About Odin's Right Eye

So a few months ago I was researching Norse/Icelandic Mythology & Magick and came across a book called, “Norse Mythology” by Neil Gaiman. I started reading the book, I was also reading E.A.'s book of Norse too. I got to the point of Odin sacrificing his eye out and as soon as he was stabbing his eye out I started feeling intense pain in my right eye & around it. It really felt like it was being stabbed out & it felt like that for about 10 minutes. My left eye on the other hand felt really relaxed & not tensed up or anything. Anyone know why this happened? Or even could happen?

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Psychosomatic symptoms, you were involved in the story and your mind makes it true. You might want to work on being less easily influenced, it’s good to be sensitive, but it’s good to be able to switch that off and stay safe as well.

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Yeah whenever I read something, watch, or even listen to music/audio I always feel like I’m there as the person telling the story or just observing the story from a third person view. I can switch it on or off but I never knew that.

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There’s definitely strong symbolism in this I mean there’s also the eye of Horus and even Dajjal being blind in the right eye and good old all seeing eye associated with secret societies so I personally believe it does have a meaning but we are yet to discover it

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