A Bit of Irony

I have been musing the last few days (scary I know) about how ironic it is that a forum and Intellectual Property whose mission statement is to liberate the practitioner and help them achieve godhood, bans people for breaking rules. How many people on this forum follow Lucifer or Satan or some other Adversarial Entity that tells them to break the rules, beak social order, liberate yourself from other peoples rules, and then have to follow rule set just to communicate with others. Maybe getting banned from the forum is like a graduation day?

** This is not a criticism of the forum or the moderators, just a personal amusement. I fully understand why you need Order in Chaos. **


Some rules are NOT meant to be broken.

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Why government arrests people for breaking the laws ?

people who try to open multiple accounts, sell services by PMing members gets banned


The government doesn’t make money telling you to be an awaken God and to break off the shackles of society…



Why not quote my entire post where I said I wasn’t criticizing the forum and I understood why the rules are in place?

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You could ask the banned people about that, I guess.

Seriously, it takes a lot before receiving a ban. Usually it involves messy situations like threats directed at members or pissing on stuff like intellectual property (aka pretending that you’re the author of XY when you are clearly not) again and again. And since the forum still runs under the laws of the forums original country (this forum is NOT a legal blank!) rules are needed to prevent a wild west style that would lead to the forums shut down sooner or later. This forum is open for everyone and its also easy to find via searching engines. It is not a private discord.
I am also sure that its in the interest of the forums name giver that this forum doesn’t turn into a weird place (at least not weirder as it already is).


What difference does it make? She’ll be able to see the whole original post anyway.


Just looks like a selected edit of only a negative statement for the purpose of calling it out instead of showing my entire thought, which puts the message out of context. But as you said, it doesn’t matter. Thanks!


I don’t do negativity here…I just don’t have the time or energy to cause any issues.

As far as the irony of the forum, I know we’re here for a purpose but at the same time, there are still rules that need to be followed, as far as the forum goes.

It’s kind of akin to going to someone’s home. Good friend pushes you to be the best you, teaches you how to achieve Godhood and whatnot. They may invite you to come over, spend time and chop it up with your friends, but they have rules. Don’t swear, don’t disrespect each other, etc in my home or else you can’t come here anymore.

May be a simple example, but you get the idea…


The matter is pretty simple. Rules were brought in because some people, especially with the anonymity of the internet, can’t behave like grown ups.

I’ve been on this forum almost since the beginning, and when I joined, there were no direct rules in place, but there was an expectation of adult discussion. However, as more people joined, that expectation proved to be a fantasy because, regardless of one’s magical prowess, some folks simply behave like toddlers when it’s nap time.

As it says in the rules post itself:

The irony is not rules on the forum. The irony is supposed black magicians, who seek to be gods, acting like children because they can’t handle disagreements like a mature person, and forcing rules to be brought in.


Ah I see, so it did start with the mindset of freedom and no overall rule set. That is what I would expect. I see no irony in black magicians acting like children, selfish, greed, ambition, massive ego’s, sounds about right to me.

A lot of people have responded here and to me directly explaining why there are rules, I already stated that I understood why there are rules, but that doesn’t negate the irony of it all. I also never said there shouldn’t be rules, that is something people are assuming just because I find it humorous that there are rules. Now, someone pointed out that there are overall laws that must be followed by the administrators, I understand that, we exist in a macrocosm of rules and laws. I just think of the statement “You can be a rebel as long as you follow our rules” and that is why I laughed and found it amusing.

Thanks for your insight DarkestKnight.


You’re right!

We should totally allow people to threaten others (remember that while on most forums “what’re you going to do, capslock me to death?” is a JOKE, on here, magick works at a distance, so a threat can be genuinely intimidating, and harmful even if not followed-through), something with added spice since this IS, after all, a black magick forum where death curses can be freely discussed. :smiley:

And also, I realise having actual conversations is dull, we should permit anyone who wants to, to spam the forum beyond useability so the entire index page looks like a big billboard for unknown randoms, and abandon all attempts to encourage people to be civil, because i bet that will lead to some quality conversations in-depth about spirituality, when “FUCK YOU LOSER” is the default for someone who has no reply…

What the fuck were we thinking having rules?!

