Affair has become my worst nightmare

Jesus woman, you’ve been through hell.

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That’s the best and worst part of me… I’ve done enough work and lost enough to no longer come from a place of ego. I’ve seen what I can do, and between me and my muertos, I could hear them saying “did you think we were kidding” lol I don’t know why or how but I get results. I have danced this one out and maybe I wanted this to get this bad, because to get me angry, takes this much… they both deserve hell, the baby of course not, but she (mom) doesn’t need to be around lol

I hope you get that I’m understanding what your saying, and I kno when I do decide to work this, it’ll be the best choice I am able to make, even if that means NOT working it :wink:

Was that even me?? Lol


I’m thankful for your wisdom even in such a state, I’m certain I wouldn’t be able to be so calm in such a storm so it’s definitely a strength to be admired. Again, I’m sorry such a thing happened to you, and I’m right with you as far as that woman suffering. If she really did cause such discourse purposefully, an eye for an eye is only fair, no?

Edit: I have no idea why I’m saying “such” so much. Word repetition has been a thing for my brain lately. It annoys me because I don’t notice it until I’m done writing. And I’m sorry for it. XD


Can you throw obi?

I set up shop lol tho I walk thru what valley, lol my house is dead center in that shadow of the valley of death haha “/ laughing but not lAugjing :wink:


Yes only for myself tho. I have los caracoles de mi eleggua tho
Those I do use for divination.

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I never have thrown The obi tho. I’m afraid to do it wrong

Alright excuse the ignorant question- what’s the Obi?

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Coconut in the Yoruba practice “Santeria”

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It’s a means of communicating with our dead

Yes thats the one I mean

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I’m not allowed to work the dead per my madrina but correct me if I’m wrong but when you put the dead to work they work their way up the chain, of course I’m mixing a little here on different traditions cause that was my path but as an example, the baby would be the first to be targeted, maximum pain for mother and father, then your ex because he is her possession compounding her losses then the mother to strike fear in the heart of the caster then the original caster but before that maybe the ones closest to her as well. I say her but now I feel it’s a him.


You are correct. Absolutely correct.

Tú tienes mucho de Chango

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Cabio Sile

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The baby will be a him. I felt that right away.

Hahah aseeee mi hermano

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Have to go to sleep soon, will catch up with you tomorrow :kissing_heart:

Goodight everyone, good conversation :+1:

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Keep in touch with me. Sleep with the angels

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I feel like that kid at family gatherings that has no idea what’s going on, understands every other word, but is trying to act like an adult anyway and fake drink fine wine to look classy. x3