Acne issue

Yeah I know what some of you would say.
I’m actually using a medicament for it but it seems the acne doesn’t disappear the way that it supposed to.but wait,I’m a fuckin witchcraft practicioner .I hate my insecurity and decreasing of confidence so…

I would like to ask you which demon could help in this case? Or any meditation ??


Same issue here. My skin used to be so… :crying_cat_face:
And now… It’s a mess… seriously…
I used to work with Aphrodite when I had my flawless skin…
So. I’m going to recommend her. She’s also a goddess of Beauty :heart_eyes_cat:

Also remember… I can’t stress this enough… true beauty comes from within yourself so be positive :heart:


I will keep it in mind.but the problem is when the majority of your friends have a clear skin but you…being positive is not that easy you know

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Make yourself a beauty sigil and keep it in your pocket.


I know how hard it is… believe me. I’m dealing with the same issue and in my case, I have always had clear skin so suddenly getting acne that’s like… watching a horror movie and realising its your life… it is so so hard… I wanna cry and hide from the world… seriously… I understand your pain…

What kind of medication/skin care regimen do u have?

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Sounds like a job for Marbas or Raphael.

I can send you a link if you’d like of a soap that personally helped me out back when I had some pretty bad acne going on though.


Please if you don’t mind :blush:

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Oh, and watch exfoliating scrubs, they make your skin purge, meaning they draw things to the surface making the problem worse. Try rinsing your face with diluted apple cider vinegar. Good for your hair to.


Cutacnyl peroxyde de benzoyle 5 percent

Différine adaplène 0.1 percent



And I thought exfoliation was good… good lord…


I ame literraly noting your advicea guys .I will try it for sure


Start taking cold showers. They do wonders for your skin. Hot showers fucking suck for your skin.

If you just can’t do it, submerge just your face in ice cold water.


You are a girl so.does a girlfriend who has a fuckin perfect skin care if the boy have some acne in his beautiful face😂?

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Well. I have been using retin a for a few weeks now and it is working really well.
Still… I advise u to be positive and have hope…
This too shall pass… sigh
Hopefulliii soon :smile_cat:


Lol if my boyfriend had acne on his beautiful face, we’d work on a skincare regimen together and follow it regularly :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know a couple both had a really bad acne.I bet they’re fighting for the seek of the clear skin together

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One more pro tip: Wash your pillowcase on the daily, if you don’t already. All the deadskin cells and other shit that comes off your face when your asleep sucks especially if you have acne.


This is absolutely true. It draws the nutrients out of your skin and opens your pores making them not only more noticeable but also more junk will get into your pores and cause pimles.

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Don’t know why but you made me laugh and forget about my skin for a second.luckily I do ,thanks anyway


Acne is like an allergic reaction, what soap are you using? Try using coconut oil instead or an all natural soap to wash your face at night etc.
Sometimes it’s food you ate eating especially toxins from chemical additives. Bread, snickers bars or processed foods make my face bumpy af. …you ask a spirit what you can change to help it or detox yourself. It’s makes a huge difference. I’ve been there, still there! Good luck.

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