the Middle East as a grave robber and either cultist or practitioner of the Arts.

All I remember is that I lived in a cave system with thieves, criminals and strange men who wore black robes and sacrificed people to dark gods. Maybe I managed to piss off every entity available by being a dick to the deceased/ripping people open on a slab? Don’t know, I know that if that were the truth, I wouldn’t be against bloodletting for magickal purposes (if you threaten me I have no qualms, but to feed an entity no matter how helpful it is, I find it wrong for some reason).

But as Lady Eva suggested, maybe I have some long standing pact with an entity who frowns upon the vast majority of the other available spirits. From experience it seems that I work easier with Middle Eastern entities, or at least don’t receive insta-bullshit like with the others.

As fo Rapahel, when I contacted him he didn’t seem hostile but more like disappointed. I asked for the healing of a family member and his tone seemed so weak, so despondent… Like you’re talking to some starlet who thinks himself a diva who is unable to put out the slightest of efforts, the kind of person you see and instantly think “this guy cannot even wake up on time how lazy he is”.

He agreed on doing this healing and then bailed out. Haven’t tried to contact him afterwards, just made some hostile spells against his presence so he could never again be present around me.

And yes, it was an invokation, not evokation. Conversation held my meditation and receiving visions.

Little bit of an update:

Apparently after I wrote these posts someone must’ve heard my protest. I had this urge to pronounce out loud certain Goetic entities names but instead I wrote them down: Valefor, Malphas and Marbas, among two others I am trying to figure out what they want.

Marbas was very helpful with a friend who had entered a coma a few days ago. While he was not able to heal him, it was so because my friend’s time was up anyhow, and better that way lest he had awakened brain damaged.
Despite that I asked Marbas to guide his soul since I had percieved my friend lost, eyeless and draped in rags.

After that my friend and I tried to converse, I wished him a good afterlife, and after Marbas’ intervention, he was no longer eyeless or in a pitiful state. This happened all through trance.

I am currently looking for a good reward, for Marbas. I have a rough idea about what would please him.

And as for the general spirit hostility, Big C (Choronzon) answered that I well knew the answer already. Apparently it is a mixture between apprehension, fear, and in some strange way enemity that spans before I was incarnated. At least that is the general feeling I get.

Thanks for your help everybody! I’ll report what else happens.

You mentioned casting a spell to keep Raphael away from you forever.
Have you done this with any of the other entities?
Particularly the first few you evoked?

Are you able to see these entities and question them if they are who they claim they are?

If the first time a spirit was hostile towards you and you placed a spell to keep them away that might be the reason no one else wants to work with you.

Just a thought.

I’ll do a reading on this here in a little bit after I’m finished with the ones I’m already obligated to.

As Illustrious and Lady Eva put it, evidence shows that. Perhaps I was some zealous religious figure, but come on, like spirits would care that much. Yet, on the other hand, from what I gathered through past-life regressions, in one life I lived in the Middle East as a grave robber and either cultist or practitioner of the Arts.[/quote]

You wouldn’t think so, but according to information I have received the reason why some of my spirit buddies are haunting sunas and eventually plan to kill him is because he was a dick to some indeviduals in their kingdom in a previous life. Their pretty serious about this to the point that they protect him from anyone/anything else that may want to take him out just so that they can do so themselves. Granted some of that may be practical too as apparently he plays a part in some occult stuff I was doing and it might fuck stuff up if the wrong thing got him.

In your case I don’t think this is whats going on given that it isn’t just one spirit kingdom your dealing with.

Thank you for your wisdom man. But who is this “sunas” you talk about?

I thought the whole fiasco with sun as was something you caused decectron?
Also I remember a post from EA himself saying it was his doing.

Sunas called him master and such.

Anyway onto the reading.

1.Prince of Wands:This Is telling me you’re coming at the spirits in a manner they find disrespectful.Look at your rituals from the beginning orations and conjurations and see if you can find something there that they might dislike.

2.4 of Cups:This shows that since you had a few bad experiences that you go into evocation with anxiety of the past repeating itself. This alone could be the problem.If you expect a spirit to appear as a pile of shit then you’ll see a pile of shit.

3.10 of Wands:You’ve now established a fearful and hateful relationship with the spirits.Once again this is what you will receive.Try meditating on your relationship with them.Call out their names in meditation NOT evocation and see what response you get.

