(Ok before I start I understand most of you would tell me to go and ask them first and I would. However, I am very sick right now (the flu and yes Abbadon I get it.) and I am to weak to even sit up and type this let alone read. But this has been in my mind for a bit and it be cool and nice to hear what you guys have to say or even talk about related experiences (because I’m sure this has happened before and I know use the search bar but I feel I should post this topic). So with all that out of the way…
Some of you know I just moved from where I was do to some unfortunate development between me and my ex friend. So I moved in with good friends that were kind to take me in.
Now before I even decided to just end things and moved, two of my things that I was working on was coming to fortune (me getting a good position in the company and my Etsy shop that Iv been wanting to open for years.) But when shit hit the fan and had no choice I moved out and to my friends I’m with now but in a different state.
So one of my pacts was about me getting a good position in the company along with various of other things. I know they were working very hard to piece everything together where it would work out the best. But do to my sudden move and because there is not that line of work out here, does that mean I broke a pact? I have not heard from them for some time except a brief vision of Belial I had about a week ago.