A Year Break Is Over- Introduction

I will be brief about my introduction, I slept 4 hours and woke up at an odd time to be drawn here, that much I understand. To relate all of my experiences would take some time, so I’ll just say after asking Krishna if I should make money in a way that I won’t relay here a tree fell a two car’s lengths in front of me while in a car. I’ve experienced ESP, intuition turned to clairvoyance, serenity, all the effects of the ajna chakra being activated. When younger I saw a few hypnogogic hallucinations, astral spiders fresh from a cave in skyrim, so guess what state I was in. A year ago after reading wiredsage’s neocities I tried contacting gods and had success in seeing them during meditation, and limited channeling therein.

• Kinds of magick you like
Biokenesis, esoteric vajrayana techniques that only the monks get to learn, mediumship,
• Current ambitions
Make the ajna chakra churn again, expand my knowledge in order to affect the world around me, cultivate relationships with other mediumistic and learned individuals
• Current struggles
The only thing to shake me has been attachment to someone special, it breeds suffering of the only palpable kind for the transcendentalist.

Welcome to the forum! So, from whence do you hail, and how long have you been actively practicing?

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I am from America, about a year seriously, but college and such got in the way. I was happiest engaging with all of this, so I will stay. Also, I enjoy your posts very much. Thankyou for your myriad of contributions.

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Thank you very much! I’m glad some of my thoughts can be useful, for sure! :smiley: :pray:

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Welcome @Maitreya

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

Since I see that as a broad question, probably not. I’ve been the medium in a circle before, had my bones get unshakably cold. I’m manifested through law of attraction with good success. I’d like to learn more about it from a good source because I’ve seen and heard of people throwing themselves on the floor while practicing high-magick. Being possessed I assume.