A Good Q&A With Astaroth

Q: Why demons help magicians to kill? Isn’t life sacred?

A: When we’re working with a magician, they offer something to us and we help them to make their will be done, life is immortal, so we don’t see material existence like you see, we have less restrictions for killing, you see? Also we don’t kill unfairly just bc the magician want, at least not me. Per exemple, i wouldn’t kill a girl that the magician couldn’t fuck and now is trying to get revenge, but if you’re talking about a female aggressor, a raper or a parasite, you’re talking to the right person.

Q: How can you help my love life?

A: That guy you’re in love is an asshole, i don’t like him, just not my type, but i’ll help you anyway. Become a natural and interesting person, don’t beg for love. He’ll come. There’s already a lot of demons working for it, i’ll take a look on this later and see if i can/should do something, honey.

Q: Some people relate problems working with goetic spirits, even involving death, what you can comment about it in a general and personal way?

A: Equality, if the magician thinks he’s superior or inferior than us, he’s fucked. In the first case, we are going to show him a lesson (we were gods in the past, people killed thousand of animals to sacrifice to us just to beg for rain, do you really think we are going to be alright with some jerk that read something about goetia on the internet insulting us?) and in the second case, if someone bow down to us, we vampirize than, intentionally or not, its our nature, the nature of those who know they are god.

Q: Would you like me to help writing a tale?

A: I’d love to, lets make together a sexy badass character based on me.

Q: How’s your relationship with Lucifer?

A: Oh, he’s lovely, i think i flirted with him in some imperial party at hell. When he talked to me about you, i knew that you’d be a cool boy to work, he always show me very interesting people. I admire him a lot, its not easy to do the things he does, thats why he’s so respected in our community.

Me: thanks, astaroth, i really liked to meet you.
Astaroth: Oh, i liked it too, bye.

Than i closed the evocation but still felt her there, watching me, so i did the banishing ritual and heard a voice saying “smart boy” and stopped feeling her.