A need for tinfoil hat - franz bardon system misadventures

(buckle up for a long messy post full of everything and get some popcorn or tea if you like)

Last year when i started practising Franz Bardons first book i started to hear other spirits and ghosts more frequently and clearly in my head and sometimes when i was thinking something to myself in my mind they commented on it and some were even mean and rude and told me to shut up like they were annoyoed of my thougts. :smiley:

Does it mean that other spirits and ghosts always hear what we are thinking?

Are there any ways to prevent them from getting into your head and knowing every though you are having?

Do i like reached some level or frequency on which some spirits speak or something?

I heard that government uses things like mental mind powers to remote view stuff, mind reading and other mind influencing “technologies” for their purposes.

What can i do if i dont want every ghost, spirit or even person who has these powers to know what i am thinking or doing and how can i could keep my thoughts or intentions to myself, becouse last summer while practising bardons first book exercises i though to myself some stupid thing like: “i wish if there was or is more people who are like magicians near here and how cool would be to meet one and stuff”

and then i started to see and hear some random (maybe dead?) people and one man (i think) said to me in a sarcastically voice - “GOOD LUCK”.

And shortly after in my home got some freakish entity which at first manipulated my dream and took shape of my boyfriend and when it touched me in dream it felt like a real physical touch and then i woke up in my room and that fucking scary “harry potter like dementor” IT was standing in my fucking bathroom “washing his fucking hands” pretending it was my boyfriend coming back from work and when it ended “washing his hands” it crawled from the ceiling to my room and for a moment i thought to myself: “you know this time i am going to be brave and not going to be afraid and see what happens”

from my big huuuuuge foolishness and naiveness and stupidity i kind of “letted it touched me” and in that fucking moment it suddenly jumped in my body and for the first time in my life i think i got possesed becouse all i was seeing was complete chaos spinning darkness and i felt like i was dying or dead already and that i was not in control, and i started praying for it to end

it eventually it ended and i got into my normal conciousness again, but i will never forget this experience in my life. In the same last year i had the most freakish and scary paranormal experiences ever (like the story which i previously poster here) with shapeshifting black shape, fiery red eyes being who also pretended to be my “boyfriend” and tricked me into kissing him

soon after it tried to electrocute me to my death with his fingers touching my spine, but i somehow got strenght from God or my higher self and managed to push the being from my body and it rolled few metters away from me to the ground and looked even suprised that i resisted him.

Then not long after i got a “visit” from some dark being whos vibes trembles my whole being when it shows up and it always growls at me like it wants to kill me or scare me with his vibrations to my death, but i somehow manage to “wake up” from it and this being follows me from my very childhood to adulthood and i don’t fucking undertsand what it wants from me (my soul maybe?)

I don’t want after my death this being to come to me and devour my soul or make me his servant or something. I am afraid that i might have done something wrong in past life or done some contract with some being before i was born and that is why it follows me all my life.

What can i do to protect and save my soul from it?

And why i get so strong effects on magick when i don’t even try hard or practise much at all?

I havent practised any magick from last summer “missadventures” and i still hear and see spirits and dead people from time to time, especially when my mind is relaxed or i try to fall asleep. And i know that i am not hallucinating, becouse those spirits almost always make random comments to me about things or me and i hear them in my mind with their voice and their foreign language (i live in foreign country).

Sometimes when i think random thoughts about like ancient egypt or similar i get weird words and names and impressions which i think i most definately imagined, but when sometimes i try to “test information” and search what it means in google not expecting nothing it shows that it is an ancient egypt mans name or old babylonian or sumerian god or demons name, which i never seen, read or heard before, becouse i haven’t done much reasearch into magick yet.

And i don’t understand where from all this information comes to me and why? Anyone else have simmilar experiences?

For a moment i really though that maybe Franz Bardons magickal works and system is cursed by the “black magicians of the F.O.G.C. lodge” or something in which he wrote in his book Frabato the Magician.

Becouse in there is written that they have cursed him with everything that they can. So i though that MAYBE magicians like me who study bardons workings are more “in view” of these negative beings or black magicians who have maybe even passed away by now.

