11:11 and King Paimon Sigil

So recently I’ve a constant reoccurrence situation where i usually checking my phone and the time is at 11.11 both am and pm constantly and yesterday in my dream, I have a vivid dream that i see King Paimon sigil all over that dream (maybe the effect of watching the trailer of Hereditary :joy:). So what does the 11.11 and vivid dream is all about? Is it a coincidence or a sign for something? If it’s a sign for something then what is it?. FYI I’ve never evoked any entity but have an intent to evoke Astaroth in the future.


Try to google the meaning of that or see it through numerology or something. Spirits often saw us signs like these. Actually, most of us here see signs (not just numbers). For example, I see the number 9 all the time and even though I know its meaning, I don’t know how exactly it fits into my life.

So, once you find what it means, you need to learn how it fits in your life and in what way.

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But how about my dream that represent the King Paimon sigil?

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Summon him and ask him about it.


There are numerous explanations available. I recently went through this. For the more immediate “time cycle” - 11:11 represents the integration of male and female energies.

Edit : Researching 11:11 that is.


So maybe you and the King huh wink wink :rofl:



Astaroth is really great, she has a great energy.

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I originally wanted to evoke Astaroth first? So evoke Astaroth first then King Paimon or King Paimon first then Astaroth?

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Yeah my friend also said so

wow! I’ve been having the 11:11 thing going on too for a long time! And it started before I learned of King Paimon and it continues to happen…plus vivid dreams.

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Same here 11:11 and 11:13 all over again. Plus a high pitched ringing vibration that I can’t believe nobody else can hear. And I’m blowing electronics up like crazy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


oh damn


Whatttttt!!! 11:13 in here too recently


What does this mean. Is this mean that King Paimon wanted me to evoke?


Really? That’s crazy! It’s all the time now literally everywhere. And the electronics I’ve always had issues with but mostly just a light bulb or a gfi blown - not like right now. I wonder what’s up.


Usually when I’ve experienced it before it was an indication I was on the right track and heading toward something big that would benefit me. So perhaps you should reach out to King Paimon- maybe that’s how he’s trying to get your attention .


I have had the 11:11 when working with him before. I stopped after our connection… lossend a bit.

Pro tip (worked for me) if you don’t know how to Evoke or want to start a connection constantly repeat his name in your head, it worked for me and mostly doing just that gave me a solid connection for about a year (I started getting lazy)


I actually know a bit on how to evoke. But I don’t want to risk on opening a portal in my house as I don’t want the risk of inviting parasite to my house as there is many children here. I’d do the evocation when I have my own space, far from my house.


Since you see King Paimon’s sigil, I suggest you to summon King Paimon first.