A powerful fullmoon in Scorpio is coming. What are you planning to do guys? 🙂

Could be, they have similar aspects and in my research new gods are made from the old. I.e “Satan” is actually derived from Set, and I reject all that religious dogma so I don’t see him as Satan. Egyptian and Greek mythology existed long before Christianity.

@Donk Well, a few months ago, all these Greek Gods i thought they are mythology. Just nice stories nothing more! But it seems they exist…
I still consider my self Christian, but over open minded i guess.
I respect and believe all this truth thst has been revealed to me since i found this forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I meditated anyway haha. I wrote one thing at a time and then intensely visualized each scenario. At the end, I drew a circle around the three “wishes” & basically imagined the energy I put into the wishes floating off into the universe. It was done in the back of my magick notes journal so I wouldn’t be going back to it. I personally find the mediation aspect important because it calms me down and allows me to easily shift my attention, which isn’t so easily done with ADHD.
Again, will it work? Honestly I really hope so lmao. Either way, it was a great practice for visualization/manifestation.

Whoa didn’t expect that. How does that work? Because Christians reject any form of magic as evil… I’m genuinely curious.

Props to you… even without ADHD it’s hard to focus and keep your attention on the present xD

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Very easy. Cause they don’t know that I’m into magic and dived in the spiritual world :laughing:

Well what I mean is, the Christian faith teaches you that you will go to hell for your sins. Do you believe this as well? How do you reconcile it all?

Actually, I was never a closed minded Christian, altho my parents are. I was always a thinker and was doubting already some Christian ‘laws’.
I also had always a hidden love and attraction to the spiritual world… so now, from the moment i entered BALG, i have changed completely some beliefs, i have learned a lot of new information i would never imagine there is.
I m really open, Because i want the truth. I m looking for the reality up there… And true facts.
But after all of my research, and experience so far, I can’t find anywhere else this healing calmness and elation after receiving the Holy Communion (Eucharist)
Trust me, there was a period of rejecting Christianism and Church but this feeling is still there, when i go to Church and participaying in the Eucharist. And this is the biggest magic i have experienced so far…

Ah, fair enough. Thank you for your answer. :slight_smile:

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My pleasure :blush: