A meditation for you all - meditation of Lucifer

Kendal, bro you beyond fucking rock my man. I really don’t think I can Coney as much gratitude as words on the forum possibly can. Legitman I owe 75% or higher of my magical practise/journey / inner transformation to the surreal post of which has molded this left hand path beginner and shaped into something tangible and consistently practices a new lifesty obsession that doesn’t kill or harm my health firstly and on its own was worth my initial curiosity. But I can honestly say I know officially have recieved the results and benefits of apply magick to my life. After a year of dabbling , recent events have made me realize a great epiphany, And it’s officially 630 am. And this meditation was unreal, I did not understand the vast intensity that an invocation meditation could provide. Thank you for your shared knowledgeable posts because it was a huge factor in changing the life of a man (29) for the immeasurably more valuable well of knowledge I’m proud to hope to learn. Lace up bro! Thanks Rowencane Morningstar. ( Rory).


Good brother glad i can help if you need any help or guidance just pm me brother.


Ya bro, indeed I will, in fact I was trying to build up courage to ask with your blessing if i may evoke your Daemon chil Salayanus, I believe? I first would like to perform a working evockation system repeatedly until it’s second nature/ muscle memory. I am just recently aware of my accomplishment of attaining theta -Gamma sync . Actually this came with an experience I can only deem as Kundalini ignition. …I HOPE I’m not pontificating here but this is cool and i kinda need some validation if this in fact occured.
B4 I was able to get a proper source of information, this forum has always been my answer, solution, or inspiration that has been key to my practical application. Without understanding the potential life altering energies or even my own hidden potential , which in heinsight was probably so fitting that I connected with a spirit that was known for Kundalini short cuts. I’m speaking of the spirit Deggal. I had 2 amazing experiences , the latter being so intense , I still contemplate its actuality even now , but I know me, and am very familiar with sensations my body experiences due to my ex drug habit…this was very real, and without exaggerating , long story short, after my second sigil opening, I noticed I had a more than favorable day…so I then decide to do some binaural beat meditations, I believe sonic elevator one, within 6 minutes in to this , I notice, for real something unusual was happening my brain felt like it was expanding outside my skull, or my head grew into one of the cartoon brains thumping and growing, u ntil I gravity like force lifted my hands toward the ceiling , like a tractor beam, out of my controll, then a vibrational energy started to build all over, from my toes getting stronger moving up my megs to my spine, now at this point, I’m laughing because I know it’s Deggal doing something, due to my similar experiences opening his seal my arms flew to the cieling. But this time was different, the vibrations kept increasing consistently to an almost violent degree, right when I was like uh oh a burst of energy I can only describe as a full body orgasm×1000, caused my spine to arch so strongly, I was suspended from the crown of my scull to my tip toes, arched in a perfect U. I felt a presence and blue and red light in the form of a larger person reached into my chackras, and what felt light light switch flicks his hand I guess activated or re arranged a current I guess previously blocked. Like a chain saw I felt this current within me gain speed U ntill i swear dude , it felt like the top of my skull was gunna pop off. And right when I could bare no more, my headphones were ripped from my ears, bc my stationary tablet decided to go for a boomerang across my room a good 12 feet …the intensity faded but I felt like a new born , or newly free from the matrix and my eyes had never seen b4. Any ideas? In my youth I’m told if i threw a tantrum , shit would break, or mischieviously a toy would make its way out of the rec room to perfectly impale my brothers foot after he beat me up…telekinesis has always been a dream of mine, but no signs of any such since experience. ( kinda hoped lol). Anyway sorry for the notebook homie. Ttyl. Rors.


Thats great brother and of course you have my blessing.


Thanks brother, I’m not always this much of a flail show, I’ll gainmy composure eventually . E.z. homie . Have a good ones and i will contact you regarding my prep for evokation. Peace dawg


Beautiful I did a little cleansing of my house and then a Chakra cleanse - Loved Lucifers energy.


Just tried this in the imagination. There is a difference :). Thank you.