The spirits you mentioned being hostile towards you…Mepsitahl,Michael,Hecate,Raphael,ect just doesn’t add up.Maybe you ARE dealing with parasites.

If the reading I just gave you doesn’t help then I’ll give you another one.

Good luck!

[quote=“Musta_Krackish, post:21, topic:3720”]I thought the whole fiasco with sun as was something you caused decectron?
Also I remember a post from EA himself saying it was his doing.

Sunas called him master and such.

Anyway onto the reading.

1.Prince of Wands:This Is telling me you’re coming at the spirits in a manner they find disrespectful.Look at your rituals from the beginning orations and conjurations and see if you can find something there that they might dislike.

2.4 of Cups:This shows that since you had a few bad experiences that you go into evocation with anxiety of the past repeating itself. This alone could be the problem.If you expect a spirit to appear as a pile of shit then you’ll see a pile of shit.

3.10 of Wands:You’ve now established a fearful and hateful relationship with the spirits.Once again this is what you will receive.Try meditating on your relationship with them.Call out their names in meditation NOT evocation and see what response you get.

The spirits you mentioned being hostile towards you…Mepsitahl,Michael,Hecate,Raphael,ect just doesn’t add up.Maybe you ARE dealing with parasites.

If the reading I just gave you doesn’t help then I’ll give you another one.

Good luck![/quote]

It sort of was, I didn’t mean for it to happen but I was freinds witht he boss of the spirits haunting sunas, and I didn’t know they were associated with each other until later. Anyway I needed some energy for some stuff and I guess sunas was just a good tool to gether it so they had him set up a vampiric network through the forum. Sunas acting like a jackass of course caused people to send alot of energy his way both through curses and ill will in general. When this happened all that energy just got sucked up and put into my project. Of course when I found out I put a stop to that.

As for who sunas is, well he’s some jackass who got banned awhile back for acting like a raging maniac. He’s also an important cog in the works of a secret ongoing project of mine. As for what ea said that was a joke. I know good and well who the mastermind of that affair was and it isn’t him.

I think you are best off leaving evocation alone for a bit and cleaning yourself up. I don’t know what your sill base is, but for you to just be getting attacked or refused by folks seems pretty outrageous. Mepsitahl? I mean I haven’t worked with her, but this is the last entity I ever hear anyone talking anything but pure words of joy about. You got some good boo-googie goin’ on there.

Perhaps you are just too into using entities without perhaps looking to do some things yourself. I mean the past life stuff is possible, but in my experience that stuff has way less absolute significance than it appears. Moreover, I generally don’t consult with entities in “respectful” manners… I have never once created an altar space for them, taken a ritual bath or even thought twice about giving offerings. I have often consulted entities with stinky breath, semi-musty armpits, and a few times on the toilet. Nevertheless, they seem to act in manners that are everything but baneful.

I can only possibly point to something with you in terms of your thoughts about entities, or perhaps having a ridiculous dependence on them possibly. If they are interested in you becoming powerful, they might refuse because you are externalizing skills to an “outside” source, which can be somewhat problematic if you are in a situation where evoking is not conducive. I personally do not give any concern to parasite entities, and as such have never actually met one that acts that way. There are enough parasites in this reality, I sure as hell ain’t entering otherworldly planes worrying about that.

So I would chill on that right now, perhaps get some experienced help from a trusted source, and in the meantime try to power myself up without evoking all the time. It helps to switch shit up, and there are things A LOT more powerful than entity evocation. You could also start creating your own… only Hecate has proven to be more expansive than entities I created myself.

I’ll be answering user by user:

  • Defectron: Thanks for clearing that up. For a moment I thought Sunas was an entity of sorts and didn’t make sense. I wish you good luck on whatever project you’re into with him.

  • Musta Krackish: Whoa dude thank you so much for the reading! Yes, it kind of explains that. Also might have raked up a bad reputation among spirits because I used to attack anything that remotely resembled one for like 10 years or so, I’ll explain further down.

  • the1giza: By no means I try to get spirits to do all my stuff. No sir, not at all. The only thing I ever wanted was to establish partnerships. Not even as E.A. Koetting puts it in The Book of Azazel regarding the demonic hierarchy (you know, the operator above the demons and nothing else mattering).

