5 Free Readings [Closed]

5 done. I’ll be doing the readings in some time

I would like to give a little feedback.

You were right, I hardly get a gift but last week my aunt who I haven’t seen for over 2 years and who still treats me like a child gave me 50 USD :dollar:
She did this when I was very young and visited her

This advice was and is being very useful and it arrived at the right time.
My ex is trying to contact me but i just ignored her :snake:

Thank you onion :hugs:

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I am late :eyes:


Welcome! ^^

A little bit, yes👀

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Your 1st Card, regarding your friendship: 6 of Swords in reverse

Your 2nd Card, general advice: Judgment

They both seem to be tied, so I will write what comes together.

With the 6 of Swords in reverse, this is a card of delay or stagnation imo. With what you’ve mentioned the card suggests waiting it out. There seems to be some anger and tension between a group of i’m seeing 3 people, and you alone, making it 4 people. The 6 on the card is written in roman numerals, and upside down the VI looks like IV to me.

What I mean is, it seems best to not poke the bear as th saying goes and wait till the fires die down. Usually it is best to wait for the situation and people involved to calm down and then talk it out, because in the heat of emotions one thing may lead to another and it’s a short cut to relationship threatening discussions and dialogues.

Wait, reflect on yourself and the situation, talk to them and get what they think happened and their perspective, and decide what to do next.

Coming on to the second card which is Judgment, I do feel that there may be a falling out. This might be the friend group (take this with a grain of salt though, tarot is guidance and in no way solid answers) you mentioned. But whatever and whoever this is about, there will be a “judgement”. A clarity that you receive which will help you take the next step. Over the next week, maybe. New beginnings, a fresh start. Drop the dead weight and go to the next destination. The imagery in this card has the sun too. The change and/or transition may feel a little heavy for the heart, but what must go will go.

@Fallen_Human @Silverleaf

I’ll be getting to your readings in some time, something came up.


No worries take your time.

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Card 1: What the future holds for you spiritually and financially.

  • 7 of Wands reversed

Card 2: What Azazel has in store for you.

  • 4 of Pentacles reversed, The Tower

Card 1:

The 7 of Wands reversed is a card of struggle, anxiety. When I scry into this card I see the ocean, but when it’s reversed it’s like the water coming down in a tsunami. Even though the cups are associated with emotions and water, I’m feeling this is very emotional in nature for this reading. I can’t feel anything that has to do with finances tbh, because it seems like it’ll be stable or be as it is right now. But there may be an emotional upheaval. Or a sense of stagnation you feel when you’re about to reach a point which you need to break through. A rose bush has thorns, and while plucking one you might prick your finger. An emotional block is also what I’m sensing, maybe you’re in an emotional turmoil rn. Not a sense of numbness, but more like too much happening at once. This may or may not be a test. Persevere.

Card 2:

Now this slightly contradicts the above reading. The 4 of Pentacles reversed shows a feeling of being trapped, and given the suit (which is Pentacles) it’s related to money. If you’re working with Azazel for improving your finances, then chances are he’s removing something that’s not suitable for you. Especially paired with the Tower card (I was a bit hesitant seeing it, but he told me to keep the card. There were many that flew out but he didn’t allow me to keep this one back in the deck). It’s not new to hear you start working with someone, Azazel in this case, and your life turns upside down. Expect major changes, and be prepared for them. It is known that you can’t prepare for absolutely everything, but a heads up is better than nothing. The Tower is a difficult period to go through, but what follows the Tower is the Star. Good luck with your working :muscle: This is all I’m getting.

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Your Card: 9 of Pentacles

Each card comes with a couplet in this deck. For this card it is:

“The great one will be the captain of the world.
No other will be more loved, proclaimed, or so feared.”

It does seem like you’ll get together, it is a good card. The man in this card is juggling something, but he’s very calm. So you may do a bunch of tasks together, or meet someone you like (if you haven’t already, or have the moment you’ve been thinking about/wishing for) when you’re busy or are quite literally, juggling things. Think a stack of boxes, or a shit ton of paper. There’s a sense of calm in this card as well, very harmonius tbh. Do one of you have a pet? I think I’m seeing a little doggo, or another pet. Very small and fluffy and cute.

This is all I’m getting.

Of a slot is available…

What’s currently holding me back the most? I feel so stuck right now.

Edit: I guess to get a bit more clarification I still feel stuck when trying to reach out to king paimon. I want to form a connection with him before branching out to other spirits but Im still feeling like I’m not doing something right.

Thanks a lot , no pet that i know i will keep my head up :two_hearts:

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Ah it’s closed rn, so I can’t do it.

Try this music:

And this meditation:

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No worries. I’ll try again next time. Also thank you for the meditations, I’ll give them a try when I have time.

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Thank you.

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Yes two of them are tied romantically,

Ive been doing that, but it’s funny something else occurred yesterday and at this point I solemnly swear I don’t give a fuck about them anymore.

That describes the whole situation :sleepy:

I’m willing to do this, I have tried reaching out on a few occasions but they turn me down one way or the other. If they reach out someday I’m willing to talk about it but I wouldn’t reach out to them anymore, I believe I have tried.

Yeahhhh right :slightly_smiling_face:

I have done this daily and to be honest it is up to them at this point…

Hmmm you’re really on point, it’s been tough since I resumed school this week and I really don’t know what going on with everything, and everyone anymore, although a part of me feels like this has to do with me being on the verge of breaking up with my girlfriend or maybe something or someone else entirely…I’ll wait it out…

I really appreciate you for taking the time out as always :kissing_heart: thanks a lot!

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Bruh I didn’t get a notification and I saw a (1) in the post title and went,“Hey, the title looks familiar” till I realised it was my post :skull: Sorry for the super late reply.

The numbness is very familiar. Personally, I’d prepare for an emotional breakthrough. It’s like a cup being filled to the brim. You got this :muscle::purple_heart:

Welcome! ^^

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5 questions only.

1 question for 1 person

I will not be held responsible for any decision taken based on the reading.

I’d appreciate anything that comes up for my parents or family in general.:slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve sent you a pm.

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