And people like me are like being “hunted” by those negative beings to stop us from developing our powers without the help and deals with dark entities, so no one could reach high level of magickal powers by themselves if they haven’t made pact with the “devils” or like are a part of some magickal lodges or something.

Can it be truth that those beings try to prevent us from getting higher powers by ourselves without makind deals with them or something?

Becouse i searched a bit and found out that some other people also had horrible and very scary experiences just from practising bardons first book and said that his works are cursed and “demonic”.

I don’t think his works are demonic, but i think that maybe his works are “watched over” by some beings that tries to scare people on purpose from getting those powers or reach very high level of developement.

I never had much practise in magick, but i always get the most intense results, so i though that maybe just maybe some beings see “potencial” in me and try to prevent me from going further.

Becouse after practising his sistem halfway i got beaten down so much and those beings even tried to turn my mind against me and tried me to think stupid and horrible things just so i could manifest them and make something bad happen.

How can i practise bardons system withouth this bullshit? Becouse i want to start and try again, but i don’t want those beings to hunt me and try to harm or posses me anymore.

I’m tired of this bullshit and dissapointed. It is fucking annoying that i can’t even feel safe in my home and room. Those spirits and beings are assholes.

Has anybody had simmilar or bad experiences from practising bardons works?

And not long time ago, last month i started to think again more frequently about starting magickal exercises again and stuff and one night before sleep (like always) started hearing random spirits talking, but a bit intensified and i heard someone calling my name, but i didn’t payed much attention to it and went to sleep and woke up with horrible pain and immediatly started feeling like my whole body was burning, got scared, becouse i didn’t understant what was happening, stood up and started walking towards doors but couldn’t walk or breath and felt like i was dying and lost my consciousness, fell to the ground and hit my head and face and was lying unconciouss for some time and remmember thinking that i don’t want to die yet.

After some minutes laying on the floor being unable to do anything i got my strenght back, got up and decided to go to the hospital (i live infront of it) and when i went there doctors made all sorts of tests, but could figure out what was wrong and why it happened.

I thought that it was very strange, that before it happened i was hearing spirits murmuring and calling my name and then boom this happened.

Which beings, sigils or other stuff could help to protect me from negative entities when i’m doing bardons or other magickal exercises and magickal works? If you know something preferibly simple, but very effective please share.

Thank you all for reading this long messy post. And thanks to those who will put the time to shine the light to me of what is happening and why and what can i do about it so i could practise magick again without fear and misfortunes like these and continue my magickal developement without any interuptions and beings trying to snatch me.


Proper paragraph breaks make your posts more inviting to read and get more responses. Members here deal with some dark energies and taboo concepts, but no-one likes the dread wall o’text!



Sorry. :frowning: I tried to decrease my post as much as i can, but i thought that all these things were important, so i don’t know which things i should have left behind or how i should edited my post differently. Well i hope at least few people will read this…

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I wasn’t asking you to make the post smaller, long posts are fine :+1: just throw in some paragraph breaks, I’ve done that for you because big long unbroken walls of text are very hard to read. :slight_smile:


Oh, Thank You! :heart_eyes::blush:

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Honestly, I would start banishing and grounding daily.

I’ve thought of going back to it myself, but if I were to have this type of experience, I would banish before and ground myself after. Any oddities and I would banish as needed.


I’ve never had such issues from Bardon’s work, but then, I’m pretty heavily shielded.

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When i did those magickal exercises i grounded daily as much as i can by walking barefoot on sand in the beach and imagining that ocean water takes all the negativity away and purificates me. But those horrible experiences still happened. Actually i started getting atacked intensily by spirits few years ago everyday after i went home from the beach, so i though that maybe some spirits where atached to me and didn’t like salt water or something. I was looking for any practical advice, exercise, maybe a sigil or something who could protect me and my aura.

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I would start banishing, then.

Star Ruby that shit.

Sorry, what?

I’ve been working with Bardons system for about… 10 or so months now, and never had any issues.

