Advice on my ritual

If you read my post from yesterday you will see my post where I believe the jinns may have wanted me to perform this ritual. Done the ritual to increase abundance just now. Didn’t feel anything and wasn’t scared throughout ritual although I could’ve been a little more confident and maybe focus a little more on the candle while saying the names. Can this affect the effectiveness of my ritual?

Any advice brother @Mulberry

Sounds like a fine start. Now you release, try not to lust for results and see what happens. :slight_smile:

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problem is I had to look at notes a lot since I couldn’t memorise everything but I am still faithful that it will be successful since I received signs yesterday.

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It’s perfectly fine to look at your notes. If you have ever seen any of EA Koetting’s live rituals, he often reads his conjurations straight out of his personal journal. It doesn’t affect anything.

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Will check that guy out. In mean time I will wait patiently for results even if I have to wait months.

EA Koetting is the co-founder of this forum. His videos can be found on Odysee.

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