72 demons by baal kadmon, is it really this easy?

In this book all u do is reaad psalm and offer meat or egg to the goetics without sigils , think about your desire , call them and ask for things and done.

Im a lil skeptic of his method, say that u ask Belial for something big , a King known to ask for big offerings for big things , will he really help just offering him a egg or meat? This could work for really small things but i doubt for big changes this method is enough? Anyone who has used this book can u please share your experience with it ?

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You don’t need the offering, but the trick is in how you yourself feel and where your mind in during the ritual. You can’t just go through the motions, do need to put your full attention and intention into imagining the result you want as if it’s here now, or on it’s way, until you feel confident it’s happening.

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so whatever the method is, all that matters is concentration and visualization? offerings dont matter one bit at all ? or for this system they dont ?

I don’t have this book, but this is the very basic of magick, you can take it further if you treat the entity as an actual being and develop a relationship with it, build your skills to be able to communicate and I think that’s where the offerings come in for me: as a way to be polite, say “thank you” and focus your energy of granitite towards the entity, and get better and better results the more you work with that entity.


He says if u dont make the offering they will take it from you in other ways regardless . Now i always offered to those Likes of Lucifer, Belial, not because of fear, cause this is only book where im reading this that they will take it from you in other ways but because i like them and want to strengthen my connection. Maybe same applies to rest.

Maybe but I don’t think it’s that simple. They may do it with the idea that you’re interesting and they want to invest in the relationship, or they don’t do it at all, for some the very fact that you are working on yourself seriously is what they want. The BEST offering, imo, is your attention filled with gratitude: you are giving your personal qi, and that’s HUGE. Who cares about a sterile egg bought cold from the grocery store when you can really connect and give something personal and valuable with more energy in it?

But again I have not read the man’s words here for myself so I could be misunderstanding what he means.

I would say, be careful if an entity takes something you don’t want them to. That’s unhealthy, boundary breaking and the mark of an entity that may not be worth your time. Make sure you do set boundaries and then follow through with consequences if they are broken, usually dropping working with that entity, since there are so many more, there’s no need to put up with abuse. After that fair exchange is no robbery, and respect yourself and the entity and you’re on your way.


Basically he said this as a warning that if bad things start happening to u then dont complain cause u didnt give offering i suppose.

Yes indeed this should be the way to deal with such entities. Thanks a lot for detailed reply :pray:

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The demonolatry sigil opening and enn chanting method is pretty simple.

I have his demon course and he offers a little more elaborate method, which is still short. You call on Samael and Lilith and visualize the demons name in hebrew and then disappearing an abracadabra pyramid…and offer something like meat, liquor, or an egg.

His method of summoning in all of his books is basically place an image of the spirit with a candle on one side and incense on the other, with an offering in front of it.

Perhaps the book Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield will explain a lot more and give you more confidence in the ritual because it is more elaborate yet simple & as an offering you can offer praise, sacrifice a habit, or simply experience something like eating a steak or dessert.

Yes, this is the method i use most of the time, however i still meditate clear my mind for a good minute and do the ritual basically its still feels like im putting effort so i dont doubt that i did enough in the end. But his method is even simplified further hence the question. I dont doubt that it doesn’t work its just that i feel for big changes maybe its a little too simple but i could be wrong. I will check DOM soon.

I see, nothing like that in this book or maybe i missed that part. have to reread again

yes i will be getting it soon. Thanks

I meant in almost all his other books, that’s his style of reverence and summoning.

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