6th & 7th books of moses: a grimoire breakdown

I did not get it
How is that suppose to make me do magick
And btw i like your quick response to my questions. It makes meb feel like asking more

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I noticed! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey it’s okay, I’m waiting for a delivery, will answer while I can but might be busy soon, but other people might have suggestions for you as well soon, we’re in similar timezones and the American members will be on later.

To your question, what I am suggesting is:

1: find out if you are naturally gifted, using that Oracle Book, and perhaps getting other readings done;

2: find a mentor, a demon or spirit to tutor you in magick;

3: learn to increase personal magickal power by doing “energy work” exercises.

These will be the best route in my personal opinion to commanding this kind of miracle to occur.

I couldn’t make it work
Do a video of you doing an example

I have done it but explain this to me clearer
"Your love is mutual but endeavours will be made to cause dissension between you"

It means in short that you have some natural success with this, but that outside events or people will try to mess things up.

It’s harder to be more precise without knowing the subject of the question - for example was it about magickal suiccess or love.

I don’t do videos, sorry - I attempted to explain it in the photos linked from that tutorial, I’m not sure a video would allow me to do it more clearly, perhaps someone else will help here. :slight_smile:

If people will mess it up should i stop?

The reading suggests someone or something might try - if you’re the kind of person who gives up if there’s any opposition, then maybe you should reconsider, but really I see it as a warning that you may face opposition but to NOT let that out you off from stirivng for your goal.

Wow. :open_mouth:

hi sir!
please could you send me a translated copy of the book:‘sword of moses’? thank you

@joherb_theo this book appears to be out of copyright now, so i recommend pasting this into Google to find a downloadable version of the book:

“sword of moses” filetype:pdf


If anyone’s curious about a more updated application of some of these seals, some of the Gallery’s books put them to use, particularly Wealth Magick. The left- and right-side seals are to be placed on either side of a spirit’s seal, to allow for a stronger connection. The “left” actually goes on the right though, and the “right” on the left-side of the sigil. They also need to be rotated so that they are upright.

The “general citation of moses on all spirits” can also be used, along with the accompanying words of power, as a way to call forth demons without incorporating angels, though I would still suggest using some god-names to reinforce your power and authority.

I’d also suggest adding in a few reversed pentagrams to the sigil to help soften-up reality before the evocation, and depending on the demon you may also want to add a few other elements, such as various Divine names, or if the demon works under another, the ruling demon’s seal.

The “citation of leviathan” can also be used, in conjunction with the Angels of Omnipotence, to undergo a radical transformation which will pave the way for a wealthy life. See Wealth Magick for more details on this Omnipotence Transformation.

The book also contains a much simpler version of the sigil of Aniquel, who can grant you wealth and great honors, bestowing great renown, respect, and gentle awe. The book also contains words of power that are very effective for calling upon the spirit. Before I can suggest this spirit, however, Aniquel asked that I share this message:

“I do not work with peasants.”

This point was made rather firmly. Approach Aniquel as a peasant, and the spirit will not care to do much for you. Even if you do not yet possess much wealth, as long as you have the mindset of a ruler, Aniquel will work with you, though indeed the spirit works most effectively when you have the material power, that being money, to back-up your mindset. Aniquel can also help you to adopt this mindset, should you seek to acquire it.

Aniquel does not request an offering. To help you adopt the mindset of a ruler, however, the spirit did suggest partaking of fine wine and cheese on at least the final day of the working, as these are the delicacies of an emperor. I chose to make a toast to Aniquel, out of gratitude for the assistance in securing my throne.


though i have been given a number of suggestions here but tried to no success. I
need help on stopping entities be it spirits or djinn, voodoo pins causing piercing & pinching like pains in my body and hatred from people, bad luck. It is neither medical nor psychological condition as I have taken myself for check ups.

Good morning everyone! Last night I took my first crack at using the 6/7 Books of Moses.

Background: I’m currently in the middle of a very trying period of life: I’m in the middle of a divorce, expenses exceed income and the hours of my current job don’t permit me to work a second job.