It sounds like you need to calm down a bit. These experiences are scary but they should no way control you.

Have you tried just taking a step back and not practicing at all, ignoring everything? If something comes around don’t even acknowledge it. There is so much anxiety in your post that its hard to read, honestly. If you continue to approach these working with anxiety and fear, you are only feeding the spirits or parasites that showed up. They love that stuff.

There is an energy strengthening exercise that I have given out to other members that has helped shield them against unwanted energies and attention. It is deceptively simple. Just take a few deep, full breaths and relax. Calm yourself down, slow down your mind, and picture your own aura flowing around you. Feel your energy flowing around you and within you. Once you can feel your internal and external energy youre ready. With each breath, each inhale, the energy field is going to draw in closer to you, solidifying more and more, becoming hard like a steel wall. Its getting stronger, and stronger. Nothing unwanted can get past. It is protecting you, shielding you from all unwanted things.

Find peace within the warm calm of your own energy and let go of the fear. Know that you have the power to protect yourself, and that your guardians are already working on the issue at hand. You just cant let fear get in the way. This is a way to build a strong barrier: a combination of mental and psychic energy and a concentrating of power around you. Repetitively.

When I feel particularly threatened, I go for fire as its my primary element. I draw upon the elemental energy and purpose it with my will, intent, and project it outward. I use it to burn away intent and deprogram the energy around me. I act in confidence, as I know I am building my power every single day with my exercises, meditations, and practices.

If you are not one for self protection, there are PLENTY of books on psychic self defense, and angelic magic for protection that can be bought on Amazon for pretty cheap. You can also use the search bar for protection spells and spirits for more results like this:


I have taken a long time to “calm down”. Almost a year i haven’t done absolutely nothing in magick, becouse i was scared of experience these atacs again. Now i feel that i’ve taken a long enough break and want to come back to magick and my developement in it, but i am still afraid that i could atract the attention of those negative beings once again.
Actually i wrote this post without anxiety and in kind of “lifted” mood, just hoping for someone to relate to my experiences or have anything simmilar happen to them and have some advice to share or something.
Unfortunately i am not the one for breathing and meditating exercises, becouse i have a condition that it makes me difficult to breathe and most time my breathing is very shallow and meditating always opens my third eye no matter what, then it starts pulsating and activates and shines, and all the astral realm “fauna and parasites” sees my third eye shining and comes to feast on my energy. That is why i feel hopeless and anxious, becouse simple things doesn’t help or sometimes even does more harm to me.
I want some spirit, angel or universal energy that i can call upon to protect me always.
I always ask for main four archangels help like Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel. Especially i call upon Michael when i am under attac and need extra strenght, but it doesn’t always work i think, becouse the more i resist the attacs the more intensily those beings attac me.
I was considering of tattoing archangel Michael sigil on my body just to have his protection always, but i am not sure if it is a good idea or it could really help.
Maybe there is some kabalistic formulas or gestures that i could use for protection or something…
Is there any form of protection that doesn’t fade over time and stays always with you?

Maybe a spell or a sigil to become invisible to all negative entities? Also could be a spell who makes you “physically invisible”, becouse i often attract unwanted attention from people who are bullies no mather how much i try to blend in into a crowd. Maybe my aura is really weak and that’s why i often atract negative and suffer.
Please give me any sigils, spirits or angel names or anything that could make me invisible to negative, shield, protect me and etc.

Oh hell no. As mentioned above, banish and cleanse, or kill them. I recommend learning how to ward and out up good protections. Make a circle around your whole house or block if you can. These parasites have no use, no validity, they are there to feed off the pain they cause - get rid of them, asap. It’s probably why they bother you after the salt water, it’s cleansing and they don’t want to be cleaned, so they’re punishing you. Not ok.
It sounds harsh to attack them and kill them, but it will sure make the others leave you in peace.

