This is crazy let me explain.
Okay about a few months ago i was working through Kurtis Josephs book titled
" Black Magick Of Ahriman ".
In the tome i evoked Zohak also known as Azi Dahaka, he was the first man to become dark god through the rays of the black sun, now here is where it gets crazy i evoked him and gained some advice for working with Kunda Yoga.
I then forgot about the evocation, then my life went to bits, it came crashing all the way down. My drug addict half sister hated me and i refused to let her near my daughter because of her destructive drug out bursts.
As revenge she made a false allegation that i raped her, she then went to my half brother and told him to say i raped him to, this ended up with me being in a cell for 14 hours.
I had to go on bail and was under investigation, the police stopped me from seeing my daughter, recently the case has closed and the detectives understood the accusations to be ridiculous and false.
So now i’m off bail and i got my daughter and life is now fine. This went on for months and it was painful now tonight while i was drunk i was walking through an alley.
I was drunk repeating Zohak’s name in my head over and over visualizing his sigil, this was just drunken behavior, then bang reinforced winds, thunder lightning and rain started over and over again.
Why is that strange because Zohak is the storm fiend and i re read the BMOA tome here is Zohaks description about his storm aspect it says.
" As the storm fiend he will tear your life as it is now to complete shreds. Stand firm for after the storm clears, he will guide you in the process of building your own divine glory ".
The storm manifested physically in the sky as a sign that the police case and terrible stage in my life was his doing, that explains why after the physical storm i felt at peace.
Zohak ruined my life and because i stood firm and didn’t cower in defeat he rouse a storm in the sky to show me now is the process of rebuilding to a better version of me and of my life.
The storm was powerful, the terrible stage was strengthen but i’m still standing mother fucker and in the name of Zohak and Ahriman i will ascend higher and quicker than before.
Thank you Zohak and Ahriman.
Conner Kendall.