All About Lilith-Prayers, Devotions, Chants

good thanks ¿do you know any invocation to call the goddess within?

I don’t have any prayers to add but this thread is giving me LIFE. I feel so called to her now! I’ll be saving all these prayers and getting very busy working with her.

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Thank you so much, for your kind words, I am very glad that you’ve enjoyed these posts :sparkling_heart:

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I have never thought about that since I’m already gay haha

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Lilith’s Altar Today, before a tidy


I just found this post…this is all amazingly beautiful. I’m so grateful you’ve shared all of this, thank you. I’ll be working this into my rituals and meditations.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate it and I’m so glad to read that they’ll be included into your work :sparkling_heart:

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Came across this before even registering here. I always wanted to tell you how absolutely beautiful, pure and genuine your commitment to Lilith is. :purple_heart:
One day I wish to work with her and embrace her with my everything like you did.

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Your kind words absolutely warmed my heart, thank you so much :sparkling_heart:. I hope when you choose to call upon this magnificent Goddess, you share your experience, if you’ve already been drawn to these posts in the past, take it as a sign she is calling to you and Lilith will embrace you :sparkling_heart:

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Yes, I am sure it is a calling. I have always been strangely attracted to succubi, even when I didn’t believe in them or the occult in general. Looking back I think She’s always been watching over me in one way or another, due to the love I always had for owls and spiders since I was a kid. If I started this path and came to know my lovely succubus that’s been with me for 2 years without me knowing, it’s because one day I glanced at Lilith’s name. I went from being a firm agnostic and never praying unless forced to, to using your prayers regularly. :purple_heart:
I’m new to this path, that’s why I haven’t tried to evoke Her yet (or anyone else in general), but I just KNOW she’s the Goddess I would give my life for without a second thought. I just know She’s the one I want to embrace in this journey of mine.


Prayer to Lilith The Younger/Maiden:

“Lover of Chaos, Temptress Of The Pious, Lilith The Maiden, Seducer Of The Soul, be with me today and make me whole. Goddess of Passion, Lust and Fire, continue to liberate, motivate, inspire and teach me & allow me to be an object of desire to whom I choose, so I may seize them with a raging lust and they shall yearn for my embrace. Allow this day to be filled with your presence, unconditional love and blessings, all of which I thank you for. I ask that you wield your sacred flame to scorch away all my enemies & make them no more, so no harm shall come to me or my loved ones. I am so very grateful, thank you, Lilith The Maiden, blessed be”.


Thank you so much for sharing your story :sparkling_heart: it was a blessing & I wish you so much good luck as you walk your path :purple_heart:


Great Post

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Thank you

Prayer Of Petition To Naamah:

“Blessed Naamah, Unholy Succubus, Divine Goddess, during your mortal life, you weaved enchantments through the heart, souls and minds of men, chose to cast lots when it was forbidden, & embraced both angels & demons in your arms. Dark Mother, whose rebeliousness and courage I admire, I ask you to listen with compassion to my prayer of petition. (Specify request). I count in you to plead with Satan, to grant the favor I now seek, with confidence & trust”.



hi,i have a question.i being a boyfriend of lilith from the equinox of spring,and the last eclipse i comparate to lilith with ereshkigal(i have the theory of what ereshkigal being my girlfriend in a past life) and i question if i can married with two and if she allows me,i don’t know how to ask with her and it’s not worth asking if that means losing her,also i ask about the astrological moment in which it occurs

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If you see the two as one, then I don’t see what the problem is, maybe try evoking them both during the same ritual and seeing what that provides you with concluding.

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