About storing energy in crystals

Is there a limitation of much how energy that can be stored into a crystal or object for that matter? If I for instance store energy daily in a crystal without using it for a year would I then be able to use the crystal for a year without storing energy into it?

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If you only take as much energy as you stores yes. If you take more than you stored no.

I would expect there to be a limit. You own body can store far more energy than a crystal.

I’d tend to think, it depends on the level of energy you use. There’s kinds of activations that are one-stop, that’ll change the stone for good. Happened to me with a small rose quartz skull and it was kind of an accident too. It became 100x more powerful after being chucked… into the fireplace and staying there for hours! Do not recommend… But it worked…

I vampirize a person to empty and transfer the energy over the stone.

Is that person aware you are doing this?


I will only wear it as necklace on me and have it under my pillow while sleeping.

An absurd amount of energy can be stored in the right crystal, though it’s mostly dependent on you, the nature of the magick, another person or any spirits you are channeling through them. And so on.

Even if the crystals go unused for long lengths of time, they can still be extraordinarily powerful. The notion of spirits or magickal energy taking hold in physical objects is hardly a new concept, such dates back many thousands of years as cursed, magickal, or holy objects. There are plenty of reports of these energies still being present when they are dug up centuries or even millennia later.

A year is nothing in comparison.

No need for anything like charging plates either. Personally I don’t think that any crystal should need to be continuously charged once it’s got the right energy aligned with it. If that’s not happening, the crystal is somewhat incompatible with that person, spirit, or other energy avenue.

(In some cases, the energy can become corrupt or blocked off in another way but that’s another topic. Most of the time it’s some other invasive energy which needs to be removed).

If a crystal feels like it’s “wearing off” it’s not. More often what happens is that person using the crystal is getting too used to that energy and they don’t feel it as strongly anymore. So they use some method like charging plates, wands, bowls — anything of the sort they got suckered into buying — when all they really need to do is take a break from that stone for a day or week or however long to feel it again.


Suppose someone feels that a crystal to bring wealth is “wearing off” when they carry it around. Yet when the same type of crystal is used in, say, a money bowl and be left untouched for months, years. This makes no sense that the former will be routinely charged and the latter ignored. The one being carried around should be more energized because of the energy coming directly from that person on a daily basis! They’re just not feeling it as strong as they did when they first started carrying it around, that’s all. If they were to take it out and really focus on sensing its power, they’d feel it.

I’m not entirely trying to piss all over things like charging plates either btw. They obviously work for some people, though I think when that’s truly the case, there’s something about their energy that is highly compatible with those sorts of crystals (usually selenite is used). I certainly use certain crystals to “charge” others, but it’s either to assist with working with new ones or to have an escalating effect over time.

There is another factor in which crystals can lose their charge on their own through — if someone doesn’t care about whatever they were charged for in the first place. A crystal charged to assist in cursing a specific person is not going to be as strong, or even have any of that charged effect anymore, if someone’s since reconciled with or forgiven that person for instance.

This next example is more personal, but I hope it shows some of what I mean by channeling the right energies. Perhaps also to encourage others to explore things things for themselves to find methods to better suit.

My magickal focus is on astrology, fixed stars, the planets, etc. With these sorts of magick, the energies I channel from my natal chart matter a great deal — though my chart is extremely imbalanced by elemental energy, being nearly all fire. What has worked best for me to charge crystals (especially when it comes to every other element) is actually the exact opposite of the sorts commonly advised for use in charging, such as selenite or clear quartz. With that much fire energy, fire being the least material of the elements, I’ve had a lot of success in activating, aligning, and channeling energy with stones like obsidian, sardonyx, or tiger’s eye, all of which all have both fire and earth natures. Fire for compatibility with my own energy, earth to ground that energy and effectively turn crystals into powerful batteries which never need to be recharged again. Doing this has substantially helped me in working with crystals — something I used to actually struggle with quite a lot!

(There are other factors, but hopefully that gets the idea across)

Using that method had made it much easier to program crystals with energies incompatible with all my fire. It’s a useful skill and method to develop if one intends to work magick with stones to channel someone else’s energy (be it a person, spirit, etc).

As for main question asked, whether or not there’s a limit on energy…

Yes and no. A larger crystal will generally store more energy, but I’ve found the stone type and compatibility matters far more, even if one sort is substantially smaller.
There are a few types of stones Belial has channeled his energy through that I work with all the time. Citrine is one sort he likes, but there’s another (secret, sorry) that he greatly prefers. A tiny 1 cm crystal of that sort has way more of his energy packed in there than the largest citrine piece.

The more I’ve used crystals, the more powerful they get. So far I have not really encountered many limitations aside from size and sometimes colour being a factor (if they’re all the same stone that is).