72 Angels of Magick - I'm confused about the source

I like very much Damon Brand books they work well so I could stop here and say to myself " use whatever works and that’s it" but here I have a problem. Damon Brand says that his source come from the Shorshei Ha-shemoth. How it is possible ? The Shorshei Ha-shemoth is not at all about the famous 72 angels as this is not traditional jewish mysticism but they come from later christian kabbalah. I dont say to no evoke these Angels - I use this magick myself - but I dont understand why Damon Brand speaks about this great jewish text who is about a whole different system. Here some explanations from a book quoted below ( with some modifications to give better understanding about what I try to explain):

The Shem Ha-Meforash, or the 72 Explicit Names of God, is a most important subject of Jewish Mysticism.Nowadays, Shem Ha-Meforash refers to the 72 Angels. However according to the most ancient source the Shem Ha-Meforash is not 72 Angels but a system composed of 72 sequences of three hebrew letters and it is said to have the power to overcome the laws of nature in all its forms. . Each letter of a Trinitarian root generates and nourishes 3 Angels by root, one Angel by letter that composes the name, which does not make 72 angels, but 72 x 3 = 216 Angels. These sequences act as a trigger for specific spiritual frequencies on the different states of consciousness that’s why great kabbalist like Abraham Aboulafia worked on these sequences to attain illumination.

To understand the true Shem Ha-Meforash you can read comments in your language ( if available) from the famous Shorshei Ha-Shemoth, the Root of Names, by Moses Zacuto, and the teachings of Rabbi Moshe Cordovero.

However I dont say that 72 Angels doesnt exist but from original tradition there is no 72 Angels as they come from later developments and influence from christian kabbalah.

For me Damon Brand has done a mistake if he quotes Shorshei Ha-Shemoth as source for his system of magick as it is a whole different things or I dont have understood something. So if you have any information or clarifications please let me know.


I think this would be better taken up between you and the author, to be honest.

And I’m sorry but self promotion is against the rules on this forum, reference removed.


Very interesting topic.

Having worked with the Shem Angels, my questions about their origin are endless.

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Sorry for the promotion who breaks forum rules it was just for reference about original text. I will try to contact the author.

I read a book but it say it’s letters but squares letters in Hebrew. But a note of a angel not 72 I tink less never work tat book.it no mention shemphoras but different thing

You are very right about this , after working with the “72 angels” for over a year I’ve realised a lot which is questionable. I’m even starting to think these entities are not Angels.

But these entities are created to jinx people . People think these angels work but they don’t . They actually take what you ask for . Example if you ask for a job , you will get invited to the company for an interview. But you will NEVER get the Job . Some guy actually wrote about them on this forum . But he was talking about the ANGELS of omnipotence . They work work the same

These are VERY POWERFUL entities , in-fact they are so powerful that they can shut down and close down an entire organisation. E.G , you ask for a job or contract from “Tech Group”. The entire company tech group will probably shut down due to some issues or worse they’ll tell you they are no longer hiring . Even if they posted 3 days ago that they need employees.

For some reason when you use the 72 angels magick to get a job at that specific company . You won’t get it .

this is a forum where people discuss things . And I find his/her comment very useful to me .

Why would you wanna take it down ?

@Enlighten_me This post is from May. The Mod removed a self promo bit from the OP, as self or third party promotion is not allowed per the forum rules. There is no need to use insults, either. Post edited for community etiquette reasons.

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