About energy attunements

I see this is an older thread, but I didn’t want to start a new one necessarily. If I may ask @Ragepanda; I’m curious to know how would you describe you feel the energy of your attunements? I recently got two, and as I’m new to it didn’t not what to expect and how it would feel for me. Would love to hear about your experiences :blush:


Sure, each one feels different in my system when I accept them in.
Some I just feel strong pressure and a feeling of movement in my third eye area.

Some of them I feel sensations through other parts of my body, usually starting somewhere and either following certain lines (I suppose channels would be a better word), or otherwise starting somewhere and radiating out across either the whole body or an area of it.

For the enochian healing attunement, I kept a running commentary in my log of the hour or so after accepting it in. I knew it was notorious as a strong attunement, so I decided to detail the experience as it happened.
From my log:

Enochian Healing
*13/06/2022-Activated chi ball. *
*Comment: Activated just after 21:00 hrs. *
*Woah. Started light but become very strong. *
*Quite a wonderful experience. Especially felt in crown, third eye and sacral chakras. *
*Strong pulsing in the legs and feet and kind of pulsing rolling feeling in the sacral. *
*Whole body feeling it really and it is pleasant. *
Heart rate feels slightly elevated but all good.

About ten minutes in and the whole body is rocking and pulsing, but still pleasant.

About 20 minutes in, energy tingles up the right leg and hip and liver- likely the blocked channel ive been working on with [name redacted].

About 30 minutes in, energy tingling up my left leg and into the glute.

Process lasted about an hour.

Did a session of over an hour right afterwards. Very strong experience. Took a break and did another hour to two hours.

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I just popped this out here as I think it’s a fine topic in its own right, and the other topic was somebodies personal journal on their pathworking rather than a general discussion.

Don’t worry about making new topics! That’s what we’re here for, we love it, and we can always help out with organizing things if needed. :slight_smile: :+1:


Thanks @Mulberry :hugs:

Oh wow, the activation sounds like quite an experience in itself in addition to using the energies!

I myself recently got interested in Energy Work and got 2 attunements and activated them. This is a whole new thing for me and I didn’t know what to expext but really wanted to try it out. The first was on December 8th (over 21 days settling by now) and the second was more recent. The activation of both was not very eventfull in terms of feeling anything, but after that when repeating the demon’s name to start using the energy, I think I got some cold chills the first few times but that has stopped a about a few days ago. Makes me wonder if I did it “right” eventhough the seller mentioned you cant really go wrong if you intend to receive it. So I guess I have to trust it all went well, and learn to get my energy sense in place and work from there.

Any tips, tricks or helpfull advice is welcome if you -and anyone else- feels like sharing :hugs:

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The attunements Ragepanda is talking about are ones that connect you with entities Gods/Angels/Demons. I know that there are other people doing energy or other chi balls stuff. The ones that we were discussing specifically came from Jareth Tempest.

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Never mind. I did not read you last post well enough.

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No worries! :hugs:

@Ragepanda, if you dont mind me asking; in the thread this one was merged from, I saw that you made some attuned images yourself. Are those still active? I’d love to try them out, but didn’t want to just go ahead without asking your permission first.

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Are you meaning the images that I attuned for passing on attunements (as opposed to using the chi ball method)?
If so, that would be in this thread:
Let’s trade attunements! - Journals, Group Rituals & Free Readings - Become A Living God

The first set of images and instructions from use is in my 23 august post.
If you scroll down you will find I have added more in over time. Which reminds me, I’ve been meaning to add more.

You’re quite welcome to try these out, no permission needed. I posted them for the use of anyone who wants the attunements.

Just be aware the two enochian ones are very strong so you may want to avoid those two for a while until you become quite experienced in energy work. But all the others are beginner friendly.

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Yes, those are the ones I meant. I’ll definitely be trying those out than, thanks so much!

I’ll indeed leave the enochian ones for when I’m further down the road.

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