I know Koetting meant to illustrate how important it is to show authority when working with rebellious entities and how he surely wanted to give the reader a sense of empowerment, but I wanted to approach spirits as that. A “quid pro cuo”, an exchange of services for specific tasks that could be out of my hand.

An example was asking Marbas for assitance as I was busy trying to heal several persons at the time (with all the inconveniences that that means). Simply put, I was helping a friend, then another one had a problem, then a family memeber, and while I was organizing priorities, fourth friend went down.

I laughed more than I should when reading you evoked entities on the toilet, btw, and pondered whether gastric fumes can either help achieve trance or knock you out of it gasping for air. God damn you should not have told me that, lol :smiley: .

As for now I was contacted through dreams, and afterwards the regular telepathic communication we all do through evocation, by: Valefor, Malphas, Marbas and Ipos. Abridged:

  1. Valefor was intrigued by my violent thoughts that may or may not devolve into criminal activity. I was surprised that he would be attracted towards it as he does not seem willing to help, but rather observe. I am wary of him though, but seems not bent in causing me harm for now.

  2. Malphas wanted to “show me something”. Haven’t contacted him ever since because I was not ready for a mental or astral trip.

  3. Marbas has been a sport. Check my previous posts about him. Got his seal engraved in a see-through panel of glass (laser printing), and will be offering incense.

  4. Ipos: Insisted in contacting me. No further work done.

  • And as for some friends who were at a bad moment, I was contacted by Gremory (she wants me to call her Gammori for some reason), who was willing to be “refered” to them (who are also practitioners).

  • I called Orobas too. Appeared as a horse-headed man of grey skin (like donkeys) but the horse head had a shorter “muzzle” and seemed thicker and stronger, and the teeth seemed more human than animal. Had red eyes, seemed tensed and wary. After some conversation he seemed more inclined to help my friends (once he was summoned and offered something in exchange by them, that is).

He was also inclined in helping me with some stuff, but then Valefor appeared and said he should be trusted with that task (even if it is not mentioned in the books as being that his office). He seemed very displeased at the thought of Orobas doing that job.

[quote=“333, post:1, topic:3720”]Greetings fellow forum citizens!

As the title says, that happens. And keeps happening. Part is through evokation, part is through invocation, but proves to be a tad bit counterproductive to the point that I have to blackmail spirits into service (breaking of sigils, sigil-inna-box, etc…) , not to mention that offering a reward after coercing them seems to add insult to injury.

I try to make them come in peace, devoting some time before the evokation/invocation to study and harmonize with the spirit by reading information about them, gazing their sigils and such, and my methods of protection are merely based on sigils and the usual (Solomonic ring, Watchtowers, etc…). My tone has aways been respectful, if impatient.

Their reaction is usally outright hostility or silent awkwardness. At points the express some sort of disaspointment at being called upon by me.

A non-exhaustive list of entities being quite offended for unspecified reasons:

Hécate. Even afet recommending her to a friend.

Baron Samedi. Even after offerings and a period of somewhat friendliness.




Every god damn elemental king.

Every angelic entity that I’ve tried so far.

Olimpic spirit Aratron (not hostile, but patent disapointment).

Only spirits to show cooperation and not trying to murder me in my sleep with the usual spirit shenanigans: Pazuzu and Big C (Choronzon, he’s been quite a teacher).

Any ideas on why they are so irate? Divination has only served to determine “ancient enemity” of sorts that doesn’t clear up.

Has this happened to you? Please do share.[/quote]

Have you asked them?

Back then I could not because of the levels of aggression, now a days I don’t care, but I’ve tried and all I got was the most histeric and angry screaming I’ve ever heard from a spirit, or simply rage

I don’t care now, got a series of goetic spirits who are willing to work with me, and have had some good results by now (the threads are there, about Marbas and Valefor, and how the two of them went out of their way to prevent me from assaulting some dude since I’ve got anger management issues).

Michael ran through u with a spear lol

Are you sure that their intent is to do you in? Your trepidations might just be resistance from the ego, which these things have little regard for. That’s what makes them such effective teachers.

I’ve had relentless attacks from which I’ve learned a great deal. It leaves me wondering if their intent was to troll or teach.

Read Lady Eva’s account of her demon child. It was pretty rough. Most people would consider that a horrible experience, but not that freaky witch lady!