Academic treatises and grimoires?

I am currently reading the book The Cult of the Black Cube. I am very much enjoying it.

Does anyone have any other book recommendations for occult studies?


There’s been a few over the years: Search “book recommend” or try the collection…

For more scholarly efforts look up the work of Dr Stephen Skinner, hmn, maybe Manly P Hall, Ingo Swann, Eckhart Tolle, Graeham Hancock.


Thank you so much! You really have thought of everything!

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Oh I forgot one: Robert Sepehr on youtube has tons on the black cube as well. He is an author but not sure if he has specific books on just the black cube. His book on Vril might mention it as that relates to the black sun though early 1900s occult practice in Europe.


Thank you! I’m almost through the book and it’s a Delgiht.

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