Acne issue

I believe you can get rid of acne with, mugwort, Witchhazel, baking soda, egg whites and honey. Use the above ingrediants to create a face mask cleanser, then wash off thouroughly with warm water, then apply some cool water after that.

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Which is why you use hot water to open the pores to get the gunk out and wash and then use cold running water to rinse which clears it all and closes your pores. Acne in later life can be a hormonal imbalance caused by numerous things. For guys if it is where you shave it can be caused by a condition called “folliculitis” which is basically your body sometimes attacks the hair for no reason and can affect your scalp as well. Happens with girls too but the reason I mention guys is because the shaving irritates the skin. Sometimes it’s caused by the lubrication strip on the top of shaving cartridges, sometimes by the blades, sometimes a razor just takes too much skin with the hair. Yes it actually scrapes the top layers of skin. You could try changing to an electric shaver. Or dab the cheapest alcohol based cologne on the pimple itself. Something like 4711.

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Say what? Acne is caused by clogged pores, so a hot shower would help declog them.

In my experience, though, diet is the number one thing to watch when looking to prevent new acne from forming. If you eat unhealthily, your skin will usually reflect it.

Also, if anyone’s considering Accutane, keep in mind that some studies report that it stunts growth if you’re still a teenager.


Back in my teens, I had severe acne problems. It was all over my back and chest. I remember I had to wear white undershirts, even in hot weather. The acne medicine I had to wear would stain my clothes if I didn’t. But pimples would pop through our the day, and my undershirts were covered in puss. It got so bad I was put on a drug that cracked my lips and made my skin sensitive to the sun in senior year.

After the move three years ago, I had a dermatologist who said it’s not acne. It’s a skin condition that’s caused by an overactive immune system. As an adult, I still get the occasional zits. Sometimes their on my face, neck, or behind the ear. Sometimes it’s on the chest or arm. Other times it’s in a highly inconvenient area like the inside of my thigh. When you add autism, I just feel like a goblin.

People can give a try to not eating meat, because people say that spiritually meat stimulate the lower chakras, and such base emotions and body stuff which can be related to acne, like the immune system of previous poster might be affected like this.
But this isn’t professional advice.

Ask him to remove the disfigurment.