They can, but should be invited. Eavesdropping is just rude. Clear your space, put up protections, kill trespassers and stick thier heads on a spike as a warning to others. I’m not actually kidding. There’s zero reason you should to allow yourself to be messed with. They’ll go bully someone else.

it suddenly jumped in my body and for the first time in my life i think i got possesed becouse all i was seeing was complete chaos spinning darkness and i felt like i was dying or dead already and that i was not in control

Without more detail, I’d go with an attempt at forced possession. Since you didn’t get out of bed it didn’t get control, but it disrupted your own control. Kill this one first.

i had the most freakish and scary paranormal experiences ever (like the story which i previously poster here) with shapeshifting black shape, fiery red eyes being who also pretended to be my “boyfriend” and tricked me into kissing him

This is where you want to work on your sensitivity. They can’t fully replicate the energy signature and if you pay attention to your boyfriends ‘feel’ energetically, you’ll be able to compare them and feel something’s wrong.

I don’t want after my death this being to come to me and devour my soul or make me his servant or something.

You’ll be nowhere near it - it’s in the lower planes looking for food and you’ll no longer be food, and be remembering who you are and moving on with your plans

Sometimes when i think random thoughts about like ancient egypt or similar i get weird words and names and impressions … i try to “test information” and search what it means in google not expecting nothing it shows that it is an ancient egypt mans name or old babylonian or sumerian god or demons name, …
where from all this information comes to me and why? Anyone else have simmilar experiences?

This could be past life bleedthrough. Or you have attracted entities aligned to these ancient currents that are open to teaching you, maybe a bit of both.
You’re probably attracted enough notice that entities beneficial as well as harmful are vying for your attention.
Gleaning the wheat from the chaff if the thing. Once you’ve banished everything from your space, you could always invite back entities that have your highest good at heart and have a real conversation.

And people like me are like being “hunted” by those negative beings to stop us from developing our powers

They usually just want to feed, and they’re not smart about it, but this is possible. The getting weak could be due to vampiric activity.

The whole thing reminds me a lot of ‘shamanic sickness’, where you can get beset by entities and the only way to fix it is to improve your skills to overcome. That would mean you have the potential to be very powerful, and then this won’t really be an issue any more, as you’ll handle it.


As well as wards. Raise your vibrations and the lower entities will barely be able to even see you. Happy place and being in joy meditations are good for this.

If you are open to contacting entities in ritual, talk to Laeti’kohl, from the Book of Azazel by E A Koetting - she is a warrior queen that provided me with strong protections and weaponised thoughtforms way back when I started with black magik. She taught me how to create more. The thoughtforms live in your aura and intercept projectile and vampiric attacks.

You basically create an energy ball, use intention and more energy to “probram” it, and then set it to spin around you permanently. It feeds on the attacks making it stronger.

Her advice was to “make one every day for 30 days”.

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You dont have to use your breath, it is just a good focal point. Listen to some binaural beats instead to get you in a nice theta state and then do the energy exercise. It will strengthen your aura.

Honestly there is a lot of ‘I Cant’, ‘It wont work’, and “I’ve tried it” so far to every bodies suggestions. This is a sign that their attacks are working. Seals, sigils and gestures do not work without proper intent to power them. Spirits are not going to do all the work for you.

That is what parasites do. Any parasite. There are worms IRL that have hooks under their skin and burrow into you. If you try to remove them, they hook into you, causing pain.

If they are attacking, you attack back and keep it up until they leave. Then shield the fuck out your place.

You have already gave up too much of your power and your life to them. They have been feasting on you.

The key is consistency and commitment. Keep fighting the good fight and you will overcome, but you cannot be lazy with it. Try one convenient thing and then they come back. Oh it didn’t work. Its an endless cycle.

Take control instead, and step up to these negative beings. Be consistent with your practice and you will grow through this.

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Omg, thank you for your long and very informative response! :heart_eyes: I am very happy when people who are knowledgeable take time to respond to everything.

But are parasites able to possses humans? Or maybe it is some elemental beings or dead human souls vampires who didn’t found peace and want to toss my spirit away from my body and jump in it and reanimate it?

