Become fearless & super confident

Hello! If there are any powerful incantation related to becoming fearless and make you very confident, can you please share them here? I want to try. It’s no problem if it is related to either angels or demons as long as it has no bad effects. Thanks.

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Belial or Archangel Michael can assist with this.

It might also help if we knew something more about what was making you afraid as fear manifests in many different ways from many different sources.

Don’t be afraid of negative repercussions us you have said in your opening post as that will affect the summoning of any entity you summon


Oh ok. It’s just I always get afraid. Like what if it goes wrong. My negative mindset. That’s why I want to remove it.

Your question is incorrectly formulated. I don’t know of any demon that truly possessed such power.
I tried. I’m not interested in theories or throwing names around.
Your question should be how to remove, control fear and this can only be achieved by the Grace of God.
The Infernal Empire is built on fear its greatest treasure, and demons have power over mankind, hold humans in iron grasp by this powers I was unable to find an effective incantation there.
There are countless fears, these are just a few.
fear of disease, suicide, disability, poverty, death, people, divine wrath, demons, loss of job, imprisonment, fear of water, fire, pain, loss of job, homelessness, hunger, rejection, madness, failure, eternal damnation.

I don’t know what it’s like to be super confident. This is something that has been developed over the years.
In my opinion, this is a process so difficult that it is like balancing on a razor’s edge and requires perfection in every aspect.
All you need to do is learn to control your fear, you won’t feel like you’re under the temporary influence of a destructive drug become like machine, but you’ll feel normal, and that’s usually enough, but everyone’s situation is different.

You don’t have to memorize long incantation its great but just listening is fine too.

I would like @E.A, @Xag_darklight, @C.Kendall, @Lux_Anguis to share their knowledge on this topic. I am very interested in their opinion


Oh ok. Thank you very much.

@Raizel Be confident by asserting your own divine authority. You are a divine being so treat a summoning as a discussion on equal terms. Remind yourself of that each time you do a summoning and keep your spiritual hygiene up to avoid unwanted parasites

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I called letana the angel of courage in the past.

I remember that the incantation temporarily blown out anxiety and the emotions of a heavy heart.

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Oh ok. Thanks.

Oh. Thanks for sharing. I will try.

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The only thing that helps to eliminate fears is to face them. Consciously. Voluntarily. Wanting to understand where their roots are. No entity will help to remove them. Magic doesn’t work if there’s a lot of self-deception and unwillingness to work underneath. Seek self-knowledge more than an entity to work with. When you want to grow, reality automatically supports you. Escapism is dangerous.


Ok. Thanks for the advice. :pensive:

I am sorry if I made you sad. Possibly you need a safe place first. You cannot face any fears if you don’t feel safe in your environment.
If you have toxic people around, get rid of them and find social support

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No. It’s ok. I understand. :heart:

I think demons can help with this. This is my personal experience at least but they do this by making you face your fears head on so you can see you never really needed to fear them in the first place. I noticed I suddenly understood the subconscious little thoughts I had that drove my fears and I had to decide whether I was going to keep those or not. They dig up all the stuff you don’t want to face and put it in front of you where you have to face it. It’s not fun at first but 1000% worth it.


Me personally on my own expirience there is no such think as to put entitys or a group thereoff into a generalized box of static kind of beingness.

There are for sure characteristics in power and gaining power and bestowing power that is very much so differentiated between the more darker or lighter type of beings out there that you will resonate with it more and by some less.

The think is if you ask a demon to make you couragious and confident he will give it to you, IN A WAY, that will most likely result by you facing the darker and unrecognized aspect about yourself that makes you insecure in the first place that will be very much so destructive in nature, it can be anxietys, fears, traumas that happened to you that are casuing these type of underlying blocking emotions to apear and nag on your selfconfidence.

And instead of supressing them by completely turning to the light and banishing them they will want you to express them face them integrate them embody them, so they will become councious to you and thus a managable tool of usage for your own empowerment in certain situations.You will no longer be uncounciously controled by them and so thus you can with time build a healthy sense of Selfconfidence up.

Of course one feels like demons feed on fear and are causing it, when you are calling on them for these kinds of purposes and suprise suprise they work theyre think and you dont understand what is happening, of course they will take advantage of that as long you dont understand and willingly stay in ignorance and are not open to receive theyre guidance and stuck in pre conceived notions of them.

The lighter aspects strives/works in a similar fashion but theyre conclusion of healing is mostly not focused on power or control or selfdeification/individuality but unity and acceptance for the most part hence there is most likely less a catalytic aspect to it that usualy darker beings have to challenge and harden/refine the adamas ater in the dark initiate.


Can you tell me some incantations to invoke them pls?

It depends on who you’re wanting to work with. For general shadow work on your fears you could start with Lucifer (if you’re just starting down this path I’d start with him) or Azazel. There are YouTube videos you can look up that repeat their enns you can use.

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Hey Raizel, and everyone here.
In fact, this is my #1 interest as it is the only reason I have not met enough girls in my life. I now approach daily and am struggling with the hottest girls. Should I just pray to Archangel Michael each evening before sleeping to give me more energy / confidence?

Tomorrow I will approach 10-20 more girls, but it takes a lot of energy and I want to do it on a whim.
Thank you.

You could try chanting this daily:


Thanks for the incantation. I also try.