Things are predictably going to get rougher over the next two weeks and I need some heavy duty magical intervention.

2 weeks ago I made two petitions to the God Helios using PGM IV. 1167-1226. The next day a series of synchronicities lead me to an online account of someone using the 6/7 Books of Moses. I interpreted this as a nudge from Helios so I acquire a copy and print out copies of the 12th Table of the Schemhamforasch and the Table of the Spirits of the Sun.

Fast forward to last night. Here’s what I did:

  1. I showered and dressed in all white
  2. I performed Leonardo Benites’ version of PGM IV. 2708-2784
  3. I fumigated my room with Frankincense and Hyssop
  4. I recited the 7 penitent Psalms.
  5. I called the spirits of the 12th Table. I used tarot cards to divine whether the spirit was present.
  6. Once confirmed, I moved on to call the spirits of the Table of the Sun and divined to confirm if they were present.
  7. Once confirmed I made my requests and asked if they would grant me what I was asking for. (The answer appeared to be ‘ask the Spirits of the Moon Table)
  8. I thanked the spirits and then recited the General Citation.

It was very straightforward. Much more than I expected. I will be doing this again tonight with the Table of the Moon.

Here is the “transcript” of the Q&A divination session:
Q. Spirits of the Schemhamforasch are you present?
A. 2 of Cups

Q. I intend to call the spirits of the Table of the Sun. Will you compel them for me?
A. 4 of Swords

Q. Spirits of the Table of the Sun are you present?
A. Queen of Wands

Q. Makes request Do you accept my request?
A. The Moon


Hi @shinri, according to the book, the purpose of the 6th seal is “to receive information or guidance through drams or visions, sleep with this talisman under the pillow.”

So are we supposed to print the 6th seal on a piece of paper, and put it under the pillow, ask God/the universe for information about something/someone, go to sleep, and then the answers should come through a dream?

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Hey, that sounds about right, yeah. Dreams and visions are best to let happen if/when they will, and not worry about it too much. If you try to force it you’ll likely just create something yourself, rather than letting a message arise on its own.

The thing with dreams too is that you’ll need to remember them in the morning, which can take some practice if you don’t normally recall your dreams. Thankfully, it’s actually pretty simple to start doing so - before going to sleep, while lying in bed, tell yourself that you will wake up tomorrow and remember your dreams, and intend to write them down or make an audio recording of them in the morning.

I’ve gone from recalling basically nothing, or perhaps some vague notions of what happened without any imagery, to recalling 3-4 dreams consistently every night, with much better imagery than before, after only a couple of days (and this was before I was doing magick).

Your results may vary somewhat, but I was pleasantly surprised at how effective the technique was. I’ve also noticed that my dreams have become more vivid as I’ve trained my magickal senses as well, which is interesting, and even more so after performing the Imagination ritual in Mystical Words of Power.

I’ve had divinatory dreams before, but the answers have never been incredibly clear or explicit, much more symbolic or allegorical and requiring contemplation. It’s probably something you get better at with practice though. I have also found that they were more related to my emotions at the time. The dream imagery tends to represent different situations in my life, and these situations are shown to me from a different perspective, or with imagery that conveys a deeper understanding of how I feel, and sometimes even how things could go should I make a certain choice.

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I emailed you a response to this post in December.

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Use the NBRP, Frater Osiris (Michael Snuffin’s) updated version of the LBRP. It works great for fending off attacks. the BRP is also great for conjuring the Kabbalist elemental angel hierarchy, if you need them.

Do the NBRP 4 times a day, starting at each quarter. Also, if you can, smudge your room before you begin. That should get rid of problems you 're having.

Finally, if you can, take epsom salt baths.

You worked the book the old school Hoodoo way. That’s a great way to work the grimoire. Good job and let us know how it worked out for you

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Hey there, @emperor. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any magical experience you may have. It is a rule of this forum, and required.


If this is @fool or @the_magician no need for intros, just shout me up here and I’ll restore all your old Trust Level. :+1: