Abramelin Square for manifesting money

You can just find the PDF on Google … Just search “Abramelin magical squares pdf*” … And you will get the book…


@cloud9 I don’t understand why the letters in the middle are broken when I trace it exactly how it is going to work? Why all these letters connected as they are separated from each other in the middle ? :confused::confused::confused::confused:And should I put it in my wallet and keep it with me until the money arrives Or do I burn it as soon as I get the money? I Hope this square isnt something dangerous if Its for beginers than ok

Hi I am new at all of this and have tried to work with the square so far nothing. I am not even sure if I’m doing it correctly as I am a newbie. How would you know if you’ve done the ritual correctly? Also how long should you wait to see if it has worked before trying it again? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

well done I opened square four days ago and nothing i have it in my wallet and still nothing

Don’t be impatient, Four days isn’t very long. Don’t rush it. I got nothing the first half a dozen times I tried the square, but the last time I used it I received the money I needed in three days in quite an unexpected way.

Always remember that we have the buffer of time here on the material plane, so the manifestation has to find a pathway to you, and it will take as long as it takes. I usually wait at least a week or two before calling the ritual a failure, just in case there is a pathway to the money I can’t see.


Thanks I will give it more time. Will let you know if I have any success! :grin:

*I think I’m going to do the Abramelin Square again and I thought about drawing it with a golden color as golden as color of richness and charged it with my orgasm maybe it would be even more efficient and charged with more energy

Hey All!
First post in this thread though I’ve read it twice over. I am pleased with my results after one night of asking SEGOR,EGAMO,GAZAG,OMAGE,ROGES for their hand into my wealth journey. I believe in the practice of santeria so I had the green candle blessed for some extra support. Though she put her own oils in the candle I use money drawing and luck oil each night I connect with them. I missed one night but the next morning aka yesterday I was hired to do an 8 week job at 23 an hour. Then just this morning I receive two unexpected deposits though small I know(intuitively feel) a large one is coming in the morning. I will burn the candle 20-30 minutes each night until it is out. This exact method wasn’t mentioned here but I just took the knowledge I got here and went with intuition. I am so grateful for the time and energy you all spent sharing and gathering this info. Most thanks to S,E,G,O,R for aligning such matters and more in my favor, may our journey be a bountiful one.


Hello @DarkestKnight. I would like to ask you,is it a problem if the square when I’m gazing into it doesn’t dissapear and reappear as the regular sigils? Because i had a hard time trying to open it,propably because it is bigger and has the letters. Should i try more to open it or i should continue the process without opening it?

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I would continue trying to open it. It should open just like a seal, and the names on the square should flash in and out.

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I did better the second time. The letters flashed back and forth and then i asked what I wanted. Btw,the only thing that concerns me is that i can’t feel a presence or something yet because I’m a beginner. I just open the seals and when i feel ready i talk to the spirits. Is this the right way to approach it for now?

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Yes, that’s fine. I don’t always feel something. Don’t get trapped in an expectation of sensing presence or energy and whatnot. Phenomena is not necessary for a result. You can feel nothing, and still get what you asked for. You could also have spirits flying around your room when you open a seal and get no result at all.


Bump Bump bumpty Bump Bump

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I opened the square recently and put it in my wallet, today I tripled my winnings.

It works well for me.

Thank you to the square and spirits.


The square didn’t work for me unfortunately. I think i did everything the right way but with zero results.
Maybe i have to try it again.

What gives squares 14, 2 and 7, are they too for financial gain?


It says right beside them what the other squares are for. 2 is for silver coins, 7 is for gold ingots, and 14 is for gold generally. So the modern equivalent would probably be coins of some type for square 2, for 7 it would probably be some sort of unworked precious metal (like a rock with a streak of gold inside, for example) and square 14 is just gold in a general, so it could manifest as anything gold related.


Let me try it out, and I can come back and tell if there is some difference. :wink:


so what’s the verdict on the square with the blank spaces vs. the one that’s filled out?
which one has better results?

I would go with this: