Afraid to reach out again. Are Goetia malicious or peaceful?

Truth during hurracain maria i called michael for protection. He gave me a cold stare and screaming said, dont you think i got more to worry than your needs. Then infelt like he jabbed me in the stomach. After he gave me a recepie for a mojo bag for protection and said that he dont tolerate selfishenss. I latter realize that scince i live in chatolic land many more needed where calling upon him and that i was living inna concrete home while others had wood houses. I guess my self centered behaviour pissed him off. But i was a bit terrefied.

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No cus trhe tale said jesus as an avatar a divine incarnation thus full access to spirit and earth alike. I guess. Perfect meditation is when yiu can keep the state in every day life. Hard as hell. The farthest ive gone is resching the bliss of the breathless state.

Before and after making the rank of tata nkisi in palo mayombe i had terrible deppresion and anger. Its part of the initiation to make you whole.

That is not Michael. It was an imposter of some sort.

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You’re meant to resolve it! That stuff comes up when there are internal blockages, toxic crap, and trauma to be released, and if you don’t heal and release, then your life turns to shit because you’re allowing these to manifest on the physical level.

The Tunnels of Set work is deep shadow work and it’s known that your life will become chaotic while you work through them. You’re not meant to summon them all in one night, it’s ridiculous you did that and then you wonder why your life went to shit. The responsibility doesn’t belong with the demons. You called them, without really understanding what the Tunnels of Set work would cause within you and your life. I’m trying to say this as kindly as possible, but facts are facts.

Orlee specifically told me not to try doing the Tunnels of Set work whilst going through the Gatekeeper pathworkings because the Tunnels of Set deals with the shit, and she knew it would cause major upheavals within me and my life, when I was already going through major upheavals because of the Gatekeeper pathworking I’m doing.


Well I did the tunnels of set in one day cuss im an edge lord, sue me

Archangels would never do that, especially Michael, they exist to serve, and their love is unconditional, they love humans for the suffering they endure in this universe, I don’t think it’s an imposter spirit, I think it’s simply reflecting an aspect of yourself back to you, perhaps thinking your needs aren’t important or that you aren’t enough, usually stems from shame from parents, you have to understand that angels will see your needs more valid than yours especially if you’re too afraid to ask for help in general, or afraid of rejection, you’ll only be facing your own shadow first, one thing the angels taught me is my needs, desires and my opinion matters, a part of you may deem yourself unimportant maybe, hope this resonates

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Missed this. I’m not sure what would be the plan for combatting resistance. I wasn’t touching love here, just sex. I had reached out to Sitri. I followed up with Gremory. Things evened out again, but they’re stalled and I can’t seem to push them forwards.

Not who you’re replying to, but I think I find my current needs important, I just don’t see anything working. Reached out to Haniel a few times with no results.

No it was. After much deliberation. Believe me I though the same thing. At the time I was in a very “evil” path, self harming and harming others. So much of my interaction with angelic beings where hostile. After I cleaned my act so to speak the interaction with angelic beings became more serene and up lifting. Again it goes with you get what you put in. People forget that in the Bible it was Ángels raising down fire and brimstone, sending plagues. One can’t under estimate divine anger.

I see Ángels and demons as Teo sides of the same coin. (My personal perspective) like in many African traditions the same being like the loas of voodoo and the mpungo of palo, they are given a different name and abilities when they come in the good side or negative side. Lucero being the most prominent in palo. He is called lucero mundo or lucero ndundu when he comes benevolen and as a protector and guide. But called lucero ndoki when called or manifested in imhis darker aspect. It is why, to a point, poke Runyon idea of the armadel/ Goetia system makes some sense.
When my grandma started my magical training at 11 ( now I’m 33) she started with Ángels because as you said they are caring and loving but always with a warning saying that they don’t tolerate evil. Now what she called evil wasn’t t not being Christian or smoking, drinking or any of those. But those who wilingly cause harm to others and or themselves.
But that’s my view. Please don’t invalidate my personal experiences just because they don’t fit your experiences, expectations and preconceived notions. You all have your own experiences that happen at specific times and with your own personal set of circumstances, I can’t possibly say that what you experience is wrong. First I wasn’t there and second you have as much right to your experiences as I do. So I read your take on it but respectfully disagree.

Like a parent who scolds a child and sometimes the time out or in some cases the spanking. Some of us didn’t learned with the caring approach. After this experience I came to the realization it wasn’t all about me. See is the outcome of the encounter that convinced me that it was angelic and that it was done so I wake up to higher truth. To this day this experience is one of the biggest turning point in my life. After I made the adjustments I was happier and in a sense fuller. I don’t know how else to put it into words but it was as if everything around me was black and white but then I was able to see colors again.

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Oh sure, but then you blame the consequences on the demons.

Don’t look at them as your “buddies” and go on with working with them.
Fear is a big NO NO.

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Well said. That’s like hiring a handyman and expecting him to be your friend on the first meeting. They have their own agendas and personalities. And like people not all will like you.

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Na man. I personally take some time in between to adjust to the spiritual lessons and energetic changes. Then again some are affected by these things more than others. Do what works for you and conquer. The bread and butter of a sorcerer is the results.

No that is the wrong way to think about it, play with fire and you get burnt or you harness the power. It was essential for my growth.

Yeah it was not smart, it was on my spiritual bucket list I guess

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I know this but the responsibility doesn’t lie with the demons. That’s what I was saying - mainly for those who don’t know, but also, and my apologies if I’ve read you wrong, but you came across as if you were sort of blaming the demons.

In my experience, the parasites producing a slimy, gross energy tend to be either archons (the young, small ones) or they are the remnants of the deceased just starting to turn parasitic.

Santa Muerte showed me once, as she was grabbing one of these little archonic ones off my back, what it was. It had been sliming all over my back. The little shit was grinning (even though it was starting to have a temper tantrum), baring its grey pointy little teeth at me like a shark as it was being carried away.

The deceased can turn parasitic. By this I mean the earthbound ones wandering around - if they are particularly toxic, they can, at some point turn into a parasite. Belial told me this through Orlee Stewart. They have a slightly different, but slimy and gross, energy to what the archonic ones possess, and this particular energy tends to have a sort of sickly sweet feel, along with an almost seductive quality. It’s not pleasant and it will make you feel uncomfortable at least.

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I recommend using a modern grimoire that focuses on the Goetia, mainly because the methods are tested and have protection integrated so you can reach the correct spirit and not an impostor.

Assuming you contacted the actual spirit successfully, there are cases where the target of a love ritual feels that their reality is tinkered with and fight back their emotions because the change is obvious and it scares them. That results in them blocking you, getting aggressive and other unpleasant things. So maybe the spirit did what you asked for but the target is fighting back.

In my experience most modern spirits are benevolent as long as you respect them, including the Goetia (especially during a formal ritual).

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Maybe I was before but I do not blame Demons, I bear the responsibility of my actions and being