A little unclear on method re Book of Azazel

So I’ve read the book of Azazel through a few times and I’m a little unclear on the procedure.

Is it the procedure that one has to:
1). Do the gateway of pacts
2). Do the gateway process for the specific category (ie house of Anatel etc)
3). Then engage with the chosen entity

Or is the gateway of pacts intended to sit as a separate process as opposed to being a ritual step prior to the gateway for the grouping that one is intending to draw from?

I’ve also noted that in quite a few posts on this site, people refer to just using the sigil and name, without using any of the gateway procedures. Would like to hear from people who use this particular book on this subject.

I often just use sigil and name to engage with goetic types, so I don’t theoretically see an issue with the above. But I haven’t engaged with any of the entities from the book of Azazel as yet.

Thoughts and experiences welcome.

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You don’t have to use any of the gateways.

The gateways are sort of similar to the squares from EA’s other grimoire Kingdoms of Flame. They can enhance the working by bringing the energies of a particular House into the Temple, but they are not strictly necessary.

You will notice in the summoning rite included in the book that EA doesn’t actually mention having to use the gateways in any way.

Basically, the way EA describes their use, the gateways are to be hung on the walls at the cardinal points and the Circle of Pacts is what you would use as a summoning circle (you would either sit within it yourself, or use it like you would a triangle for the manifestation of the spirit you are calling (BALG’s Universal Circle is based on a variation of it).


I just use the sigils straight up.

I also made my own circle, painted on a single bedsheet cut into a circle, with the gateway of pacts on it surrounded by the Universal Circle’s outer design. I open this before I start if I’m doing a more ceremonial ritual as opposed to simple sigil work.


Ah, excellent. I could make a mini one then as there is nowhere available that I could make one large enough to sit in

Excellent, I simply dont have the physical space to make one big enough to sit in


Okay, thanks guys. I am almost all set and expect to proceed with my first usage of this book on Saturday night.
One more question. With the entities in the house of Anatel, is it advisable to only engage a single enemy with the ritual, or is it all good to include multiple targets (all in relation to the same matter and all well known to each other, so they are connected).
Ie, would there be a diffusion of effect if I went with multiple? Or am I safer to do them one at a time with rituals spaced quite some time apart?

In my opinion, you can target them as a group.

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Ok, I completed the ritual about half an hour ago. Used Dra’Talon’s sigil and name. Strong and quite cold energy came into the room within maybe five minutes or so of opening the sigil and chanting the name.
I issued the request.
I don’t know if the mission was accepted or not of course (my lack of clair audience can be a problem with this sort of thing)


Always assume it was. In my experience, spirits generally will not decline an assignment. You are speaking with divine authority and are not to be denied.


Excellent, many thanks. Now its time to exercise quite a bit of patience if what most say of Dra’Talon’s timing is correct