Becouse i have no explanation why the black shaped red eye shapeshifting entity tried to put his fingers in my back and electrocute me with his energy. Could it be that it tried to “deep frie” my astral matrix (the silver lining conection from spirit to body) that it could break it and i would die?

Please give some most effective wards, banishings and cleanses if there is something that you find very effective and has an extra kick.

And how can i kill those parasites and beings? Also i don’t want to anger them more so i’m not sure which method is better.

I got better with reckonizing parasites becouse they always shapeshifted into my boyfriend. Ones better and others worse and i knew that it wasn’t him. But that time with the black red eyed being it was freakishly believable to an extreme, and after what it did to me i don’t believe that it was just a parasite, becouse the beings energy was purely intensely red and i felt it when it first time touched me, i saw red sparkling energy. It was some demonic ir elemental being 100 proc with advanced abilities, not just a parasite. And i don’t know how to deal with that if its abilities far suprases the simple parasites.

And what are your thoughts about F.O.G.C lodge with 99 lodges and 99 members in each and etc… Have you heard about them? I am still thinking that it might be real and that some people would like to keep those real psychic powers to themselves and are scanning for people with potential and try to bring them down or ward them off to not to become to powerful. Becouse they get those powers with pacts with negative entities and those entities help them, but doesn’t give their services for free. And maybe those beings are not happy if you want to achieve mastery by yourself and try to kick you down.

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Thank you so much for your long and informative responses! :heart_eyes: I am very happy when people actually take time to respond and to comment every aspect.

But you know. That is the thing. That i think that that black shaped fiery red eyes being wasn’t just a parasite. I have been atacked by parasites many times, but it felt nothing like that. It felt something very different and much stronger. And its energy was intensely red and i felt it when it touched me first time, i saw a sparkling red colour and energy all around and it even was kind of (beautiful?) but it did it on purpose and when it came back second time it didn’t show me “sparkling red stars” but put his fingers in my spine and tried to electrocute me with his energy and when i tried to resist, he electrocuted me even harder, until i couldn’t handle it anymore and pushed it away from me with interference from above and my hand shooted blue beam and i got it off me. I think it is no parasite for sure. More like some elemental or demonic being.

And what are your thoughts about F.O.G.C lodge with 99 lodges around the world and 99 members in each and etc… Have you heard about them? I am still thinking that it might be real and that some people would like to keep those real psychic powers to themselves and are scanning for people with potential and try to bring them down or ward them off to not to become to powerful. Becouse they get those powers with pacts with negative entities and those entities help them, but doesn’t give their services for free. And maybe those beings are not happy if you want to achieve mastery by yourself and try to kick you down.

It depends on the parasite, but some can. I include human ghosts as ‘parasites’ when they are feeding off you energetically. The Chinese call them ‘hungry ghosts’. Most parasites, including ghosts, will attach to you, and can give you cravings that when you satisfy them, give them a hit, Some try to make you feel certain emotions that they then feed on.

Wards are drawn symbols or enchanted talismans that hold protective energy for a space.
A common ward is the pentagram, worn as a necklace - cleanse it in water, take it into circle and enchant it with the effect you want, in this case, maybe, “maintain a 9 meters wide circle of protection that unwanted beings may not enter”.
You can use any pendant actually. Or bracelet. Or charm bag with herbs, crystal and spices… etc etc

Here’s an example of wards made from pennies.

You can draw the protective symbol on the walls, or on paper and tape it to the walls.
You can go old fashioned and get iron horseshoes, and nail them open end up above the doorways.
I think there are books on wards that will have many more ideas. Your imagination is the limit.

I got better with reckonizing parasites becouse they always shapeshifted into my boyfriend.

Wait, always? Maybe it’s me, being a cynic, but that sounds suspicious. Is your bf doing anything occult that could be getting you in trouble?

And what are your thoughts about F.O.G.C lodge

I’m sorry, I don’t know much about any lodges, and take everything I read with a large pinch of salt anyway. Unless there’s an active group in your town and you have got on the radar for personal reasons, my feeling is, you are one of too many sensitives to attract that kind of attention from any group just yet.