@Timothy? @E.A?!



Palm! :laughing:

Okay serious answer: as @DarkestKnight says, up to April 2014 this forum was behind a registration wall, not open to all as it is now, and it was barely moderated, the only time you’d see moderation would be if someone was threatening others, then the admins jumped on that quickfast.

It worked for a while, it was pretty comfy, but then as soon as we had one main person who was trying to spam, and aggressively derailing stuff (just one, mark you) the forum rapidly became unusable, it was like that sucked all the air out of the place, and ALL other conversations kind of ground to a halt (or got derailed, usually with stuff relevant to this problem-guy) and it was touch-and-go.

The admins brought in structure, moderation and rules, and while I miss the old wild west days, for a forum this scale, there is just no way we could dispense with the rules we have, which are anyway kept as close to minimal as possible.

All rules beyond that original thing of stopping spam and aggression have been in response to a genuine problem we either encountered often enough to need a rule (like the 90-day probation before free readings, which is long enough to keep people who have been banned for harassment, from offering readings to get into their taregt’s PMs again), or because of wider internet trends (the no-politics rule, which the admins felt was necessary).

If you want to pick out any rule and ask why it’s there, I can tell you. :man_shrugging:

Imageboards are lightly moderated (only for truly illegal shit) BUT, people don’t use names and personae on those, so there’s no comparison: pretty much everywhere else is moderated alongs lines that have made sense to their own admins and so on.

But removing rules opens exploits that would end this being a forum where people can discuss any manner of magick without worrying about harassment, or finding anything worth reading in an ocean of spam, and therefore, although it may seem contradictory, having the rules we have grants more freedom to express oneself.


I see irony in terms of moralizing, but what do I know.

I think this is ideal, but with more moderation. I used to be that “we need absolute free speech” type, and while I agree with that, that doesn’t mean let people have free reign lmao. I watched a lot of groups that used to be fun and playful turn into legitimately racist and unfunny places. All under the guise of freedom of speech. So I guess this post is saying thanks for moderating?

We don’t allow any identity politics on here, which removes the temptation for people to make someone’s race, or other demographic factors, a cause for aggression, mockery, special pleading, or creating factions. :woman_shrugging:

You’re welcome. :smiley:


I love the responses here.

I get it though. It allows freedom, however nothing that would take from the enjoyment of someone else’s time on the forum. Its understandable.


Bones are meant to be broken and Seth is a close friend of Atum. Follow Satan-Seth and end up fucked in the ass or becoming a devotee of who is the Father of Light.

Satan-Seth was a player in a game changing heaven and hell (stupid christian words). Seth did not prevail and bowed again to Atum. They have “cleansing work” with each other but they reconstruct the order because Seth never was against the creation, only against the order.

Nether Kemet was Seth’s playground, Upper Kemet Atum’s part in the first civilisation. Through the ages everything became the opposite of obviously but the cases are meant to be cleared and given on to the desk of Atum.

This Forum lacks of political context!
The Magick of the Gods is predominantly political!

All the best for you,


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Oh come on, I’ll say it again, I never said there shouldn’t be any rules, only that I found it ironic that there were rules. I even said that I understand needing Order in Chaos, all in my original post. Why do people keep claiming I am calling for anarchy. Anyways that was fairly funny response. Thanks for the response!


You’re welcome. :smiley:


You’re being a bit overdramatic. It works on 4chin and reddit but this would require more mods to police the spammers.

I agree some rules are necessary to keep a forum going.

I was a member during during the 2014 -2016 era. And I have to say something has dramatically changed here. It’s a bit stuffy. I don’t know if it’s because the good posters lost interest in this forum and went to fb or they got ran off for being too aggressive. I actually miss the days of “fuck you ellison and sevarn” because you could speak your mind and not get your thread locked.