1 Card Pulls Oracle Deck [CLOSED]

may I get a general reading if you’re still doing it?


I would like a general reading too if there’s still slots.

Thank you :slight_smile:


Do I get one because Tiger is awesome?

I am doing the ones I haven’t done yesterday, but yes I will continue on the readings :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you ha ha, hopefully the lovely Mei is doing good today?

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A bit tired but I am doing good, as always !

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I was too late :slightly_frowning_face:


Great to hear ha ha! How’s weather I’m France? We got both snow and sun here ha ha!

Also, only question I have realistically is when the fuck will I develop a good sense of self belief/worth


Everything you do and think influences your world. Take a moment to reflect on what your intentions and actions are. Be more reserved, patient and tender, both with yourself and with those around you. Be ready foe the many opportunities coming to you. You are undergoing a deeper sacred journey, which is all about bringing a new purpose and a new energy into your life. Trust what is coming your way.

I am still doing them :stuck_out_tongue:


Do you have any question or just a general reading ?


Awesome, my question is who opened my senses one or two weeks ago? Is it me?


may i have one??

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You may benefit from reorganising things in your life. It might take some time, but it will be all worth it. You might want to work on a new routine, a new work environnement or your home, the more in control you are, the less anxiety you will get.
You have enough time to do it. Less distractions and more preparations.


when i will have financial freedom?? i mean when i wont hve to depend on my bank job for my living.

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Its cold right now :pensive: We had a big and nice sun last week, it is all gone though…

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You may need an emotionnal release from whatever is blocking you or your energy. Simplify your life. You do not need so many of the things that are cluttering up your space. Let go of what no longer serves you. You might want to do some cleaning at home or at work, cleansing and balancing yourself.


Can i get a general reading, please.if u are still doing them


I love this deck btw. It’s so calming😌


Same as one of the persons above.
I am just going to show that part of the guidebook though :stuck_out_tongue:

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