A Small Tip

If you are struggling with something in your life, it’s likely a subconscious energy or feeling or trauma that is holding the pattern of struggle in place.

Let’s say that you struggle with discipline or getting work done. Rather than trying to force yourself or motivate yourself, make it easy on yourself.

Just calm down and observe your feelings, there is likely a feeling that is feeding the situation.

Just become conscious of what it means to you, and then let go. Allow yourself to understand the feeling and the solution. Let it go.

There are likely many societally attributed hangups you have, so keep doing the untangling at your own pace.

Your peace of mind will improve dramatically.

That’s all.


Not so little…
This is VERY valuable advice, imo!


Yep :ok_hand:, self talk is VERY important, it is walking half the distance of the road that you are trying to achieve, the rest is action.

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Absolutely, it’s a crucial part of knowing yourself, a tenet in Hermetics. Emotions are a thing we have, they are not who we are, and we have the for reasons. Slowing down enough to know what those reasons are before being driven without thinking can save a lot of heartache.

There’s a dude call Richard Grannon who talks about this on youtube and gives pointers on when to stop and ask yourself why you feel certain ways. It may be from outside, it may be an emotional flashback, and you can gain understanding and control of these.

A lot of us have trauma, sometimes a LOT, but it doesn’t have to control us.