2 Questions about Santa Muerte

I am building an altar to Santa Muerte and had several questions. #1 The scythe on the Santa Muerte statue arrived broken and I wanted to know if it ok to attach it back with glue or is it disrespectful?

#2 Is it okay to dedicate the top shelf in my linen closet to her or does it have to be the whole closet? I have put my occult books on the next shelf under her altar.

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I think both of these are fine to do. It’s really more about the personal connection between you anyway :slight_smile:



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Fine. I don’t have much space in my home and have to hide my altar as I dont live alone . I use part of a bookshelf - the very top so nobody sees it. If you are sincere she will understand. Just be genuine and humble in your requests to her.

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Thankyou for sharing your experience and advice.

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Anytime. I’ve only been working with her for 6 months but she has really helped me in many ways. Especially to get through some tough situations. Good luck!

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Also to add - I’m sure she won’t mind if you glue it back. It’s your intentio that counts. I am in the UK and it’s impossible to find a statue here or prayer card or anything as I don’t think she is celebrated the same way as in more Catholic countries. So I printed out a picture from online and laminated it to make my own prayer card and use that on my altar. It hasn’t made a difference- she’s still helped me.

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Thankyou for your insight. My only fear is that she may get jealous because I want to build a separate altar to Lucifer. So I am worried but I will talk with her about it. I am glad she has helped you, that gives me hope she can too help me with somethings.


I don’t think she would. I have separate altars for some Saints and it seems fine. I don’t think it matters if you pray to other spirits. As long as you keep any promises you make to her.

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Ok, thankyou for your help. It is appreciated.

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