I tried many times but nothing happened
maybe someone can help me with some hints and tips?
Or I have problem with my sense?

just practice more if you’re new.

do this meditation

this will help as well as choosing a spirit to work regularly and practice with


by the way, have you succeed on invoking spirits?


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Hey! I’m pretty new at all this. Ive been wanting to dive in to a bunch of things but i see the basis is meditation. Every time i try i feel something but i don’t think I’m doing it right. could you give me some pointers? thanks!

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Keep riding the wave, dont hold on to one thought or sign in your mind, keep flowing. Tides rise and fall. Focus on the moment breath and let go, everything will fall in place.


It’s a lot to remember. Can I occasionally open my eyes, read the words and then close my eyes to visualize? Or will that mess things up?

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That’s an amazing story. I’d like to hear more, but don’t know how to PM anyone.

Of course sure

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Tap the photo of the person you intend to message and a small window will pop up by your keyboard or on your screen somewhere, this window will provide a number of options , but the blue “Message” bar will send a private message to whichever person’s phot you pick.:smiling_imp::wink:

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HEY @ccline1, I can feel your over -analytical mind set, and perception of what’s important in regards to gaining progress and growth.
From my experience I can honestly relate to what your feeling and thinking , especially if transitioning from an armchair theorist, to an actual practicing, dedicated sorceror.
SO much to learn, so little time! Lol , I commend you already for recognizing that meditation is a magicians #1 tool in magickal/spiritual growth.
NOW, all that being said, drop and and all notions of doubt towards yourself and learning. The more often you do , the more sensations/ visions/ focus building, whatever the copious amount of beneficial reasons that you set yourself towards . Know …just that, …even if you attempted what you perceive as the wrong way, it still brings you closer to discovering the right way , if you meditate often ( daily for me).
I also, after some kind suggestions from members on this forum I found an index of spiritual power meditations, ranking in category from beginner , intermediate, and then advanced ( www.joyofsatan.com). This provided me everything I needed to begin building a base of my magickal/ meditative state that ( your absolutely correct btw ), is required of anyone wishing to do any act of magick.
LASTLY, I can garuntee , you don’t know exactly the correct procedures of one single meditation let alone the utter infinite amount of created mediation teachings, so guess what, you don’t and should not in fact wonder or ponder the mechanics and semantics of how effective your execution of said meditation may or may not be, your taking energy and focus away from the working itself which could be a major factor holding you back from the next step…the next learning, so drop the part of your mind needing validation fro yourself or other’s and focus on the priorities listed ( or dont, forge your own way and apologize to no-one). Remember to get out of your own way, just do, just be, and what @mojosalad posted happens quickly . Before you can ask yourself about progress, epiphanies reach the summit of your consciousNess about said progress before you believe you could.:smiling_imp::smiling_imp::fire::fire::wink:


Rory_McLellan, I was explained from administration that I cannot PM anyone at this time, due to me being a newbie and all. I’m not interested in anyone doing rituals for me. I’d rather do them myself, since I’m walking my own path here. That’s why I use this forum, to soak up knowledge from experienced mages so that I have better success with my own rituals and workings.

I wanted to talk about your amazing experience working with Deggal. I’ve just started working with Him myself, last night in fact. I need His help with removing blockages, fixing my kundalini, and opening my senses. If you don’t mind, could you please PM me so we can talk more about this?


Hey @ShannonS101, please try to read the guidelines and rules of the forum…it firstly will save you emmense amounts of time and effort that is inevitable while using this forum.
I.E. I THINK I replied to 3, or at least two different users , with multiple topics being addressed.That beging said , I apologize for addressing everything except the topic you mentioned. ( Think it was 5 a.m. ish and i just finished my morning meditation/ working. Which adds to my pontificating rambles on some poor thread here on balg.
So the reply I wrote was not meant for you… ( pleas3 forgive my technical illiteracy , My only platform is a dated tablet, so even on my best day I can be confusing if excited…lol. Anyway yes ofcoarse you may contact me , and anything you need explained or would like to inquire I would love to help.
I will tag your profile in a new thread so it’s just you and i chatting. Ya dig?

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