A new group

It seems there has been a few disputes over this group for studying the book of azazel. I believe it would be best if there was a group so I volunteer to lead it. The group will discuss chapters and will change chapters every two weeks unless otherwise noted, perhaps we simply cant figure it out in two weeks or we have already figured it out after a few days. The group will be run by those who are in it, everyone will vote for what entity we will evoke and what chapter will be discussed. If everyone agrees with me being leader then so be it, if not then I will allow kitari, DKM, or bran to lead it.

I hope to start this within the next week.

Nice Necromaster. I really want this group to work, but me leading would be a bad idea, so I’m glad someone else, someone more experienced wants to do it.

This sounds like a great idea Necromaster.

+1 from me, you have my vote.




I have been sitting back, pondering this whole study group thing and watching responses. And I like the thinking your initial post demonstrates. I agree there are many members who would benefit enormously from a structured study group, and I like your approach of flexibility in studying.

I support this new group. I still hold Azazym in high regard - he did put forth the original idea, and I give him props for that. Its a shame it fell apart, regardless of the reasons. Let’s move forward now.


count my vote in favor of necromaster as well. :slight_smile:

Agreed. I actually think it’s a good thing there are more than just one big group. Everybody learns differently and may not do well in one group but excel in another. Plus - with two separate groups going, there is bound to be separate conclusions for different things that will eventually benefit the community as a whole. I can dig it. necro, you got my vote :slight_smile:

Ok, right off, I’m going recommend a titling syntax for these threads. The reason being is that there are, so far, going to be two study groups threading in the “The Book Of Azazel: Grimoire Of The Damned” board. Because there is a high possibility of more groups getting started later on down the road for those who did not have the chance to join one of the current groups or even groups that get started relatively soon by somebody who thinks taking it in a direction not yet considered might be beneficial. Whatever the reason, the fact is, without some type of prefix to designate which group the thread belongs to, it will become extremely confusing. I propose each group coordinate and develop a 3 to 5 letter moniker to signify which group is carrying out the discussion.
Something like:

TTVS - Lake of Fire Theories
KOI - Group Evocation: Dra’talon
DSMRI - Chapter 4 Discussion

I’m going to post this in the other groups main thread as well so there will be no confusion. I think this is not just a good way to keep the threads straight, but will prove necessary as the number of threads grow. I also highly suggest capitalizing the group moniker so as to make a quick eye scan more productive.

Danke :slight_smile:

~ Namaste ~

===== EDIT =====
One last thing, I think people who continue to post solo posts in here should not be held to this. This should make it easy to distinguish things that people just want to share vs a group discussion.
Thanks :slight_smile:
===== /EDIT =====

Could ours be group 1 or something easy?

lol - haha, why not? I think “GROUP1” would be lolz :smiley: I’m not really picky, if everybody else is cool with it, then I am too, but if somebody wants something else, I would be cool with that as well. shrugs as long as it’s not “FECES” I’m good :stuck_out_tongue:
Might even want to go with “NECRO” since you’re the one who started it.

Nazi bitches. Everyone good with this? Lol

hah, yeeeah right :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t think that’ll go over too well. It might seriously cripple the recruiting process :smiley: heh, oh man. Even though I don’t subscribe to that paradigm, it did make me chuckle a bit. I’m not racist, but I can appreciate a good racial joke. That’s how broken I am. Ever notice that some of the worst racial jokes made toward a specific group is usually told by a comedian from that group? I think that shows a decent level of maturity in comedy though.
At any rate - I’m getting distracted here. Focus!
But yeah, I’m good with whatever as long as it’s not going to offend anyone :slight_smile:
I’m going to go get some ritual on though - see everybody tomorrow. I’d be interested to see what everyone thinks and/or comes up with.

~ Namaste ~

I haven’t gotten the book of Azazel…yet however I did a skrying of this undertaking and the results were facinating.

Images of death, decay, darkness. Then Death, decay, and darkness lifting like a veil revealing truth, inspiration, and knowledge. Illusions of mortal entropy being lifted to reveal immortal and sacred essences of the microcosm and macrocosm that elevates and breaks the ties that bind. Liberty from all inertia that holds to the physical. A synergy of perspectives revealing the correct path in a fork in the road, and a series of omens leading to the end of destiny and the beginning of eternity. Pertaining to the omens I got images of a laughing child bringing immense joy to a sad old man. A person meditating by a waterfall. And a crow being chased away only to keep returning.

Mostly quite obvious stuff really when I read it now, but the visions were powerful and seemed to reveal great success and awakening to be had if initial illusions can be overcome and unity is maintained.

Good luck all!

[quote=“necromaster, post:1, topic:249”]It seems there has been a few disputes over this group for studying the book of azazel. I believe it would be best if there was a group so I volunteer to lead it. The group will discuss chapters and will change chapters every two weeks unless otherwise noted, perhaps we simply cant figure it out in two weeks or we have already figured it out after a few days. The group will be run by those who are in it, everyone will vote for what entity we will evoke and what chapter will be discussed. If everyone agrees with me being leader then so be it, if not then I will allow kitari, DKM, or bran to lead it.

I hope to start this within the next week.[/quote]

Go for it, dude.

heh, looks like you’re the moderator over the entire board now. Right on man. There’s still going to be multiple groups though right? I think that’s the correct approach.

I don’t really know about the other group. I’m only worried about this one really… I’m sure others will make groups though.

It seems that the other group isn’t going to be afterall, and Azazm appears to have deleted both his accounts. So I don’t think there will be more than this group. Either way, since this group is a democracy I don’t see any reason for more than this group. Not at first anyway.

BTW, will we evoke the entity on the same day (same hour even?), and will there be a specific purpose in mind, as a sort of long-distance covern evocation, or will we just evoke the entity at our own leisure and with our own individual purposes in mind?

Individual purposes and at the time the individual chooses.
