Yes there’s “To Rouse Vengeful Destruction”. This is at your own school?
I’ve not tried this specific incantation, I have called Andras for something similar. To err on the side of caution, I would do this on people that typically exist at least a mile away from you at all times.
You might get what you wanted, in spades, but be caught in the middle of it. And that sucks. Been there done that Or it can bounce off protections and only affect you or people around them and that’s sad.
Bindings tend to solve the behaviour issues without being sensed as an attack and not deflected.
I would also try not to dictate the way the spell works in too much detail, that tends to make things take longer to manifest, as the energy has to find a way around and ignores faster options that don’t meet the specifics. State what you want, which is, it sounds like, to stop the behaviour fast, followed by some justice. Does it matter what justice looks like as long as it works?
You could also do both, start with a binding, do some workings on your own shields and wards, and then do the incantation.
There’s more ideas if you search on here for “death curse”.
This one is fun: Instant, possible but that’s more about luck and perfect timing, not easy to create without lots of practice.