Acne issue

Having green tea daily helps too…

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I have an oily skin so I have no choice.peroxyde of benzoile is the best solution for it


It’s good to do every now and then but not regularly.

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The apple cider vinegar is good for oily skin

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Haha, trust me man I feel your pain. Junior high school my face was all types of fubar. Messes with your confidence and self-esteem if you don’t know any better. Good routine, diet, and supplements work wonders.

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Here in morocco green tea is an essential part of our daily life

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Lol it’s a part of my daily life too, akhi :sunny:

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Best of luck. Hope your skin clears up soon :smile_cat:

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Get Proactive. It seriously works if you follow the reccomended steps.

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Akhi =أخي=brother

Thank you for all your help since my beginning here okhti


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You are welcome :heart:

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I used to use that…then I realized It was causing most of my breakouts. Less chemicals the better.


That reminds me: thick creamy moisturizers often have things in them that clog pores and make breakouts worse to. Get something thin like a serum instead.


If you don’t want to get acne here is what you do. Take nice hot showers daily open up the pores. Then scrub the face with natural soaps. Take a handful of baking soda and get it into a wet paste then rub it into your face and rinse. Then switch the water to cold and close up those pores with that cold water. Let your face air dry. Your acne will be gone in a couple weeks. Cheers!

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Wash your face with hot water. Hot water makes the pores open. Then after you have washed your face, splash some cold water on your face.

That tightens the pores and makes your skin look better…

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I used to have that same issue. I have two formulas that had success getting rid of them completely for myself and others that’s done it…

Facial Mask
-1 Avocado
Smash it into a paste and put a thick layer on your face and areas with the acne. Save the leftovers in fridge no longer than 1 day… apply before bed for two hours max.

Body/Face scrub
1 tbsp of each (mustard seed, any sea salt, sugar, baking soda)
Mix together until bended well
apply to a moist rag or scrub
Then apply to the body starting at the face, to neck all the way down to your toes…
These ingredients feels like it’ll burn a bit, but it’s just opening your pores… you may want to rinse with cool water.

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This is one where the meds really work. It can be a hassle to get into a good dermatologist but Accutane and its cousins can really cure you, once and for all. And if the hassle seems to big - well, maybe that’s the target you should direct energy toward -


Yeah it works brilliantly. And I recommend it :slight_smile:

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If you do decide to use retin a, only put it on your acne spots not on your whole face. It dries the acne and then it’s gone.
You have to be patient though because u can’t use it everyday otherwise your skin will get irritated. I use it like 3 days in a week… Lol. This feels like I’m in a skincare forum sorriii :skull:

Magickal solution : work with Aphrodite… :skull:


I appreciate Both medical and magickal answers .it seems that retin/cutacnile/differin use the same strategie .drying acne then remove them

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